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Trade talks despite trumps past barbs. Also coming up another high profile british cabinet secretary resigns this time over an authorized meetings in israel after this latest shockwave and Prime Minister to resign may maintain her shaky hold on power we will have the latest from london. And german automaker opals plans for survival after being deserted by a longtime owner of General Motors last year. But if you down peer pressure to speak out against hate this german high schooler takes a stand against her classmates nazi inspired taunts her story reveals the persistence of anti semitism in germany. Im sorry kelly welcome to the Program Thanks for joining us. U. S. President donald trump has called on china to pressure north korea to give up its Nuclear Weapons program hes meeting his chinese counterpart xi jinping in beijing part of a marathon tour of asia trump received a red carpet welcome arriving for talks on a range of thorny issues with trade and north korea at the top of the agenda president xi pledged that china would persist with the goal of denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula trying to urge him to act fast lets listen in to what tom had to say. The United States is committed to the complete and permanent denuclearization of north korea so important china can fix this problem easily and quickly and i am calling on china and your great president to hopefully work on it very hard i know one thing about your president if he works on it hard it will happen theres no doubt about it and for more lets bring indeed obvious that he has fallen ghar who is in beijing he has been monitoring those statements from both of these World Leaders and mathias i just want to begin first with your perspective on what we just heard u. S. President donald trump say urging she to work hard to resolve the north korea conflict did it get any results well thats the idea that the Trump Administration has china just needs to increase pressure cut off the life minds of the north korean regime and then the north korean regime will give up its. Its Nuclear Program the Chinese Government sees it differently the Chinese Government does not want to risk any instability in north korea so cutting off would be too risky strategy and thats why there have been very little progress in the past time and these talks also have not brought any. Specific result to this issue i want to talk a little bit more about you know results oriented discussions because we weve seen these two leaders compliment each other quite a lot during this trip in fact this trip that was called a state visit plus because of just how lavish it was pictures of harmony there but you know when we get down below that what is there tension between these two do you think over these issues i think at the core of the topics there has not been made much progress nevertheless of course a good working relationship and mutual sympathy can help advancing things but the core interest is very different on the north korea issue and also on trade issues these were the main factors but there are a few others like the South China Sea other strategic. Region so i dont see really that is visited has brought some some some visible results it has improved the atmosphere between the two elements we know that donald trump that he for example that he wanted action on north korea he wants china to be more aggressive there in pressuring that country we also know that they had some some goals in terms of trade that theyre not happy with the balance of trade with china how about from the side of china what were they looking to get from trump in this visit. I think. The chinese strategy is probably to contain try to make him not be more outspoken towards china to give the world in question that the two countries are in harmony that every problem can be solved to be not be troubled by trump and they have succeeded i think in this very low trump was very soft spoken in this visit. Very much in contrary to what he has had before so they would just want to step allies the relationship and to the church to to have a more predictable american policy and even a less assertive american its a different and more cooperative telling that we have witnessed here between these two World Leaders who will have to continue to abuse the t. S. A. Pulling guard joining us from beijing thank you. We mentioned trade in that conversation with mathias thats for monica jones is going to take exactly and i will know more about the economics of that i hope that mathias is hanging around because ive got a couple of questions for him as well sarah we know that she jumping in donald trump have Just Announced bilateral business deals worth two hundred fifty business billion u. S. Dollars that includes thirty seven billion dollars worth of planes from boeing a further sign of the relationship of trust that both men profess to have struck up since their first meeting at mar a lago resort in florida that was back in april and things have not always been so rosy we heard to that to the u. S. President has accused beijing in the past of arms and trading practices and has threatened to china with tariffs when we take a look at the numbers last year the u. S. Export of goods was only one hundred sixteen billion u. S. Dollars to china however because many u. S. Companies now manufacture there the u. S. Imported about four times that value of goods from china Chinese Foreign and direct investment in the United States hit forty six billion dollars in twenty sixteen but so far on that on a tram its dropped significantly and while donald trump is known to criticize u. S. Chinese trade balance he doesnt blame china for rate heres what he had to say in a speech to Business Leaders in beijing. To the states and china will have a more prosperous future if we can achieve a level economic Playing Field right now unfortunately it is a very one sided and unfair one but but i dont blame china. After all who can blame a country for being able to take advantage of another country for the benefit of its citizens i give china great credit. Now than donald trump theyre on Something Like a Charm