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Time in the world to see for many decades with millions of victims a startling warning from the u. N. About yemen after a saudi led alliance tightens its blockade on the war ravaged country well get a firsthand account from the director offer ations a save the children in yemen. And could this man be germanys most prolific serial killer the former nurse already serving a life sentence is no suspected of killing more than one hundred patients. Plus facing down peer pressure to speak out against hate this german student is taking a stand against nazi inspired taunts her story reveals her persistence of anti semitism in germany and its crunch time in the race for next years world cup in russia can underdogs in Northern Ireland upset switzerland. For a place at the tournament we look at to tonights european playoff match. Thank you so much for your company u. S. President donald trump is wrapping up his visit to china he renewed calls on beijing to ramp up economic pressure on north korea to end its Nuclear Weapons program while he met with his chinese counterpart and bring as part of his first tour of asia as president chinas very display of friendship appears to have softened mr trumps position on the countrys trade measures which he once described as one sided or rather than a problem President Donald Trump now appears to fear china as one of the worlds great problem solvers. The second day of u. S. President Donald Trumps visit in china began with pomp and ceremony. Chinese president xi jinping once again pulled out all the stops. But behind closed doors the two leaders were faced with thorny issues among them the increasing threat from north korea a strong young closest ally beijing is seen as the best bet to rein in an increasingly defiance north korea. Opus along with the minister of north korea and. Weve had two committees discussions in there today and i think things will happen i believe things will that. The positive tone taken by tramp marks a departure from his previous criticism of china. In september north korea launched its latest Ballistic Missile and President Trump threatened to cut off ties with all countries that do business with north korea over ninety percent of pyongyangs trade is with beijing. But president xi made no new commitments seeing his country would continue to improve u. S. China relations. Though. China is willing to work with the United States to enhance cooperation and properly manage differences the spirit of Mutual Respect and mutual benefit. The visit has so far been a friendly one between two of the worlds most powerful leaders but it isnt clear if theyll make Real Progress on the most pressing issues. Are all the friendlier tone is a far cry from the tough approach donald trump took during his run for president and to help explain whats behind that is Melissa Tanner very warm welcome alissa shes a journalist and fellow at the Robert Bosch Foundation she covered china as a correspondent as well for aljazeera a very warm welcome donald trump significantly dialing down his anti china our rhetoric theyre taking the tough out of tough love whats behind that it was really noticeable to the point that their joint statement delivering their remarks from both President Trump and president xi one of their american reporters actually shouted out do you still think china is raping the United States so you will recall that he used language that strongly during his campaign well for one now that hes president somebody has informed him that the United States actually does need china on board to lean on north korea something that he had said earlier expressed that america could do a lot of things on its own when he was campaigning so thats number one the other thing is that President Trump seems to have developed a pretty Good Relationship with president xi jinping or so he says and i think that this is a president that really values his personal relations with World Leaders and he has said many times on twitter and in front of journalists that he has a Good Relationship with she he likes she and so that could also play. Part in his to tamp down rhetoric all right well to that point does this new kind of bromance that hes touting has it helped you know resolve some key issues between the u. S. And china that remains to be seen out of this trip to china were not seeing any major announcements on the chinese side in terms of their commitment to lean more on north korea weve just heard President Trump say that we will see changes the chinese certainly have been have been stricter on north korea in the past few months theyve made it very difficult or they pretty much barred joint ventures between china and north Korean Companies so we are seeing action from the chinese whether it is because of u. S. Pressure or whether because the chinese are starting to realize that it is a growing liability when kim jong un fall it follows his missiles is another issue altogether all right now of course person head of this visit said he was going to focus on trade and on north korea meanwhile his counterpart said well taiwan is actually quite important for us its also a bit more about that i think that was really interesting that president xi brought this up to a certain extent other policies of both the u. S. And china on taiwan has been a pretty it hasnt changed much over the last few years over decades frankly and so for president xi to bring this up i think there is perhaps from the chinese side a sense that theres a window of opportunity for the u. S. To change its position mainly because the state department is poorly staff to trump has not filled a lot of key positions on asia and perhaps theres a view that they can convince trying to Say Something off