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Special report on refugees turning to prostitution right here in berlin we meet the young men involved their customers and the charities trying to help them. And for the first time in six decades football powerhouse italy will not be the next world cup they fail to beat underdogs weedman their qualifying playoff. Im brian thomas welcome to the show u. S. President donald trump is returning to washington after a twelve day tour of asia it has been a packed visit that took in japan south korea China Vietnam and the philippines in a moment ill be asking in analyst what he made of the tour first heres a look at the hits and the misses of the president s asian charm offensive. Donald trump may have written the art of the deal but the art of diplomacy hasnt always come easy so this was going to be an ambitious two by any measure he was there to rally u. S. Troops put it on. Confront pyongyangs provocations. North korea is a worldwide threat that requires worldwide action and do some deals. Trouble to bed to shore up the Pacific Alliance began in japan where debt platic traits of subtlety and nuance were in short supply. Not his host Prime Minister shinzo minded very much. The reception was always going to be frosty here in south korea trump has accused all of weakness in the face of the north. Yet trump speech to parliament eons confounded his critics. If you want peace you must stand strong at all times the world. At a big banquet the commander in chief had a diplomatic trick up his sleeve. Videos of his granddaughter singing in mandarin a surefire way to please his hosts trump had cause to celebrate as he later claimed president xi would up the sanctions against north korea and move to ally Foreign Companies access to the country. It was a casual some see cozy encounter with Vladimir Putin at his next summit that threatened to derail the grand tour. Trump was again dogged by questions of russian meddling in u. S. Democracy. He went off script sending a series of tweets attacking his critics. By the end of his odyssey he was getting used to the red carpet treatment even if it meant embracing filipino president rodriguez. A man accused of mass extrajudicial killings. This was turning to be entertained. And three. At the end of this final summit is chumps relationship with new friends that me reese concern among allies. Ok before we get some analysis us take a look at some of the other stories making the news at this hour u. S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson has held talks with me and mars leader Aung San Suu Kyi on the sidelines of the easy on summit tillerson flies to me in march tomorrow to discuss the revenger refugee crisis suchi is under pressure to take action more than six hundred thousand range of muslims have fled a military crackdown to neighboring bangladesh. And president s eldest son has released messages he exchanged with wiki leaks during and after the twenty sixteen Election Campaign now this after a media reports suggested down from june earlier a real liaised with the website which published leaked emails from Hillary Clinton during the campaign the messages have been turned over to a congressional inquiry into russias alleged involvement in the us election. Thousands of women have protested in brazil over moves in parliament to criminalize abortions without exception terminations are currently allowed in limited cases including rape and life threatened price and sees a total ban we need a majority in both houses to become more. Ok were back now with our top story the tour by President Trump and were joined by steve fish professor of Political Science at the university of california berkeley good morning to you steve if you rode our wrap up of the asia tour what would be your headline. Well it was another disaster i guess you could do it in two words. President trump statement about basically trusting putin once again more than his own his own bureaucrats and spy agencies but you cannot tweet or Twitter Exchange with kim jong un its out of competing and watching the world move on with the United States. These are not things that redound to the benefit of american interests obviously so id say its another time disaster ok the president has though pointed to a success the u. S. Has the economic interests in the region and the president underscored three hundred billion dollars and deals saw and now that sounds certainly very impressive sure i mean every president comes away with a bunch of billions of dollars if youll find thats just what saved parties conferences thats pretty normal anyone can walk away and brag about Something Like that the Bigger Picture is that the United States has pulled out of and is now being left out of the transfers if a partnership which is a disaster for american interests many people think politically as well as economically basically china is now the leader in asia and its becoming the leader in the world so United States is losing out if you if you decline America First the way come talks about it as being just a given you should an american put the world a certain. Ok what weve been looking closely at is as well the contradictions between the president s America First agenda and americas leadership in the region so has important allies and friends there has that carters diction a been resolved during this visit. Well its only been resolved if you consider. You know doing away with american influence in the world after getting American Leadership and undertaking economic policies that are terrible for the United States is putting America First the fact is compassed cold out of agreement hes retreating in asia in terms of American Leadership of influence but americans are certainly not going to see big benefits from that thats actually not going to be not going to be good for americans so lets you mean America