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News on d w make grooves famous stars emmy and now. With the the job came in vegas house of music a trip. To be the best and i mean i love you and unplugged. You. For a night groups starting november third on d w. The whole d w one out. For in focus Global Insights the news out for local heroes. D. W. Made for minds. At. Russias secret campaign Google Twitter and Facebook Face a grilling from u. S. Legislators how could russian agents b. L. Outs to influence the president ial elections by using social media networks. And a burning issue how farmers in northern india have not no choice but polluting the air on a massive scale and what the government could do to help. Also do robot dogs dream of chasing electric shape sony unveils mans new best friend. This is e w business live from berlin and cadel for us but first the perfect storm is shaping up in equity markets across the globe not a bad storm so in destruction its a good storm sweeping across the world boosting share prices in a broad based rally the fire is being fueled primarily by upbeat corporate earnings reports also oil has been making a bull run after producers out there are words Central Banks are showing confidence in the economy too with rate hikes scaling back monetary accommodation global trade is booming as well in tokyo frankfurt london and new york indices are soaring to record. Now Facebook Google and twitter and the spotlight of u. S. Lawmakers that being questions about their political ads the companies have begun two days of hearings before legislative committees the question is has russia used the companies to sway American Voters in last years president ial elections and so discord afterwards facebook admitted that hundreds of millions of people may have been influenced by politically divisive posts from fake accounts that originated in russia. Thousands and thousands of ads in comments on social networking sites during the president ial election in the u. S. Favored u. S. President donald trump over his opponent Hillary Clinton up to one hundred twenty six million americans were served the messages originating from the russian troll farm the Internet Research agency u. S. Lawmakers in washington are now trying to figure out how it could have happened the u. S. Judiciary subcommittee grilled three social media representatives from Facebook Twitter and google for hours the questions were difficult like why was the problem first discovered eleven months after the election those are two data points american political ads. And russian money rubles. How could you not connect those two dots. Senator its a signal we should have been alerted to and in hindsight its one we know ok during the Senate Hearing facebooks representative stated that ads from russia were even posted after the election but this time against Donald Trumps presidency in the wake of the election and now president trumps election we saw a lot of activity directed at fomenting discord about the validity of his elections used state sponsored attackers are particularly pernicious they are well resourced they are sophisticated they are patient and often by design they are difficult to recognize the russians attack was clearly meant to cause political and social discord and divide the American People in the future all three Companies Plan on countering organized troll campaigns by blocking accounts investigations continue today Facebook Google and twitter executives will appear before the u. S. Congress intelligence committee. After allegations of Sexual Harassment against Kevin Spacey Netflix now says its suspending production of the final season of house of cards the company have announced earlier that the season in production right now would be the last successful series of on the fictional u. S. President led by spacey has been a cash cow for the video on demand service. For years house of cards has been netflixs most popular show since the video on demand Service Launched the groundbreaking Political Drama series in twenty thirteen the number of subscribers has grown sharply to one hundred ten Million Worldwide now netflix says its pausing production in order to review the situation the company was reacting to sexual abuse charges leveled by anthony rapp a former child actor raps and spacey tried to seduce him in one nine hundred eighty six when he was fourteen on twitter stacey apologized for the incident which he claims he couldnt remember netflix said it had already decided to end house of cards with the sixth season before the accusations became public. And the north of india the practice of burning straw off the rise of us has become a major environmental issue over the last couple of years its the cheapest wife of farms to prepare the fields for the next crop but it generates huge amounts of pollution to avoid burning farmers would need machinery which they cant afford but now a new technology could help solve the problem. When job india a land of burning fields. These have become yearly scenes as farmers set fire to straw or left over from their summer rice harvest to make room for their winter crops. The practice is a major contributor to north india severe winter air quality issues and last year pollution levels in new delhi roasted nearly thirty times higher than World Health Organization standard surrendered has been farming in the district of party for fifteen years. But