the cuff and off the cuff rather and provide a diplomatic concession we saw that actually with u. S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson when he went to visit beijing he actually read a statement that was almost word for word the kind of language that the chinese would use so there was a sense that the americans were just handed a piece of paper and they had just read the statement melissa challenge from the robert. Foundation thank you so much for talking to us. And we turn our attention now to the mideast where kuwait and saudi arabia have told their citizens in lebanon to leave the country immediately and urged others not to travel there judd the and now is the call on television by kuwait it comes amid a deepening crisis in the region with lebanon caught up in a wider conflict between saudi arabia and iran lebanons the saudi backed Prime Minister said hetty resigned on saturday while on a visit to saudi arabia saying that he feared for his life back home now levanon is demanding his return some government officials are suggesting that hariri is being held hostage in saudi arabia. And another country a caught up in that a proxy conflict is yemen the United Nations says seven million yemenis could face starvation and death if aid isnt allowed into that war ravaged country well the devastating warning comes after a Saudi Led Coalition of backing the government has tightened its air land and sea blockade around yemen after a missile was launched from yemen towards riyadh while the u. N. Says that if the blockade isnt lifted yemen will face the largest famine the world has seen for many decades. Conditions for yemenis have been dire for months now theyre even worse. The United Nations says more than a third of the population has barely any access to Food Supplies the u. N. Emergency relief coordinator appealed to the International Community it will not be like a family in which cost two hundred fifty thousand people their lives in somalia in twenty eleven. It will be the largest famine the world to see for many decades with millions of victims theres almost no access to clean water and cholera outbreaks have become commonplace a civil war has been raging in yemen since twenty fifteen a Saudi Led Coalition has been trying to fight back who the rebels with aerial attacks on monday the coalition closed all entry points to the country allegedly to prevent weapons from being smuggled to the rebels. The border closures are in retribution for this who is the missile attack on saudi soil seen here on saudi television. The u. N. And fifteen aid organizations have called on the coalition to end the blockade and allow the delivery of desperately needed emergency supplies. Was being described as one of the worst humanitarian crises in the mideast and russia where as is the director of operations of save the children in yemen she joins us right now good evening could you describe the situation on the ground where you are. Yeah it was since monday since the Saudi Led Coalition and now is the air sea and land located on yemen and the situation has been. Even more than it was before and old ports are closed we arent able to get an aid to supplies where aid workers are are locked outside and are locked inside the country fuel prices have gone our food prices have gone up almost forty percent cooking gas is not available in the market who have seen people queuing trying to stalk and its not available this if they have the sort resources and the means to to to prochoice does those items. Also unlike the situation in terms of bringing in supplies to country we have been unable to to bring in those supplies and disappear to support our primary Health Care Clinics our dariel Treatment Centers in terms of their response to the color of the cholera outbreak and also where were afraid if this continues that this if you ation will it will deteriorate further and people would have no access to food or to medical care and unfortunately even more children will be subject to die of starvation and lack of access to needed care right now the situation is beyond dire for the civilians as you are describing and weve also been showing up pictures of some severely moua nourished in france in yemen how concerned are you that the saudi blockade will make things even worse if possible. Well as ever as were speaking today like we have almost half a million children under five years old who are severely malnourished and then very vulnerable to any further like outbreaks of disease or like the cholera one the one that we were still trying to fight and to reduce its if effect on the already suffered popular vote here later so if this continues where afraid we will not be able to retrieve those children will not be able to a provide them with necessary a food items will not be able to give them enough like clean water i mean as we know also we have almost sixteen Million People who lack access to clean clean Drinking Water and so a lack of minimal hygiene. Needs to so so if we need to or not left this blockade if we do not stop this conflict as soon as possible then the situation with even. More sense and as i said at the beginning i mean more and the higher number of children would be subject to to my nutrition and more women and more elderly people and yes i mean its one of the biggest i mean its the largest humanitarian crisis currently with with more than seventeen Million People in need for Food Assistance in yemen and to sort of the population considered as affected population let alone the cholera outbreak as the largest in human in the modern Human History its definitely gut wrenching what youre describing there what needs to happen in the short term to allow you to do your work until all the other n. G. O. S to get through to the