First decline that is degrading american prestige and economic interests then its hard to say that that contradictions been resolved steve patients ever thanks very much for joining us from the University College junior in berkeley thanks very much steve. Its to iran now where the government has declared today a national day of mourning for the victims of sundays earthquake the deadly tremor hit a remote mountainous region on the border with iraq rain in media reporting rescue efforts came to an end during the night more than four hundred people are known to have been killed a number of thousand others have been injured. Amid the rubble the noise of vicars is broken by house of sadness. As rescue workers retreat the dead the briefs are left to grapple with homes and lives through and. In remote support also happened in the worst hit area buildings happiness joy with much of the town laid waste. The frantic search for the living is now turning into a recovery effort. For the injured survivors the towns only hospital is not an option. With only makeshift aid facilities and a shortage of vital supplies hundreds have been ferried halfway across the country to the capital to run. There was nothing where we came from no electricity no water. Im in a bad way i was in a hospital for eighteen hours. Across the border in iraq people are trying to return to normal. Bore the brunt of the damage here. The building was flattened by the earthquake the rubble collapsed on a family of seven we only managed to rescue five of them the other two were killed. The disaster has left an estimated seventy thousand people homeless. Neighboring countries have been answering the call for help turkey has sent humanitarian assistance along with three thousand tents and ten thousand beds. The state of new news still to come on the show italy do not qualify for the world cup after they failed to beat sweden in their qualifying playoff we ask what went wrong with the talian football. Versus over the helena and some very tough times at one of americas traditionally bestselling Blue Chip Companies one of the bastions of a business now General Electric bryan its struggling to stay afloat the c. E. O. John flannery has laid out his rescue plan some tough medicine there and its likely going to her well the companys rapidly losing value for shareholders that share prices plummeted around forty percent in the last year flannery now slashing that dividend by hoff and that works out at the eight biggest dividend cut in its history which will help g. E. To avoid a cash crunch itll shrink operations down to three core businesses aviation power and health care practically Everything Else one is going to be sold off to the tune of twenty billion dollars fund will even fire six Board Members saying that twenty will be the reset here as he put it you can see him behind me and he said we know what we need to do and now its show time for more on this lets bring in our financial correspondent in frankfurt you now do a noun good to see genelle why did it go so wrong for g. E. Well how in the hell not clearly a lot went wrong if its having to shed its iconic lighting business lets not forget the historical link to Thomas Edison and the lightbulb is what made g. E. A household name but that market for example has moved on the lights are standard now and they last for decades so its hard to turn a profit out of them but the lighting business of course isnt g. E. s biggest problem its just an example of how g. E. May have missed key shifts in the market now what it did was pump billions in the Power Generation and Energy Markets at a time when these markets were peaking and like of many of its key financial businesses now the Power Generation market has become very difficult and demand for things like say Oilfield Equipment has fallen so combine that with a cash flow problem and you can see why g. E. Has struggled all these years absolutely tony small the news now germany has put out its growth figures for the last quarter up zero point eight percent were saying how is that being received that. You know investors are actually quite getting a bit spoiled because of all this good data that keeps coming out of germany now of course the state it was mostly driven by healthy exports and investments but it comes off the back of record high Business Confidence last month and record low unemployment but of course the question on everyones minds now is how long this can last and a lot will depend on the priorities of the future German Government germany is in a good position now to make Structural Reforms but how much Public Investment is made in things like education and infrastructure well of course matter very much for germanys future growth prospects. Thanks for that picture again throughout the day for. Now suing for Climate Change in peru a farmer has successfully appealed against a german regional courts decision he claimed for damages from one of germanys Biggest Energy companies all w e which he considers responsible for Global Warming well the presiding judge in the case said that the farmer is eligible for damages but he has to prove that r. W. He is responsible. The man who some say could challenge Climate Changes traveled over ten thousand kilometers from his hometown in peru to hamburg germany sound. Comes from high rise in the peruvian andes the villages threatened by melting glaciers that could potentially cause severe floods destroying crops and leaving thousands without a place to live lou you know once those responsible for Global Warming to pay for a dam to protect his village his first time get is germanys energy giant w. E. E. E. He accuses the utility of significantly contributing to the problem with its Greenhouse Gas emissions. And. That nothing has changed in the peruvian mountains the glaziers keep melting its only getting worse. But succeeding in the courts