Offensive with chinese Business Leaders at least lets return to money as bowling in beijing yes thats quite a different tune were hearing there from donald trump at least when it comes to business and trade relations what he had to chief. Well thats not so clear what he hopes to achieve obviously he is convinced that consequent fronts are two of way would not get him where he wants he hopes he can get china to cooperate more on this. Issue of the it means that he would have some kind of voluntary contribution by china to reduce this trade imbalance how far you will get with its of course not. I wish i was just about to say i mean a voluntary move by china to improve trade balance between the u. S. And china why would a beijing be interested in doing so if it had been if it had a vital interest in doing so it would have done so. I think on the long run china cannot be happy about this balance going so much out of out of balance but because china is the biggest creditor of the us and it is interested in a stable you as economy but still the country is profiting from this imbalance and it will probably not change its policy just for the sake of having. To in your favor to try ok off having a sort of nice. Pictures together there bellinger in beijing thank you so much for this. Well back here in europe the British Government is struggling to sort of Stay Together is losing yet another cabinet member sara no harmonious pictures in the u. K. This morning monica in fact were talking about another shake up for tourism is government u. K. International Development Secretary pretty to tell has resigned it is the second high profile departure from Prime Minister teresa mayes cabinet in just a week but tell admitted to holding at least twelve on authorized to view things with israeli politicians including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during what was supposed to be a vacation in israel a tell has apologized for her actions but this is yet another blow for teresa mayes government which is facing several crises including Sexual Harassment allegations and i stalled or exit in london we are now joined by do mass to put all of the moving and the shaking into perspective for us so bear get how important was patel to the government and to the Prime Minister to resign. Well the cabinet is always a fine balance of people and for pretty patel was a woman shes also from ethnic minority the only woman from an ethnic minority on the cabinet so far and also very important she is a brick city a a very somebody very very committed to brics it on that shes on the right of the party so its sort of shakes up the balance of the cabinet went to resume a has to. The new the new foreign Development Secretary to the success of pretty protel very complicated situation also pretty good tell somebody who is said to have leadership ambitions for the conservative party very ambitious and the question is will she now do this in a constructive way cooperate or will she cause further trouble for tourism a from the backbenches of course very unwelcome that would be. Another thing that is unwelcome i mean this is only this is rather the second minister to resign in a week defense minister Michael Fallon stepped down following allegations of Sexual Harassment how much trouble is teresa mayes government and well the Sexual Harassment allegations have really and gulf the cabinet theres also another minister under investigation somebody whos very close its reason may say this is a big shake up of the cabinet bell and also Boris Johnson the foreign secretary has been under a lot of criticism in the last days for his actions regarding a british woman who is currently in jail in iran and he has used some very callous words that are very negative for her fate so hes been under a lot of pressure as well so all this presents basically a picture of a cabinet and a government thats not in control somebody use the word mood and having this in the middle of the negotiations where we have another round just today and tomorrow in brussels is very very unfortunate for trees and may indeed mass in london thank you lets get a quick check now of some other stories making news around the world the United Nations says that yemen is facing the largest famine that the world has seen for many decades a Saudi Led Coalition has blockaded all of the countrys ports and cut off the flow of arms to who through rebels this move also cut off all International Aid the saudis are backing the sunni Yemeni Government against an uprising by shia who the rebels in the north of the country. Colombias police have seized twelve tons of cocaine president Juan Manuel Santos on wednesday announced the hall which he said was the largest single drug seizure in the history of the country is forty years long fight against Drug Trafficking and it was a bumpy start for this driverless shuttle bus in las vegas the bus collided with a truck less than two hours after making its debut on the citys streets but police say that this was a human error on the part of the truck driver sensors on the bus meant to automatically stop. The bus they tried to actually avoid that accident. Former u. S. President barack obama showed up for jury duty this week obama currently lives in washington d. C. But was required to check in in chicago where he and former first Lady Michelle stew own a house obama gave his fellow chicagoans a good ole president ial handshake and signed a few autographs and was then swiftly dismissed from jury duty. Youre watching news still to come on the program taking a stand against this High Schoolers Online Harassment reveals how antisemitism and racism threaten to take hold among young germans. And it is crunch time in the race for next years world cup and russia can be underdogs Northern Ireland upset switzerland for a place in the tournament we will look ahead to tonights playoff match. On now monica is back with us and were looking at an important story breaking today in fact for the agriculture business here in europe whats going on a lot of big big day for europes farming sector sara certainly because you Member States to decide all the use of the controversial we kill of life for say