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Meanwhile a republican Led Committee approved the house of representatives own plan under the houses measures u. S. Corporation tax would be reduced from thirty five to twenty percent democrats say the plans disproportionately benefit the super rich its all sets the stage for a vote to take place in the house as early as next week where the two bills would need squeezing into one. And so fishermans key is on wall street for us so we want a business is expecting from the tax reform. Well yes then you know the tax cuts would of course help companies to save a lot of money that they hopefully what invest in job status at least what trump was hoping plus it would allow them to bring money back into the United States money that has been hidden in tax havens like ireland for example and i think its not exaggerated to say that the tax reform is the most crucial piece of legislation for the american car economy and at the same time for this administration and the republicans wont manage to upon this tax system champ is probably going to lose all support from the Business World but the big question is how to finance these tremendous cuts without blowing up the deficit and that this answer is going to be crucial to the success of this reform all right stay there sophia id like to come back to just a moment on this next story during his Election Campaign donald trump was scathing about china but face to face on president xi jinping is home territory has become rather muted that could be to do with the two hundred fifty billion dollar deal he signed with the chinese on thursday she has confirmed the massive investment and orders for things like three hundred boeing aircraft or natural Gas Exploration in alaska trump still insists the chinese take advantage of america but at least he now says he doesnt blame them for doing so. Both the United States and china will have a more prosperous future if we can achieve a level economic Playing Field right now unfortunately it is a very one sided and unfair one but but i dont blame china. After all. Who can blame a country for being able to take advantage of another country. For the benefit of its citizens i give china great credit. To be softening his rhetoric that back over to you sophie how significant is this two hundred fifty billion dollar trade package then you know to be honest it seems like this deal has mentor revived headlines more than the economy and over thirty saying yes there are some specific Big Companies that try to try to strike a deal for like boeing but at the same time they said this summit would only feature more problems than anything else would likely lead a sense of progress on trade and investment and balances between the two countries a significant number of the deals were nonbinding meaning they could change or even fall apart before the final version is fine and at the same time not all of these deals are due to charms and boeing for example announced its selling thirty seven billion worth of airliners to china but its unclear how many of these orders are really new and the biggest deal a chinese direct Investment Plan would benefit the state owned China Energy Investment more than anyone else because it is an agreement from a Chinese State owned company to invest in american Commodities Plus this figure of eighty four billion dollars would spread out over twenty years so it seems the deal is built on shaky ground there so pressure mounts could almost read thank you very much. E. U. Ministers have failed in the latest bid to agree on a new five year license for the controversial weed killer glyphosate this comes just weeks before the current license expires glad to say it is vital for the industrial farming methods that put everything from sugar to bread on the dining table and although supporters say its both cheap and easy to use critics say its not one hundred percent proven but it does not pose health risks to humans. Ok. So. This small group of protesters assembled outside the European Commission had a clear message for lawmakers they want to see the pesticide produced by u. S. Company month santow and studies have come to different conclusions about any potential link between play for state and cancer the surprise then that each Member States have failed to reach a consensus on wheat killers future fourteen countries voted to renew its license nine voted against and five abstained we see you know that most of the Member States who voted supported our proposal we also see no support in the open parliament so i think we have a good track here been using the weed killer as license would have required sixteen votes in favor antique life is a campaigners are hailing the outcome as a victory. More sun wanted fifteen more years and they can even get five as we saw today. This is the seventh time that the commission has tried to ring you back to say it has failed and its clear that the overwhelming majority of citizens across europe want a ban on guy for safety and now its up to they were up in commission and they you two sealed. Their lead on this toxic chemical the current authorization for life is eight expires mid december in the case of another failure to reach a consensus the commission could push through an extension but he would prefer governments to make the call. Im going to stay in agriculture now can genetically modified plants save farmers livelihoods thats the hope in uganda where current crop failures are provoking the government to take action but organic farmers will of course miss out to be certified as organic in the west their fruit and vegetables cannot contain traces of genetically modified organisms julius mogambo reports. This would have been a bumper harvest in central uganda. But you know to this season. Plant tain has failed to yield and farmers are worried. Really affected as badly. As staple food but we cant rely on it this time. Because of crop diseases. From the government has done to science for a solution ugandas parliament has passed a law allowing scientists to roll out genetically modified crops like bananas for commercial production. To get. Mean and afflicted with genetically modified crops government is assured of feeding its growing population. But exporters a warning about trade implications uganda is one of africas top exporters for organic food last year a country of fifty eight million us dollars from organic exports outside the continent in fact if you question will be hard definitely because you have to prove that. Theres no contamination and they are not traces of g. M. Or not productive its going to be a little bit harder than it has always been but there must threat i see in the near future if nothing is done about the situation is that youre going to become less competitive. Globally genetically modified crops are controversial this is mainly on grounds of safety and the environment. Their commercial rights how votes are being subjected to scrutiny but youre going to seize it as widely called solitude. Governments primary aim is to assure that this farmer can have food for his family and sustainable income all year round. Saudi authorities have questioned over two hundred people in a high profile Anti Corruption probe involving princes billionaire businessman and cabinet ministers together theyre accused of embezzling at least one hundred billion dollars over the past few decades in an unusual move some are reportedly being detained in the Luxury Ritz Carlton Hotel in the capital riyadh. Its a rather attractive prison then again most of its inhabitants are used to the finer things in life. The two hundred eight people question is part of saudi arabias corruption tact and into competent ministers princes and billionaire businessman. Theyre accused of embezzling some one hundred billion dollars over the past few decades details of how remained scammed. The investigation has spread to neighboring u. A. E. Where a number of accounts belonging to side declines have been frozen some fear that could spark a capital flight from the arab region others maintain the Anti Corruption purge will actually boost the economy in the long run. Longer to become more optimistic that the spending going to be higher than the output from the summit going to be and that even the quality of Foreign Investors are going to be different and we believe more of a step going to come beaming up the Business World to boost investment it sounds like a worthy aim but critics say there may be another motivation for the crackdown and removing powerful opponents in an effort to strengthen the power of king solomon. Thank you very much for watching. United against climate change. Big challenges for the twenty third u. N. Climate conference involving. Our nations working to meet their Paris Agreement targets cop twenty three this weekend next on news. 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