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Abdullah right to accuse them of being like wolves in sheeps clothing. Welcome to conflict zone. A couple of years ago you gave an interview in which you said you espoused a moderate form of islam you said our belief is not that radical we believe in moderate islam. But theres nothing more to it about your views on violence is that of course we totally condemn violence right after the fourteenth of july attacks in jerusalems holiest site for muslims and jews two israeli policemen both jews killed by three attackers and your reaction was to glory in their blood. Well actually its different from the way we see it because we see that israel is a aggressors the al aqsa mosque is a holy site for muslims they shouldnt be there in the first place so they are the aggressors and the palestinians are something jews as well ok but. Some of the holy sites where muslims pray so they are they shouldnt it be there in the first place and what the palestinians are only their Freedom Fighters retaliating to the Israeli Aggression those are slogans to use we tweeted the following you retreated the three brave heroic men who committed the act today on friday and then you said today only force and the use of force can change the status quo so your moderate credentials are wearing a little thin no i do believe we do see israel as an enemy we didnt change that and we do see the israelis as aggressors we do see that as occupiers as a surprise of our land and what mattered was the president. He doesnt hear dozens of times as well he doesnt represent my views. But he represents the palestinians and this is a man who is trying he says to stop the violence trying to unite hamas and fattah so that he gets a stronger negotiating position way ideal and you want to wreck that no the view way i view is that its a triumph for holy muslims a form of fine for muslims not only for palestinians so all muslims have a say in the future of a and they the majority believe that it has to be freed from the Israeli Occupation to do it i will be a just youre just perpetuating a cycle of violence you know that this will end when it doesnt at the negotiating table not in bloodshed were not there is released sight were not we dont want to do the difficult thing which is to make which is to unify the palestinians and make peace you just want to kill who initiated the violence the palestinians did not initiate the violence this really is initiated the violence by occupying palestine by trance resting on a holy site for muslims they initiated the violence you should blame them for starting it the palestinians are only retaliation israel has to answer for what it does and says and you are accountable for what you say and do or do you have no sense of personal responsibility no i see them as Freedom Fighters trying to free their countries you have no sense of personal responsibility i guess the worst thing is that you support violence carried out by other groups but you dont want to get your own hands dirty do you know those are your armchair terrorists not you not at all not at all this is the way you term it you see it as violence i see it as a threat you dont fight so when i am the world does ok in the world but the majority of people who want to free palestine hoofed still call for free in palestine see it as retaliation as they know they see them as Freedom Fighters if you think the attacks are what you see as violence is only defending our country if you think the attacks were so brilliant why dont you take power. Youre just going to go on applauding from the sidelines no its not the law is the knowledge that im not a Freedom Fighter im only a politician my role as a politician is to support people who are trying to flee the country or the from outer of violence in this instance this is the way you see it so King Abdullah was right when he said four years ago that the Muslim Brotherhood groups like you and you were the political wing of the Muslim Brotherhood you were like wolves in sheeps clothing hes right you know the men and one hand you say you are dangerous parliament and then you promote violence not at all this is this is your turn you are using violence as i said you see it as you know trying to free our country trying to free the most holy sites of muslims which is the locks almost yesterday the Jordanian Parliament has supported what has happened in alex almost can you see that all the part of voting in parliament is also supported by less violence as you know doesnt get you one step nearer a resolution does it know and since you and you still stand still you know being so they allowed you know for nothing no how do you think when the israelis did not get any else any step further that the settlements are still there still are still expanding no rights no human rights whatsoever for the palestinians so we didnt get any didnt get us anywhere also to negotiate with the israelis dimeter will be youve left far behind the declared peaceful ideals of the Muslim Brotherhood havent you in twenty fifteen the london based deputy supreme guide of the Muslim Brotherhood was quite clear about rejecting violence he said the Muslim Brotherhood is committed to peaceful means civic and societal struggle Political Engagement violence is condemned and rejected in whatever form or method it occurs whoever the perpetrators and whatever the motives you seem to have very different ideas or maybe these principles of yours just coming ok well i know to put it straight in the first place im not spokesman of the spokesperson of the Muslim Brotherhood and im a sponsor. Not all members of the i. A. F. Are members of the Muslim Brotherhood ok this isnt just action this is yeah its a little wing but not all the other i am manners yeah i understand that but im saying youve left far behind these peaceful we do believe we do believe that if we are in a country a civil country which not suffering from occupation and resisting occupation is a human rights which is acknowledged by all forms of International Law if we live in a Civic Society we go by the rules of that society ok we do not initiate violence but if we live in an occupied country. You know anything i mean if he shows the cycle of violence just keep you know you said a moment ago that youre keen on human rights but your friends in hamas dont do human rights to the why doesnt well doesnt that bother you the israelis did human rights is that the two wrongs make a right not at all but you do have to say you are no better than the israelis now is that graph joy no basis i mean israeli hearted that question you and i but you condemn the israelis for