most vulnerable in yemen. Well immediately we need this this to be a left its the immediate action and the longer it waits the longer its delayed the the higher the number of affected people were become and the harder it will become to contain. The. Escalation off of this of the humanitarian situation i mean currently like with the increasing number of people in need and and being blocked like an able to deliver aid is i mean adding. To the situation and making it even worse as they said and in the medium term i mean event like its even not needed everything needed as well like a solution must be followed to this conflict and this conflict is not is not the solution there is a solution that we need to find the International Community should put more effort in finding a solution and and agree on the peace and settle in a way to allow the yemeni population or the country to heal again and to be able to. For these children and all men to survive are sure a starter of operations of save the children in yemen thank you for spending time with us thank you all right i want to talk now about some of the other stories making news around the world. Syrian troops and allied forces have retaken control of the town of socalled islamic states last major stronghold in the country this footage that youre watching right now has been released by the Syrian Military which says that it shows soldiers close to the town near the border with iraq syrias army says its now fighting the last remaining pockets of obvious fighters in the countrys eastern desert. Officials in indias capital are restricting the use of cars in the city delhi is in the grip of thick toxic smog residence and dirty third day of hazardous pollution levels Authorities Say they will block commercial trucks from entering the capital and raise parking fees to encourage the use of public transport. Pope francis has ordered a ban on cigarette sales inside the vatican a spokesman said the pontiff did not want to support an unhealthy habit cigarettes are currently sold in the vatican at a discount to staff and pensioners the band will take effect as of next year. In australia five fully five people excuse me have been arrested for scaling the Sydney Opera House to protest the treatment of Asylum Seekers at a decommissioned Detention Center in pulp when you getting the activists unfurled banners calling for the government to bring hundreds of refugees still living at the manis camp to mainland australia. Prosecutors in the german city of oldenburg say a former nurse is now suspected of killing more than one hundred people far more than previously thought and hell say each is serving a life sentence for killing patients by injecting them with a deadly medication. Investigators now believe he may have killed an additional eighty four patients if hes found guilty of these additional deaths it would make him one of the nations most prolific serial killers. Well its a case that has rattled many in germany ws simon young can tell us more about this simon else is suspected of killing more than one hundred people how could a nurse kill that many patients without anybody noticing. Well it seems that the reason is that the other staff working at the hospitals where this man operated didnt say anything and that was the the main problem there were suspicions about this man on one of the wards. Where he worked an intensive care ward deaths went up by fifty eight percent while he was on duty and that was known and in another case he was even caught by a colleague preparing to administer a nonprescribed drop to one of the patients so the work concerned but in spite of that he was given a good reference when he moved to another job prosecutors say that if those in charge had acted then deaths would certainly have been avoided and indeed in there is already a case going on where six employees of one of the hospitals are standing trial for causing death by negligence ok tell us a little more assignment about how the tales of the additional deaths came to light. You know police have gone through hundreds of patient records looking for. Links to this man and suspicious activity whether drugs that shouldnt have been administered were given to patients theyve exhumed one hundred thirty bodies would you believe a huge investigation the Oldenburg Police chief has said that you know this goes way beyond imagination and clearly police have not expected to find this many cases of murder and indeed kneels age is germanys worst serial killer in postwar times could more cases turn up. Well it seems there are a least five cases where hes still being investigated where the police want to do more investigations there are also some of the patients who were buried in turkey where exhumations of not yet taken place so if you put that together and there may be some deaths that police say will never be known so the final figure could be higher even than what weve heard today salman young reporting thank you. And youre watching it every news we still have a lot more to tell you about here is whats still ahead. Taking a stand against take this High School Students Online Harassment reveals how anti semitism and racism threaten to take hold among some young germans. But before that we want to go back to our top story donald trump is in china striking new business deals that despite relations being a less than optimal but donald trump has made a show of softening his tone at least the u. S. President and his chinese counterpart xi jinping announcing bilateral deals worth two hundred fifty billion dollars during a heavily choreographed visit the to leaders making a show of getting on well but really theyre just papering over the cracks in the past donald trump repeatedly accused beijing of unfair trade practices