last years pollution crisis led him to rethink his farming practices. Every year we used to burn the straw and it had a negative impact on the environment now the government has put a restriction against this practice and some of us have tried to find a solution for it we want to protect the environment with a. Surrender solution is a chopping machine which he and another farmer invested around two and a half thousand euros in earlier this year that allows them to remove straw easily and put it back in their fields to help with their winter crops. About thirty five kilometers away another alternative to crop burning is in effect straw from nearby farms is chopped up at this local power plant so it can be used as fuel to create electricity the plant uses contractors to collect straw from fields with machines called bayless but there are limitations to how many farms they can cover in such a short window of time. For shanshu club works at the plant and he believes their output could be significantly greater if farmers played a more active role in the process they can buy their own machinery. There should be at least. We can from all the fields. Instead of burning they can mail and supplied to us if they dont burn the fuel. But many farmers are still burning their fields they say they dont have faith in the new methods and that they wont be investing in them until government gives them financial incentive many of these farmers are already in severe debt and until they get the assistance they need they say theres no choice but to set their fields alight. Someone else should solve this problem the government should lift the straw themselves or pay off compensation to clear the fields we are fed up with the situation. Farmers know the environmental consequences of crop burning but as long as it remains the cheapest way for them to clear their fields it will be a long time before more buy into alternative solutions. Buying gold is a popular in pauls among investors in tabula in times of course purchasing the actual physical bullion bags wrists baso an obvious concern i for one that was sold by a bank in ottawa. When all that glitters is gold you need experts to tell you so especially if purported markings from the Royal Canadian men make is called rebellion like budget of it. There is no gold whatsoever its its its not made of gold you know that was a problem for this jewelry business which bought the bar its since been reimbursed but investors in jewelers are like might be worried at a compromise supply. For the mint will want to get the bottom of it because it. Undermines confidence in their product and they certainly dont dont want that nor does any of the Financial Institutions in canada want that they dont especially not the royal bank of canada which some of the board its interests are in the piece for testing at the mint but other bogus ones could be in wide circulation and difficult to find. Robots on the march everywhere set to take over the work place theyll fold Public Service and help us with chores at home now sony has introduced a second version of a little electric dog that will keep Lonely People company with its fresh little gay tent and it is i bow thats his name sames said take dog lovers hearts by storm well maybe. Do electronic dogs dream of chasing electric sheep ask Japan Sony Corp just developed a Second Generation of its little robotic dog in silver and black looks like a cross between your average lap dog and a coffee maker he even comes with elie diaz to light the way Japan Sony Corp unveiled the robot a day after it forecast record earnings leaving its share price to hit a nine year high the robo doggy runs for about two hours after a full three hour charge it has two cameras that use facial recognition to identify its owner and twenty two motors for movement throughout their. I dont know how theyre confident that a robot that allows the experience of connecting with people and love is exactly what embodies sonys mission so i gave the order to begin the development of about a year and a half ago when i will have to achieve much the owners can also sync ibo with a Smartphone Application called my i bow which allows them to play with the robot dog remotely the electro will cost about fifteen hundred euros and shipments start in mid january. I have a mans new best friends thats it for me on the business scene here and ill have an update for you in the next hour more news. At the top of the hour thanks for watching bob im. Here its all about one man. This time were on the luther trail around to regina in the state capital and on the Historic Town of eisenhower. The reformer is being worshipped like a pop star merchandising and it seems like we bump into him everywhere. Next d. W. Is the reputation of german car makers beyond the first the emissions scandal then allegations of collusion the big five german car maker stand accused of doing secret deals and raking in record profits. How far did it go. About a motive industry shenanigans on the maid enjoyed in sixty minutes w. Health. And here in studio. Solidarity. They fall by the wayside when the gap between rich and poor grows. Life in an equal society. The divide starting november fifteenth on d w. When cities are engulfed by the sea. All the dams walls and costly protective measures would have been. Nothing. But. Starting november ninth on d w

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