what they do you do the same thing they started the first kind of violence the better they started the cycle of violence you do not expect the palestinian to just take that fireless and be silent about it and what they do to their own people you are silent about and its on your report this year Human Rights Watch accused the palestinian authorities in gaza and the west bank of restricting freedom of expression and torturing and treating detainees of their own palestinian human Rights Groups said the same thing why dont you speak up about that if you care about human rights and not nothing to do and not your forms of that reports but i do say if you know hamas is did that its wrong ok and it should you know do something right about it but that you cannot wait this thing with the Israeli Aggression i dont care im not really having a mentor let me let you have told me that human rights cannot tell you that your son told me you cant tell you to help that you cannot take only that point and if hamas has done it ok it should do things to clear that up the same not you cannot say every government does a lot of wrong things to its people the same you cannot always not at the same time with israeli violence if you really violence have to be you know retaliated against and theyre only doing their human right you must have the same report also condemns hamas as rocket strikes and points out that the u. N. Commission of inquiry last year found that such attacks were serious violations of the laws of war because they were indiscriminate attacks on israeli Population Centers are you happy to be associated with. Serious violations of the laws of war as i said im not to speak for hamas or the Muslim Brotherhood pretty close to them using using White Phosphorous by the israelis also is not related to israel i have to answer for what they do im asking you a story this is what you and your friends promote i said as i told you asked me about well jordan asked me about the Muslim Brotherhood but in jordan my my at the pinch line is that i support the right of any human Group Whether it be in palestine or elsewhere to retaliate against aggression and occupation lets look at another issue that you do care about which is homosexuality you are very forthright about that you fought hard to get a concert cancelled here because of the sexuality of the lead singer in the lebanese band a man called sin no you actually told a t. V. Interview its exactly because of his sexuality that you wanted the concert cancelled and you said it was because of concerns by citizens what message did you want to get out that homosexuals arent welcome in jordan yes this is the this is not only my message i have people to know is that theyre not welcome yeah i have people to represent the people who are represented they informed me and they asked me to call many how many a lot sort of admitting you know you know me im not you know maybe i didnt know no im not the only one who wanted to hear him saying ok im not the only one a lot of my colleagues have also participated in the same effort to you know to prevent this group from coming so it was a kind of a unanimous decision between the members of the parliament and said ok he could come and. Know because the ministry of interior has you know i counseled the party so the thing is that im not the only one who said that it was a group. Of m. P. s who have called all ministers of the government to take their role in counseling this party and not allowing the group to come to what are you happy that as a result of this mr center has been swamped with. Threats of violence and Death Threats are you pleased about that this is not my responsibility twice because you have to create the kind of atmosphere known in which he was knocked out stigmatize life versus discriminated against might you have this crazy ability is towards the door doing in people what the jordanian people see as fit and representing their ideals and morals i have to represent them and this is a no has no rights i didnt i didnt take any of his rights i just prevent you know you have crossed the atmosphere and we dont get threats not at all being very mean that you dont have any rights in your eyes hes not gay id like to use i like to call a spade a spade and we called him homosexuality is not a gay to us and i said my first and foremost responsibility is towards the jordanian people what the jordanian p. People see as fit and welcoming we want them theyre welcome welcome them and thats my only responsibility youre in a dangerous road here because promoting intolerance and mocking people out as sinners leads to extremists in this country proving that ready to kill even for an accusation look at my head heart of the christian writer who last year faced charges of insulting islam and was gunned down outside a court here in jordan he hadnt been convicted of anything but the accusations were enough to get him killed. You dont mind that you know you know of course issued a statement at the time i had a heart and was killed or assassinated and we said that this was a crime what has happened is totally unjustified the thing has should it should take its course in the legal courts but this was as a member of Parliament Im supposed to voice what the jordanian people want so what happened in that band is that i voiced the you know the voice of the jordanian people and i took it as a responsibility to claim one tell me how many but do you claim to speak for the whole jordanian people but i dont claim to speak the jordanian people i claim to speak to a lot who have called and you know asked and there were a lot who wanted more than three hundred there were more there were a hundred so take also my colleagues and the people who asked them you would see some people were you know were totally and its all it took it took a great. Lets say a great force on the. You know on the media on facebook on twitter on all forms of communication and there was this extreme rejection and the people who really welcome them was just a minority why dont you stop promoting tolerance before someone else gives you this is not in force or with if we do seem to be blaming not had time for secularism you tweeted that secularism was driving the country towards an abyss so you almost blaming him there whats happened you dont want to know do not interpret what i did and say ok i said that i think it was our generation can you secularism in a country which constitution says that its an islamic country the religion of jordan is islam this is what is said in a constitution our constitution and if you want to say that jordan is a country of law and institutions then if the