and this threatened china with tariffs last year the u. S. Exported goods worth one hundred sixteen billion dollars to china but because Many American firms now manufacture their the u. S. Imported about four times that value of goods Chinese Foreign direct investment in the u. S. Had forty six billion dollars and twenty sixteen but so far on the trump its dropped significantly as you can see just there in the past hes accused china of stealing american jobs and manipulating its currency now he softened his tone though he reiterated his frustration at the trade and investment imbalances today trump let china off the hook United States and china will have a more prosperous future if we can achieve a level economic playing for you right now unfortunately it is a very one sided and unfair one bird but i dont blame china. After all. Who can blame a country for being able to take advantage of another country for the benefit of its citizens i give china great credit. So trump seemingly blaming his predecessors there another thing drawing his ire as cuba tensions between the us and the island nation was thawing but now america is on a different course entirely today sanctions against cuban firms are taking effect but in the end the sanctions will restrict United States citizens to. Its never been easy for americans to travel to cuba since fidel castro led the communists to power in one nine hundred fifty nine. The caribbean island was accessible only via specialized to a companys kind of supervised tourism. But the new u. S. Sanctions make it even more difficult for american tourists in cuba now theyre banned from using a whole range of Hotels Restaurants and businesses a total of one hundred eighty companies have been blacklisted. Washington wants to prevent certain Cuban Companies from cashing in on the tourist boom. A lot of u. S. Visitors say the new restrictions are wrong. Im concerned most of what ive seen so far that you have i think we have never seen you have a person sitting this guy was a cuban hes hes an excellent guy hes really helped us understand you know whats going on this country and thats thats i think going to be done through open to specially to americans cubans like to god ricardo stores are also critical. Of the economy and everyone has family here in the u. S. It makes no sense to complicate the normal things of the world like this. Last year over half a million americans visited cuba not least as a result of the warming of relations between the two countries the sectors potential is huge after several decades in which it was almost impossible for u. S. Citizens to travel to the communist led country. Got more business nato on and now unique day in german history both good and evil librarian a very fateful day a day of joy and a day of tragedy today is unique in germany marks several key events in history on november ninth one thousand nine hundred eighty nine the berlin wall fell that lead to the reification of east and west germany nearly a century ago after suffering defeat in world war one political leaders the cleric the country a republic and that was on this day in one thousand nine hundred eighteen the years that followed were scarred by Economic Hardship and street battles between the far left and the far right and then hitler came to power and democracy was abolished on november ninth one thousand nine hundred thirty eight violence against jews broke out across the right synagogues businesses and people were attacked with Police Standing by and doing nothing. On the evening of november ninth one thousand thirty eight synagogues in europe were set aflame they burned in germany austria and in czechoslovakia organized gangs of nazi and brown shirt thongs abused imprisoned or murdered thousands of jews amid the cheers of countless gardeners seven thousand jewish owned shops were destroyed and the mob then looted the shops that night was the start of the biggest genocide in Human History. Well despite efforts to confront its nazi past antisemitic and racist attitudes still persist and the gains made by the far right in septembers election have many germans worried that nationalist and anti immigrant rhetoric could become normal again all one High School Student chose to take a stand against bigotry such havent the all my threats and harassment aimed at her that were only going to be using her first name in this next report. Fifteen year old is visiting the memorial to the murder jews of europe in central berlin with her mother at school she has seen how hate speech and antisemitism are on the rise again she says it started slowly. This is when people would come into the classroom others would raise their right arm in the deliberate nazi salute sometimes there shouted heil hitler you are cool if you did that. At first she didnt speak up then she saw an Online Chat Group with upsetting images. There was one picture of a cloud of smoke and the caption said jewish family portrait. And that wasnt the only one in the class charge group so i wrote that this guy should stop behaving like hes a nazi and he wrote back saying i should emigrate to poland if i dont like it he asked if i hadnt held too many dead jews. And milia reported her classmate for incitement to hatred which is a crime in germany she had to contend with a lot of other classmates giving her strange looks but now the civil courage she demonstrated has been recognized with this award from the friends of the whole the cost memorial and berlins jewish community. I mean he says she didnt get much support from her teachers and classmates but she did have backing from her friends and family and she says in the future shell act much sooner against racism and antisemitism. Youre watching a lot more to tell you about heres whats still ahead khania