isnt easy new years lawsuit has already been dismissed in the District Court in essen where our w. E. E. E. Has its headquarters the company argued that places melting in the andes can be traced back to its activities since many other agents like cars and planes could also be causing Climate Change. Lou your hopes his appeal will now convince a higher court and eventually force those who he thinks are threatening him and his people to help alleviate the damage. Back to brian now in a shocking report on the exploitation of young refugees in the center of the german capital or helena it is a story that has provoked outrage here in germany public broadcasters e. D. F. Says security workers at refugee shelters here in berlin have set up prostitution rings that prey on refugees the investigative report by the program from tal twenty one found that guards were grooming young refugees to become prostitutes earning a commission in the process. Its dusk interior gotten berlins biggest park. Young men are sitting around waiting to be approached by older german men. To learn more about this scene a pakistani reporter from a German Television team enters with a hidden camera he makes contact with the young migrants without any difficulty. To limit you know why go. To flee for fear. This man says refugees are willing to do anything for money even underage girls and boys. He leads the reporter a few hundred metres further. Wanted to leave while it is twenty and says hes from afghanistan he arrived in germany two years ago his asylum application was recently rejected hes turned to prostitution to survive one hundred sixty one under six francis fifty or so the fifty. Year. Old hard. While lead follows the reporter to a hotel room. As he begins to undress the reporter stops him and reveals his identity. He asks walid why hes working as a prostitute but wiley just runs. Deanna hanna gets work for a local Aid Organization she knows a lot of refugees including those working as prostitutes some of them stop by occasionally to pick up donated clothing or just to talk. Many of them suffer from anxiety. Walk. In the pressure comes from thinking my asylum claims been rejected how will i tell my parents im getting nowhere here im not allowed to work they have so little money and they want to do more for their families and this constant hopelessness and fear of an uncertain future in germany leads them to prostitution. Thank you. Back in the park another attempt to talk with refugees. Scattered among the bushes are condoms and paper tissues. The reporter meets this older man he says hes eighty five and a former police officer. He describes the prostitution scene here. Got here i heard theyre young refugees here and you can get anything you want many of them even do without condoms the boys dont know they can get sick like that i prefer the youngest ones ive even had sixteen year olds usually i have anal sex performed on me sometimes oral once when i try to bargain down the price he said to me if i screw you i want twenty years i also have to meet. The man adds that hes disappointed because of bad weather only a few prostitutes are out in the park we want to know how refugees end up in prostitution. This is a Refugee Center in berlin they missed off district. In may residents held protests accusing security personnel of abuse they appear to have an additional role here this syrian refugee says hes twenty and lives at the shelter for the last few months he too has been working as a prostitute he doesnt want to use his name. I am ashamed of what im doing but i have to earn money one day i was on the phone in front of the Refugee Center a Security Guard came up to me and asked if i wanted to do some business and earn some money i said sure i dont have anything he said if i have sex with a woman i get thirty year olds maybe forty. But he didnt know at first was that most of the clients were going to be men hes not homosexual. I cant let my family find out about this i know its terrible but what can i do i dont have any other option here. Maria is a social worker at the very midst of center shes aware of whats happening she doesnt want to be identified she says she saw Security Guard give money to one of the refugees. I took him aside and asked what they were doing why was he getting money from the Security Guard and he said i dont have enough food i dont have enough to drink my families back home and ive done bad things for money. He feels sad and ashamed. Here too its not just adults involved but also minors. This is a reality of berlin underage refugees working as prostitutes Security Guards at Refugee Centers acting as pimps this man works in security at several berlin Refugee Centers he too wants to stay anonymous hes well aware of the prostitution scene here. As usually it works like this guys from Different Companies set up the contact someone approaches them and says we need two women they should be of this particular age and this pretty all they want boys the younger they are the more they cost. Then the boys will say ok well have to give in and have sex with men or women. By that point it doesnt matter as long as the price is right. Obs on the sketched and. Then a tip off about another Security Guard at a berlin refugee shelter who allegedly works as a pimp when asked about it he admits its true for every hook up i get twenty euros thats why i do this is there a Prostitution Network at the refugee shelter there are many the refugees need money to buy their minors working as prostitutes yes there are but not often in our shelter there are families where the father knows the son is gay sixteen years old they do it willingly. But that cant be not if theyre so desperate yeah life is tough do you ever have a guilty conscience of course its not really who i am thats why im talking to you about it i want to stop doing this. His Security Firm response