law says that this is not allowed the law should take its course whats happened to have had is unacceptable unjustified the law should have taken his course its course in his case. This is what im only promoting what the ministry did in the case of that band is that its used its power its jurisdiction to prevent that bands from coming to jordan still more for the metropolis earlier this year you celebrated the release of a murder here in jordan called achmet that comes in not just any murder but a former jordanian soldier who in one thousand nine hundred seven opened fire on a group of young israeli schoolgirls because he said they had mocked him while he was praying there was no evidence of that. And you know the only thing that murdering children is ok you make this man into a hero a man found by a military tribunal convicted him of being mentally unstable and you make a hero out of him for killing thirteen and fourteen year old israeli schoolgirls as you hatred of israel taking away your last vestiges of humanity well you may not only blame me for that you may also blame a lot of the jordanian people for not talking a lot i want you to speak it was representative of the jordanian people now as you said this is a jordanian day of celebration exactly and i still i think the reason we considered him to be free because no one can arrest someone like the soldier to come say we congratulate the people who continue to uphold the present this is not. My viewpoint doesnt matter im asking you about your percentage of the people i most want you to represent you you why do why do you have so little humanity on the death of seven unprotected israeli says you are part of the story accusing me of it its the chances and you know it is not me here a lot of them there are always two sides of the coin youre looking to your sides of the coin and accusing appalled that i tell me how hard looks good a man opening fire and then when i only age thirteen when im the only one year old no one on the girls ok theyre not only schoolgirls they were people who mocked our country who mocked our really you only have his way a lot you only have you he was no because he was you are mentally unstable as you were he was found mentally unstable was always well hes not all that is why im still here im mentally understandably unstable to us hes not mentally unstable to loreto youre a doctor on this im not a doctor but a lot so youre not able to make a lot of a judgement a lot of the people still see him as a hero so if youre incriminating michael with the viewpoint youre also incriminating the point of the twenty heroes you have people who kill schoolgirls you think its where a stranger close to. I have no Greater China was considered a hero by the israelis who committed the massacre as i said to you we asked the israelis about what they do im asking you about what you do and what you think you think its brave to shoot at kids who have no protection whatsoever thats bravery to you it is part of your story we in jordan a lot of the jordanian people actually still view the concept as a hero because he retaliated to the mockery of israelis he didnt retaliate he shot and schoolgirls the late king hussein in a way certainly the will of allah the way when personally to apologize to the israeli families of the victims he sat in all humility with them and shared their pain but you didnt feel any pain and i know where of that im aware of that and im still aware of the pain of a lot of palestinians who were also massacred in the hadron last your praise for that comes as actions actually encourages others to do so by legitimizing these killings you help legitimize the murder of children everywhere not at all because i said you have to put the thing in context the context says that this we are in we have an enemy the enemy is israel if we are put in a in an enemy state with them then its our role to the time come on would you draw the line did he have a force base these sort of year olds three year olds where do you draw the line i draw your line just dont some i draw the line i draw the line or a mother im a mother i was quite happy to have thirteen and fourteen year old just because theyre israelis killed and particularly theyre actually just because youre enemies and whatever they are that already knew she knew that one of them every religion or teen or fourteen year olds. And thats enough a lot of major damage when i was thirteen year old palestinians were killed and massacred why dont you defend them all so you know many people around the world will judge views like you to be obscene and inhuman do you care youre someone who recommends and praises the killing of children is not what you want to be known for not to you and your movement you want to be known for that not at all we have to construct contextualize everything that you say ok and just just dont repeat still hard to find a nice context on where a mans opens the trainees are very tight thirteen or fourteen years and all the islamic movements under the same shirt youre asking me about settles country which is jordan which i presume present as an m. P. Here we are Civil Society we call for the respect of human rights in palestine is totally different issue except unless you are as you live fourteen year old schoolgirl list whos probably never even heard hold out as a journalist you really years old palestinians who are massacred every night i mean just this ok does it when youre responding to if they kill your children taught you kill their chinese respond day when youre responding to a person who started the cycle of violence ok who started killing you who started nothing killing you you what makes your position even more remarkable is that you you sit in parliament here in amman jordan discussing socalled protections for women and girls and then go and cheer the murder of thirteen and fourteen year old girls that some hypocrisy is not at all because i recently received as i told you you have to contest to allies in jordan where we sit next to fight what a society of law and order with a society that protect human rights in a palace in palestine its a totally different issue its a totally different story why dont you see the killing and murdering and massacring of palestinian women of palestinian children every day you people who go to trade are being killed and massacred people who are just trying to perform there were killed i mean you want. I want some context in two thousand and six members of the islamic action front went to offer condolences here on the death of the alqaeda Senior Commander in iraq a book. And this was just a year after alqaeda had blown up three