the e. U. Commission proposed to extend the patent for another five years critics however say the substance should be banned for Health Reasons but doing so would be a huge blow to the farming business youre in europe who is a production cycle now revolves around the chemical. This is how some view the relationship with life a seat if your ear is that some Member States arent ready to do away with beside those in favor of it cite studies suggesting the chemical is not carcinogenic studies funded however by manufacturer monsanto but the research comes to different conclusions and says life as it probably does cause cancer in conventional farming life or sage is the most widely used herbicide in the world british farmers are among those who swear by it. We cannot run a system like this where we are growing public crops. To keep the fields green or right for the winter we cannot do that without life say we can come in here straight off to harvest a part of it and then it was brown the winter sucking the life out of the soil. Finance is another argument frequently made in favor of life is it in britain. So in the event of a bad. There will be a large shift in terms of the composition to taste fields a shift away from wheat potential twenty percent decline and fifty percent decline in crops in arable crops for all i want what we see then is that farmers incomes will fall by the changes before cost one hundred forty million pounds. There are alternatives to life as it besides with fewer health risks all farmers can simply cultivate their fields the way they did before that life was eight era. General motors former European Division opel was given a deadline off today to come up with a roadmap for the future by its new owner francis p s a group plan and shows jobs for the companys nine hundred thousand employees opel wants to use p. S. As technology to bring itself into the profit so opel also plans on quickly developing electric versions of its vehicle lineup by using new product lines and selling opel as part of the p. S. A. Line of worldwide p. S. A. Hopes this opel will move back into profitability for the first time in years now lets bring in our correspondent daniel coppa standing by for us at opel factory in hi im even though it says p. S. A. But that of course can be explained daniel theres a press conference about to start which should shed light on oprahs Business Strategy what are you hearing. Yeah there monica well i can tell you that the press conference just started and everybody here is going to be really interesting to see pretty much of opel has done its homework during the last one hundred days piers told them that opel has to come up with a plan during the First One Hundred days in order to make sure that by twenty twenty theyre going to be profitable again we remember that under the ownership of General Motors they have been just in the red numbers since nine hundred ninety nine and now were hearing and i guess this is going to make mostly the people here in a city were pretty much everybody is working for very relieved that at least for the moment they are not going to be any job cuts but of course this is just going to be you know the case until twenty twenty because by that time they have to be profitable again aapl already has announced that they will do not negotiate with worker unions so yeah its going to be really interesting what theyre going to announce during this quarter conference well and you will tell us all about it daniel in the meantime whats the mood among staff there going through major changes. Yeah major changes since their own by the french i was talking to some of thats how they are called here earlier and i actually thought that they might be in great fear what would happen to them but actually to the ones i have talked to they seem to be pretty optimistic they told me that whenever they were in the hands of g. M. They always had this feeling that g. M. Doesnt really understand the european car sector but now with p. S. A. They really know how to produce cars and also to produce very profitable cars of course there is some uncertainty how those new structures are going to be they cannot be any more sure and which department they might be working in the future but for the moment i can tell you that they dont really have this fear of losing their jobs and daniel opel is not just changing hands it is changing culture and General Motors major u. S. Company p. S. A. A major french player hows the difference being felt well theyre telling me that this is a completely different climate that they are feeling right now here in the company just also one example i have was at a press conference here last year last year they were serving some german bread rolls and theyre serving cross songs here in the morning so thats just one example one employer was telling me also you know that before it was always you know about power point presentations when they were talking about problems now its about the keep. The real numbers and about axel sheets so yeah its a pretty much a different climate here going on in the course of time well that that youll enjoy the cross also i heard that theres a shortage of crossness in france. At opel in time thank you so much. Well today is the ninth of november and thats quite a special day here in Germany Special for multiple reasons i mean one of jubilation another one far more somber. The first one it marks a number of important anniversaries in the countrys history it was on november ninth one thousand eight hundred nine that the berlin wall fell which eventually led to germanys reunifications so this should be a day to celebrate here in germany but november ninth is also the anniversary of darker of vance germanys defeat in world war one on november ninth one thousand nine hundred eighteen political leaders on that date declared the country was now a republic but germanys first experiment with democracy came to be associated with Economic Hardship street battles between the far left and far right just to name a few factors we know how the history goes after hitler comes to power democracy is of olives and on this day november ninth one thousand nine hundred thirty