goes underground in the search for clean up how well it will take a look at efforts to tap the Energy Source right under our feet and few styles of architecture a border why so then this one is called burn it was a huge concrete structures that many people love to hate will have that story for you after a very short break so you know. When cities are engulfed by the. Walls and costly protective measures with. Slugs challenging our church in forty five minutes on. The end of the drive he says thats when i think its really important to give a bit of time and look back to the families who make so much effort. Theyre going to one official estimates more than one point two million venezuelans live in colombia legally and illegally. But already it will return to venezuela. To visit friends i dont think id ever go back there to live you know what i live there again i dont know so im not sure. Bearing witness global news that matters. Made for mines and d. W. Because of me speak your language so good. For content in dari pashto and more to. The specs for returning our web special to the next refugee journey of life in germany and the prospects for those returning home. Join the discussion on g. W. Dot com and on facebook. Prospects for returning. To w make your mark. Good to see again youre watching the news on little rock n roll and this is our main headline right now u. S. President trump has urged his chinese counterpart xi jinping to work hard to contain north Koreas Nuclear threat mr trump also criticized chinese trade practices but he said he didnt blame the chip and he didnt blame china for taking advantage of the u. S. Hes in that china as part of his first asian tour. U. S. Media reporting that Hollywood Star kevin spacey to be removed from a finished but as of yet and were least film all the money in the world is due for release in late december i can walk away with. It feature space in the role of u. S. Oil tycoon o. J. Paul getty. But in the wake of Sexual Misconduct allegations against him the films director and producers have decided to race spacey from the movie they will we shoot this his scenes with veteran actor Christopher Plummer instead. All right while the Sexual Harassment allegations coming out of hollywood have inspired victims around the world to go public by using the hash tag me two women have been speaking out about their experiences on social media but some are taking a very different approach one activist has published a list on facebook accusing more than seventy indian academics of sexually harassing their students and as that show from our social media desk has more on this story elizabeth to tell us more about this face book list you know the list was published by. She is a law student in the u. S. But she had also previously studied in india so she published a list of more than seventy names she says these are all academics at different universities in india and these are all people we have sexually harassed their students that is what she said she also says that she had actually talked to the victims and collected their testimonies but whats controversial about this list is that really you only have the names of the people being accused but they dont know who submitted those names and they dont know what theyre being accused of really what has been the response so far. Mixed reactions from india we have a group of feminists who are really against the system of naming and shaming people who are believed to have sexually harassed others so this is what they are saying in their statement that they have published online we are dismayed by the initiative on facebook in which men are being listed and named as sexual harassers with no context or explanation and this manner of naming can be legitimize the long struggle against Sexual Harassment and to make our task as feminists more difficult now one indian filmmaker she disagrees with this statement she says that she has actually also submitted a name of another director a man to this list she says that the men had groped her at a party and she believes that this is actually the right way to go about these things in a Facebook Post she says if a Facebook Post can do the job then why should i go through further harassment and humiliation of filing a formal complaints and dealing with a massage in this and morally bankrupt system and now sarkar who had initially posted the list she says her aim was not to shame anyone but to make students who are the most vulnerable wary of a legit sexual predator has at their universities and in fact some of the students have actually thanked her saying we are afraid of speaking out because these people who are as they are professors there lecture us and they actually can decide what future we have what grades we get so we have very careful with that all right elizabeth thank you. Ari next up i want you to come with me a to our video wall because as you might recall. German Political Parties are currently in the midst of Coalition Talks and Climate Change is one of the most contentious issues during these Coalition Talks all parties trying to form a new Coalition Government have very different visions about how to reduce germany c o two emissions the countrys transition to a low Carbon Economy has slowed and germany looks set to miss its National Climate target by a very wide margin while the latest figures show that an average person living in the European Union produces about six point four tonnes of Carbon Emissions with people in germany generating even more thats going to eight point nine thats a lot of tonnes of on average well climate experts have now sent a warning that reducing Carbon Emissions must be a priority for the new government. Climate change kills thats the message from these protestors in