to the pimping at the Refugee Center in writing. We hold regular meetings with the shelter Residents Committee to discuss any issues or problems these serious allegations have never come up. We confront a berlin senator responsible for refugees with our findings. Posted whenever i get information that forced prostitution is going on i will always take action against it youve just named a specific refugee shelter where this is taking place now the police and state prosecutors are on board it must be investigated but until now ive had no concrete information about specific Refugee Centers where this is going on you can believe that. Or listings on those guns and. Now its up to authorities to take a much closer look one hundred search for answers. To a major football now in italy have failed to qualify for next years world cup after losing a playoff to sweden four time world cup winners italy dominated the game but simply could not find a way past us solid Swedish Defense the game ended nil nil sweden goes through after winning the first leg one nil it is the first time italy havent qualified for a world cup and check this sixty years. For more on italys defeat and sweden success im joined by Chris Harrington from the sports good morning press morning a national day of mourning in a way for italy a catastrophe for them what happened you know they just failed through leaving all of the fans at san siro dejected and disappointed their lack of firepower and its sad because you mention the stat over sixty years im just going to figure out here in a guesstimate most fans attending are under the age of sixty so they only know italy participated in the world cup and its a tough way to go out because their goal keeper gigi bouffant just missed out on his sixth world cup hes a legend the ageless wonder its sad to see italy the italians. A player with a name such as his go out this way you never want to go out a loser and unfortunately back to the drawing board italy must go they have to turn their frowns upside down yeah he drew everyone and didnt join up before he said he said this is this is all about the fans its all about the team its all about the nation and a very rough day for them what about sweden they were all gone shock what a defense they put up that they put up a stellar defense thanks to robin olsen the goalkeeper and their captain andreas grande quist he actually said if they did qualify for the world cup will shave his head so im looking forward to see those photos of a shaved shiny head from their captain but its impressive because they did it with teamwork and theyre starting to leaven only four players play in europes top leagues and this is a sweden side they didnt make that they were eliminated out of the group stage in the European Championship so its nice to see a team recover considering they havent been in a world cup since two thousand and six so sweden just might be a dark horse without a lot tony brought him how many shots did italy take i mean that is you know its said nearly thirty twenty seven shots at him so a goal they had a few penalties that were discounted by the referees so it wasnt a lack of firepower it was a lack of hitting the target ok they tried but they just couldnt get one in that no no. Social media has been sparking up about this on social media many soccer fans are showing how devastated they are over italys elimination this canadian of italian descent is already getting a stall ject every world cup my father puts up the italy flag eighty three feet long it will be up next year the british football star gary lincoln or joins him in his disappointment tweeting mama may italy have failed to qualify for russia twenty eighteen it will be quite the same without them and he waved good bye within a riveter. After the match the italian football teams official twitter account quoted retiring goalkeeper we heard from press before saying im not sorry for myself but for all of the telly and football and there are other reasons to be sad this german politician writing a world cup without italy is a loss because of their style. All we have time for a reminder of our top story at this hour u. S. President donald trump has wrapped up his a twelve day tour of asia after talks with regional leaders in manila despite protests on the song legs of that tour the president reaffirmed americas commitment to its g. S. This is deja vu news live from berlin and we have more coming up at the top of the hour and dont forget you can always get the latest news and information around the clock our web site thats dot com for now though for me Brian Thomason entire news team thanks so much for being with us. Climate change. Sustainability. Environmental projects we give globalization the face biodiversity Species Conservation exploitation egoity. Human rights displacement to. Show the Global Impact of local. Global three thousand next. Year. They are the hope bearers of many and the mark. These monks are rebuilding what the military spending here is destroying to dob we really are Something Like the teachers of the people that go three mile. Three stories three ways of changing everything. And mark the power of the monks in forty five minutes on. The east coast by tens of thousands of fans for their mega life sets. Of a movie its just a really beautiful moment when youre able to share with people a little. Bit of a club more air miles than some pilots. Like concert every panel has no reality. Three german d. J. Superstars cant get any more bombastic the music didnt exist we had no idea what we wanted to hear and how to do it ourselves. Between backstage rooms selfdiscipline and a twenty four sevenths social media presence. Superstar deejays starting november twenty fifth on g. W. Welcome to global three thousand today were all about Climate Change in the indian city

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