eight the nazi regime orchestrated a massive program against the countrys Jewish Population as synagogues and businesses were attacked the police there did nothing heres a closer look at what happened. On the evening of november ninth one thousand thirty eight synagogues in europe were set aflame they burned in germany austria and in czechoslovakia organized gangs of nazi and brownshirt funks abused imprisoned or murdered thousands of jews amid the cheers of countless gardeners seven thousand jewish owned shops were destroyed and the mob then looted the shops that night was the start of the biggest genocide in human history. Well despite efforts to confront its nazi past anti semitic and racist attitudes are still present in germany today and the gains made by the far right in septembers elections have many germans worried could nationalist and anti immigrant rhetoric once again be normalized in the country one High School Student has chosen to take a stand facing down peer pressure to speak out against bigotry. Fifteen year old is visiting the memorial to the murder jews of europe in central berlin with her mother at school she has seen how hate speech and antisemitism are on the rise again she says it started slowly. This is when people would come into the classroom others would raise their right arm in the deliberate nazi salute sometimes there shouted heil hitler you are cool if you did that. At first she didnt speak up then she saw an Online Chat Group with upsetting images. There was one picture of a cloud of smoke and the caption said jewish family portrait. And that wasnt the only one in the class chat group so i wrote that this guy should stop behaving like hes a nazi and he wrote back saying i should emigrate to poland if i dont like it he asked if i didnt hold too many dead jews. And milia reported her classmate for incitement to hatred which is a crime in germany she had to contend with a lot of other classmates giving her strange looks but now the civil courage she demonstrated has been recognized with this award from the friends of the whole the cost memorial and berlins Jewish Community and really says she didnt get much support from her teachers and classmates but she did have backing from her friends and family and she says in the future shell act much sooner against racism and antisemitism. The group stage of the world cup may be over but there are still open slots for next summers fake event in russia tonight croatia host greece in the first match of a two lead playoff for one of the european places still up for grabs likewise switzerland travel to Northern Ireland incredibly the swiss failed to qualify automatically for russia despite a run of nine straight wins in the group stage they were pipped to the post by port. Its not that belfast isnt a nice place to land but this is not where the swiss want to be after a strong qualifying round their points total most years would easily qualify for the finals not this year former byron munich winger gerrard on schick heerey finds it almost comical. Its a strange feeling to have twenty seven points from our ten games and find ourselves in the playoffs of course we were disappointed but thats football. Meanwhile Northern Ireland are relishing this match up if you are giving them a chance against the swiss but this group of overachievers has a shot at getting Northern Ireland to their first world cup finals in thirty two years. You know over the years we always sort of have been on the dogs when this come in the into the big moments and. Well so its you know its a its a position that were comfortable with but theres also been situations you know within the group where weve had the riches from. The underdogs arent short of confidence Northern Ireland have lost only once in the last ten competitive home matches that two world champions germany. On now to the stuff of Science Fiction fantasy a british inventor has designed a flying suit and he has soared straight into the record books Richard Browning managed to fly across the lake with his body controlled jet engine power suit after a couple of setbacks it proved to be a third time lucky guy as he reached a speed of fifty one Kilometers Per Hour the fastest ever speed for a flight in a suit like this. Congratulations you have a quick reminder now the top stories that were following for you here at the u. S. President has urged his chinese counterpart she isnt going to work hard to contain north Koreas Nuclear threat trump also criticized chinese trade practices but said that he didnt blame china for taking cost advantage of the United States isnt china as part of his first asian tore. Up to date on d w im sorry kelly thanks for watching us you next. Enter the call. Blick zone there are plenty of strong views about the Muslim Brotherhood several arab states have declared them a terrorist organization my guest here in amman jordan is a team of top who shes an m. P. For the islamic action from the political wing of the brotherhood was King Abdullah right to accuse them of being like wolves in sheeps clothing. Next to the with. The the Ottoman Empire it ruled over three continents seven seas uniting different cultures and religion. The ottomans reign for six centuries. But what happened in the Nineteenth Century what triggered the empires collapse the end of the sublime porte multiethnic states in the Ottoman Empire in forty five minutes on g. W. In antarctica. The deadly storm can be minutes away. So a Satellite Phone is your lifeline and theres no way more extreme on the us to build the wrong way. When this mans phone with d. H. L. Got a replacement haul of way around the world within thirty six dollars and. The runway was finished allowing the Climate Change scientists. To continue to fight to research the benefits or. Thats the power of global trade. Is making it happen. There are plenty of strong views about the Muslim Brotherhood and its many offshoots around the world several arab states have declared them a terrorist organization the americans have yet to make up their mind my guest here in amman jordan is deem a taboo shes an m. P. For the islamic action front

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