front of the heist right now one quarter of the worlds population will die prematurely because of environmental pollution Climate Change is leading to flooding and famine is increasingly common but leading climate experts in berlin are warning that if germany does not phase out coal and reduce its c o two emissions it wont achieve its twenty twenty emissions reduction target and so often ive seen this happen so often when someone promises what our pollution reduction will be by twenty thirty. Then the process slows down and someone announces its too late and were no longer able to reach our goal. Germany is transitioning to a low Carbon Economy one that will increasingly rely on Renewable Energy but it looks set to fall short on its goals to reduce Energy Consumption and increase energy efficiency. Germany has made huge strides in the area of climate protection germany has made Renewable Energy affordable and thats why its booming around the world but germany has done practically nothing in the last few years it remains down to old technologies especially coal and thats making it a problem for germany to be taken seriously at the international level. After the latest round of exploratory Coalition Talks the green party has now agreed to compromise on some of its key Environmental Issues it wanted to shut down the twenty most polluting coal fired power plants in germany by twenty twenty and ban the internal Combustion Engine by twenty thirty the greens now say these goals are unrealistic. And asked politicians in berlin discuss the countrys climate and Energy Policy the german city obama is currently hosting interNational Climate talks all delegates for more than one hundred ninety countries are discussing how to implement a landmark Paris Agreement to curb Global Warming while one country already feeling the effects of a changing climate is kenya is responding with a focus on Renewable Energy kenya already meet thirty percent of its energy needs from geo thermal power which doesnt generate any Carbon Emissions and kenyans are also adjusting their farming practices in response to changing weather patterns. And list distances stretch out before us in the Great Rift Valley in kenya and here in lies the hope for the countrys energy supply. Will take a right to a Geothermal Power plant in all caria two hours by car north west of the capital nairobi. Steam rises through the over four hundred drill holes in pipes its an ideal location for Geothermal Energy here the engineers tell us they only have to drill about two thousand meters to reach the crucial steam just to compare in germany drill holes can reach ten thousand meters the. Resource in kenya is up to ten thousand megawatt but so far weve been able to. To do. More than six hundred. Quite expensive yeah there was all we need to be observing that we were still learning we we dont want to well use it almost thirty percent of the energy used in kenya is produced by geothermal plants and his number is said to rise without fane jers emissions. There is even a public Swimming Pool featuring sulfurous water plumbed from the depths but Geothermal Energy is expensive and not every attempt at drilling is successful thats why germany has decided to invest over one hundred Million Euros in kenyas Geothermal Energy. Gets only noise new fields have to be developed drilling is risky though and someone will have to take on at least part of that risk can you cant do this on its own. We drive back to nairobi to visit the ministry of the environment. While outside a traffic jam stretches across the city. Inside pacifica gola tells us that her country is counting on renewable Energy Sources such as Geothermal Power and their hopes are high for the bond climate conference. The other ones who are experiencing major impact on Climate Change when it comes to issues like drought and floods so we expect the while to actually make the bold move that steps and we expect to maintain the political momentum to make sure that we are able to retain the momentum and to be able to deliver bankable projects with a low Carbon Intensity of beyond twenty fifty. At the foot of mount kenya for example Climate Change is becoming more and more apparent the farmers here have been taking part in an irrigation project for the past four years growing bananas they used to be able to count on rainwater but that is a thing of the past. We didnt know anything because the. Big and. And it was leaving us nothing but it is. Giving us money. Despite the lack of rain theres still enough water here numerous rivers flow down mount kenya dams catch the water and channel to the fields the German Development bank of w. Has invested about five Million Euros in this project. Is it invest kenya here in west kenya we are actually in a very fertile region the problem is that our rainfall is becoming more regular and the farmers cant count on it anymore but now because of this project the farmers have water twenty four hours a day they can plant throughout the year and are no longer dependent on the effects the climate has on rainfall. Climate change requires adjustment like the farmers planting bananas or the use of environmentally friendly power using Geothermal Energy kenya is bracing for the future. And we still of course miss out to be certified as organic in the west their fruit and vegetables cannot contain even traces of genetically modified organisms. Reports. This would have been a bumper harvest in central uganda but you know to this season. Plantation has failed to yield on farmers a watered. Really effect as badly. But we cant rely on it this time. Because of crop disease or. Government has done to science for a solution. Ugandas Parliament House passed a law allowing scientists to roll out genetically modified crops