hotels in amman and killed sixty innocent people and you islamic action front was offering condolences to the former head of the group who carried out this atrocity in your own capital i dont condone that i dont see that as fit i think its only your group still i dont defend if theres something wrong i dont know how to defend it or the way i see that as an individual you know opinion they acted on their own you know when lets say well i dont defend that at all because our position towards terrorist organization is very clear at the party we see that as a terrorist organization we did not you know support their own choice of going and you know offering condolences and after that our position towards any terrorist group is very clear and very clear that you also say that but youre also seeing you and the Muslim Brotherhood are seen as part of a Conveyor Belt that feeds at least some of your members into the arms of militant organizations the center on religion and geopolitics two years ago that a quarter of prominent jihadi is from the middle east and africa had links to the Muslim Brotherhood before they joined militant groups not at all because your part is a beta so using your experience and you you think you may not at all proposing using this source that you have cited i would also cite the u. K. Report which was issued in two thing two thousand and sixteen by the special Foreign Committee which said that the Muslim Brotherhood is a fire wall against extremism so you have your sources i have my sources also which say that. You know and it does worry you that figures like a man. Now leader of al qaida. By some as the father of global jihad also showed that same path as you through the muslim not at all because it worry you at all no because the incident has no experience in and as you know its not a coincidence every person can you know believe in an ideology at a certain time and go astray and change their minds so you have to see the performance the total the totality of the performance of the Muslim Brotherhood in their Different Countries what is it that if that so many of those who go on to become terrorists pass through the us its not our problem a lot of people you know move between different i do i draw lodges and they do all kinds of actions but the way you can assess the performance isnt its pure coincidence its sheer coincidence i actually want to believe and im not responsible for what people believe but see the performance of the Muslim Brotherhood and other islamic movements who did not go to the path of extremism you will see that they have preserved the security and stability of their countries look at the Muslim Brotherhood in jordan in the period of the arab spring the Muslim Brotherhood has been very wise enough to tailor its own kind of reform in other countries that your divided and weak and not at all you know they said in other notes is that with your own internal affairs no no israel is higher didnt we so thats how it was split happened over the world but let me go to the left we dont want to split its not at all not at all i think that now as a party were strong the most im not responsible as i told you to respond respond for the Muslim Brotherhood but im just assessing the situation as a politician coming back to my point they try it they tailored our spring in in jordan to say we want to reform not overthrew the regime or the government so this was you know creating a kind of lets say preserving the stability of the jordanian people trying to reform within the limits that we have and we have also come into. The parliament because we see ourselves as part and parcel of society that we go where the limits of society we do not go and clash with society already weve already discussed some of your limits and red lines thanks very much for being a complete welcome thank you well. The Ottoman Empire it ruled over three continents the seven seas uniting different cultures and religions. The ottomans reign for six centuries. But what happened in the Nineteenth Century what triggered the empires collapse. Of the sublime multiethnic states in the Ottoman Empire. Doesnt obviously but i think its really important to give a bit of time and love back to the families who make so much effort. Education is not only for employment education is for empowerment i am saw that in coming ten fifteen years the one of the think about how to in colcord the values of tolerance. These are understanding these things cannot be ignored for have them because the fundamentalist forces and the fanatic forces are also acting very deeply and intensely and they cannot undermine their power the power of communication the power of technology ordinary people must not modernise support them must not socialism or that the International Community has to invest more on that you case and which can prevent young people to enter into that trap and if it forces. You to make up thank you now company mikas a German Stock Corporation was founded in two thousand our initial stuff of two his meanwhile going to eighty i just dont know well the site was chosen because we have all the competency in excellence it doesnt and sex and your fellow very good ecosystem for our company through five g. Is the driving force behind industry four point zero zero so whats special about us is probably that we dont only present the formulas how it could be but that we also make tests on a running system in organic semiconductor the other largest cluster in germany and in europe we have to university we have a sort of hole in the Film Institute yes you players of equipment and materials for us is going to cost its absolutely important that our staff have their minds free when they come to work this means we do have these child friendly facilities. Creativity and idiotic is the fruit of the utmost fair surrounding your company and we have also extremely good support from the political system is entrenched but quite proud of where we are today to see what we still need as human power because the end of the day the industry says of course they go where they get their problems solved and thats possible here on science by leaving the us so even china before french but doesnt is a very good place to raise a family. And i know if it was my somebody and. This is deja vu news live from bar land china rolls out of pomp and pageantry for President Trump the u. S. Leader lashes praise then turns up the pressure on chinas president pointing to north Koreas Nuclear threat as a problem that they can solve together the two leaders also signaled progress on trade talks despite trumps past bars

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