like bananas for commercial production or. To get. From. With genetically modified crops government is assured of feeding its growing population. But exporters a warning about trade implications. Uganda is one of africas top exporters for organic food last year a country of fifty eight million u. S. Dollars from organic exports outside the continent this act if you question will be hard definitely because we have to prove that. Theres no contamination and they are not traces of g. M. Or not productive its going to be a little bit harder than it has always been but there must threat i see in the future if nothing is done about the situation is that youre going to become less competitive. Globally genetically modified crops are controversial. This is mainly on grounds of safety and the environment. Their commercial rights have also been subjected to scrutiny but uganda sees it as widely consulted. Governments primary aim is to assure that this farmer kind of food for his farm unique and sustainable income all year round. And on a lighter note now this next story is bound to make a splash and perhaps even add some sparkle to your boss from a luxury loo covered in lovely Brown Leather from louisville tom banks the artist who created the golden bowl says she wants people to interact with it whatever that means and you really cant if you dont mind using the los angeles showroom of online retailer trade z. With a fully functional fixtures on display but you may just flush at the price tag you dont mind having to have two one hundred thousand dollars wiped off your bank account. This is d w new made from a party just a flash in the pan and if you go money to burn through this friend of being so greatly appreciated this week we featured a series of reports taking a look at revolutionary road events one hundred years ago when russias communists seized power and berlin also played a role in that story well in the spring of one nine hundred seventeen the bolshevik revolutionary Vladimir Lenin who was living in exile in syria hes still and he was given permission to travel by train across german territory on his way back home via scandinavia and St Petersburg he was welcomed by jubilant crowds and on a route alone pass through the german capital is just one of the many ways berlin was touched by the Russian Revolution as our reporter found out. One hundred years ago the magnificent was the most train station stood on the sport a carriage with wedding ring on board stopped here in the spring of one thousand seventeen they wanted to return for us so we want to travel for. It was the imperial authorities who allowed lenin stranded through germany during world war one. The original documents that put this faithful alliance of convenience in effect on display in the audience German Historical Museum a german diplomat sent a telegram to berlin it read learning are not safe in russia hes doing just what he want. Walked it says here ten million german marks for political propaganda in russia and someone corrected it to say fifteen million found a lot of documents there were huge sums involved. And he appears as many as two million russians fled their homeland after the nine hundred seventeen revolution they escaped in a few of civil war taro and starvation it was mainly the intellectual elite who were squandered by the bush weeks doctors and to print write us off as sauce and aristocrats their lives in exile were shaped by few of an unknown future. Might even michael was born to a russian noble family her father at the asking was a cadet in the marin the cademy of St Petersburg who fled to russia a few months after the revolution at the age of sixteen. If you ask me with my home is i or i have no home. I have no because i feel at home nearly everywhere i mean ive been to many places and. I can adjust. After many did to us through serbia slovenia and germany from north because family settled in the us as did many other russians who fled after the revolution you had. The highest the record i restock racin who was working in factories and doing work which brought in pay and the pay was your could live on Something Else and if was very very difficult. For many exiled russians believing was the first stop here they couldnt buy a new car from the carol spec home and getting visas to enter germany was a relatively simple process of the border many russian way futures were granted political asylum charlottenburg at a district where most of the three hundred thousand russian settled was nicknamed shall not rot. But he was a magnets to the russian and that intensity the reasons might song from your. Own around and the best sense and different. Deployed underbelly praise berlins easygoing atmosphere with passages such as night cocaine that. It was here that led him in a book of what hes most famous novelists and russian and the celebrated author boyce pasternak lived in the same area. It was a city within a city in a corner gives guided tours about the russian exiles in berlin in the twentys. To the feel free to the i hired people who came here enjoyed a lot of freedom. There were eighty seven russian language publishing houses. There were plenty of russian restaurant. Russian orthodox churches and workers associations so for the people who fled hunger there was plenty to eat it wasnt just about waiting to see what would happen in russia people have a good life here. But many russian state only a short time here before heading to paris or new york. Most of the exiled russians like my father never saw their homelands again he left his director here and with it a lot for his native language and russian culture. The word brutal lesson has a fearsome sound to it and it stands for something a lot of people love to hate more listeners a style of architecture massive buildings with huge stretches of rock concrete it came into style in europe back in the one nine hundred fifty s. And quickly spread around the world but over the decades it fell out of favor today theres a movement to save these giants and the German Architecture Museum is adding its voice to that movement. David levitz is here from our culture this to talk more about that hi david first of all why just listen have such a Bad Reputation where you said it yourself i mean it sounds it sounds scary doesnt it it sounds mean it sounds like someones going to come around and bash your over the head with a big concrete building or something actually the name brutal ism comes from bits in french that means rock concrete and that was the material for this was architecture called busy it was using back in the fiftys well basically a lot of these structures there are huge mostly public buildings and they really dont fit in with whats around the landscape other architecture and so weve been seeing a lot of this in the last few years this is a tower that was part of a University Campus in Frankfurt Germany here it isnt twenty fourteen by a lot of people were very happy to see it. And basically these a lot of these structures they didnt they didnt weather well people didnt take care of them and this is the fate that many are seeing right that awaits them but so what makes these buildings worth saving they that make the make the case well some people do actually like them im one of them not all of them but many of them and brittle ism is actually its a particularly artistic moment in architecture its actually a very democratic moment these are these are big public structures and it was about making big spaces for very little money and thats one of the reasons that the German Architecture Museum has opened an exhibition its called s. O. S. Brutal ism save the concrete monsters lets take a look. Unloved rock concrete giants built around the world from the mid one nine hundred fifty s. Into the eightys often brutal placed in the middle of cities and landscapes now the German Architecture Museum is paying tribute to them and its campaigning to save the remaining examples of brutal ism so is it a plea in favor of ugliness. The for. The fascinating thing is that its a kind of heroic modernism after World War Two there was a totally new global architecture one that was much more sculptural than everything that came before it these are individual architectural sculptures which moved architects out of the realm of the technical and established them again as artists can slog through. The buildings were generally made of exposed rock concrete the construction techniques were meant to be visible in some places brittle as them took on an ideological character construction workers were meant to always be able to recognize the results of their efforts with no decorative facade covering up their handiwork. Buildings like sculptures major architects like got flea boom created an entirely new aesthetic demonstrated for instance by his Pilgrimage Church unethical or his St Ignatius Church in the Center Frankfurt each feature is magnificent spaces in which the visitors gaze is directed to the essentials. So perhaps its time to take a new look at concrete structures like this morning hall at a frankfurt cemetery here mortality is made palpable in an impressively beautiful manner in the interplay between the concrete and the surrounding nature rob riggle is a may be dead but its worthwhile to preserve and admire its legacy. So. There is your cringing at some of those buildings other or is a very white theres actually a Huge Movement online as well to save just go to Instagram Twitter tumblr or facebook. What have you and type in brutal ism and you will find beautiful blogs with beautiful black and white photos thats actually where brutal is and looks best to for honest and black and white photos and a survey a recent survey of people said the people were ready to save brutal ism so long as its not in their backyard so you know save it but maybe far away theres renewed appreciation for brutal ism so should we get ready to see. Buildings popping up here and there well there are some current architects who are riffing off of it right now including the german architect. This is a gas station he designed believe it or not looks better than most gas stations i know you could call his style neo brittle is a now another german architect is no because under the hes also trying to revamp concrete image he made hes made some pretty sleek buildings including this one called the villa outside of berlin so maybe the trick to bring back brutal ism is to keep it small i think that maybe that is a way that people wont get so upset that if its not humongous structures theres are posing right and i love the whole like nouveau brutal is a really really beautiful you know if youre building a house you know youre not alone i think so much there that youre british right before i let you go and remind you of our main story this hour u. S. President donald trump urged his chinese counterpart xi jinping to work hard to contain north Koreas Nuclear threat mr trump also criticized chinese trade practices but said he didnt blame china for taking advantage of the u. S. 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Be our guest at Frankfurt Airport city managed by for. This is g. W. News live from berlin tonight at eleven on at the center of a deepening crisis in the middle east saudi arabia and kuwait are telling their citizens to leave lebanon immediately well ask a former u. S. Ambassador to lebanon if he thinks these are the signs of a coming war also coming up tonight it will be the launch this time

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