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Hospital bed cover the nice at some water will use this device to circulate icy water around the patient accelerate the cooling process as quickly as possible those first agrees a critical because the more you are the first things are falling apart weve also taken the restoration of the stuffing that we use this mechanical devices into mechanical c. P. R. So restarting circulation not with the goal of reviving the person but we dont really want to revive the person but the ideas we have of the restart everything so we can circulate the medications were take the cells as well as possible and maintain viability of the biological tissues for as long as possible so our goals were to get that temperature down from going to be done to other that above freezing as fast as we can and we dont want to go below freezing at this point because if we do that without the next step in place with which is removing the blood and body fluids then you get all the ice crystals forming. Iyonix is. The storage of patients at very low temperatures in the hopes that at some point in the future we will have the technology to repair damaged tissues to reverse the aging process itself and bring those patients back to life and function so patients who we can no longer help with todays medicine throws up his hands and says theres nothing more i can do for this patient what were saying is lets not give up on the person lets give them a chance the next stage of the process after weve seen the way to the patient this is what we do its very much like open heart surgery open up the just access the main blood vessels in here well then connect it up to the fusion system here in the chiller essentially what were doing is removing as much blood and body fluids as possible to avoid ice crystals formation and i suppose that what this is really destroying the crucial information in the brain but it will do a lot of damage so we would minimize that so the goal would be is not to freeze people simply freeze people actually we really dont like people vitrification really means that as well as the fluid that we use the crow protection critic and fluid socially medical grade antifreeze as it gets colder and colder it becomes a glassy substance it just gets thicker and thicker it doesnt form a new ice crystals so it just gets more most of the holes the cells in place. Then well drop the temperature rapidly below freezing not about minus one hundred ten degree c. Point between one hundred ten one hundred twenty zero so you want to go a Phase Transition youre no longer a bag of fluid as we tend to be most the time youre actually getting a true saw. The final stage of quite an x. Is patient storage and care after weve done the stabilization of the transport the surgery of the fusion once patients reach mines a hundred ninety six degrees c. Will be stored in these vessels doers as theyre called these are actually like gigantic fillmores flasks where you keep your hot coffee hot and cold. This contains a large amount of liquid nitrogen for a whole body patients chevys you can also actually get several your patients in the Center Column in the middle this is a three d. Printed version of the do is in which our patients are stored at hard to imagine whats inside the do it because you can see and you can see how patients are stored they have up to four whole body patients but also in the Center Column we can also store several of your a patients brain on the patients in the Center Column so the for the efficient packing. Over one hundred forty patients have been preserved by the alec or life extension foundation. The cost of cryo preservation is currently around two hundred thousand dollars for the whole body and eighty thousand forebrain only members have a choice there are actually two basic options you can either chromosome your entire body which about half the members of chosen or you can actually just curves of the brain the brain being the important part thats where you live thats where your memory of personality reside and the idea that my own personal choice the idea that is the rest of this will be pretty. Your place anyway is going to be in bad shape by the time i need to be pros are probably of a mind to five years old when im just replacing socially every cell in nobody has the d. N. A. Instructions to regrow body im not seems not very far in the future compared to restoring a damaged brain its a lot more complicated theres also issues in practical advantages in that in some parts of the organ some parts of america. You have to have a special coverage to move the whole body out of state and that could be a problem if its after Business Hours on a weekend whereas the brain only is essentially a tissue donation and you can cross state lines immediately so you have the. Do you consider your patients or a life. Neither i dont consider patients to be alive because clearly theres no biochemical activity going on theres no batavia as im they dont fit the definition of life but theyre not dead either if by dead you mean permanently gone or you were free of a ball but the fundamental sense of dead really is that you cannot be brought back youve gone but not lee and i would argue that silly for most of our patients theyre not dead in that sense because we have stopped the condition from deteriorating and from you know electron microscope studies of the brain from c. T. Scans from other research on our patients and on some im accountable to shew we know that in many cases we are preserving the structure of the brain sufficiently well given what we know of memory that we are preserving memory and personality. We cant bring anybody back today because we dont have sufficiently advanced technology we can of course quote preserve vers tissues and revive them there are dozens of two types of tissues sperm eggs. Valves blood vessels skin cells corneas or lots of tissues weve barbras of and brought back and used as well known so to go from a single tissue type to a whole organ like a kidney or liver or heart is currently on the very edge of possibility we cant quite do that were very close by going from a whole organ to a whole organism like a human being or any complex animal is also beyond our ability to reverse the process we can do it in very simple organisms we actually did some research recently with a microscopic womb called c. Elegans and we were able to actually teach it very simple tasks quite preserve it re woman and actually remember the tusks and we showed that it actually was of memory just. When will people start coming back and thats something that i can only guess at i would be amazed if it was less than thirty years for anybody. And i would be pretty disappointed as more than one hundred fifty so these are a very large range i would guess it really depends on so much it depends on how Much Research we do how much funding goes into Regenerative Medicine it and the aging research we dont want to bring patients back and so we can reverse the aging process. The idea of having myself cryo conserved seems absolutely plausible but it probably doesnt work theres only one alternative to and it is food for worms and to be honest the thought of being preserved in a giant thermos doesnt really appeal to me at all. And what would it be lines to live in a world where all the people you love are dead. I head over to a phoenix housing district reserved for people over fifty five. There i want to talk to a woman who may be able to answer my question. My name is Linda Chamberlain im one of the cofounders of al corps it was started back in one nine hundred seventy two by my husband and myself and weve really spent most of our life involved in crown ex and transhumanism. And im now retired. And my husband. Chris tastes and elkhart this time as are my mother and my father in law. I can remember when my mother was dying of cancer and i told her you know what the next time we see each other were probably going to be im going to have taken you out to a wonderful dinner at the best restaurant on the moon of titan with the best view of the planet saturn and you and i will toast a life it will be together again. Brick road to the beginning to worry that your story of course. As an atheist. I had accepted the fact that there is nothing after biological death its just dust to dust youve just gone because i had accepted it doesnt mean that liked it it was just a fact and then i read the prospect of immortality by robert enter who is considered the father of crying on x. And i said wow thats a great idea. Well initially back in the early one nine hundred seventy is. This was considered. A lunatic fringe kind of thinking why nobody was actually doing this this was just Science Fiction and so we the problems we ran into was even when we had a member who had made arrangements for the us and. Were at the hospital and were trying to get them released to us so we could do this they just looked at us as if we were just kooks we just lunatics so i guess youd say that over the last forty years weve gone from lunatic fringe to cutting edge. A lot of people worry well you know immortality sounds kind of good but when i get bored after ive lived a thousand years thats only assuming that you remain at exactly the same level of intelligence as you have right now but if you can think a million times faster. You can there will be so many exciting things for you to explore that right now you would be totally incapable of so i dont think that theres going to be any problem being bored this can be more to do more to learn work find out. Workers are going to. Be im not at all convinced of this kind of resurrection or perhaps when you reach a certain point. You should make way for others and not become a burden to anyone its got. Your eyes stand in front of the mountain venerated by the branches when they got older they climbed up to the summit and waited for testicle switchy with. Everything about the way we have structured our society is based on us living for certain at a time on average seventy years or so so the idea of how long were in school or not or in university or college how long we work before we retire he is jewish and of marriage the idea of having children and the riddle of having children a place in one generation all of this depends upon a group of People Living for a certain period of time and then moving on and making way for the next generation and those who want to live forever those who want to say were going to be the generation that discovers the elixir of life i say forget over generations that gone forget all the generations the could come in the future we we this one single tiny thin layer of life i going to rule it all forever and that seems to me selfish and man. Steven cave is right mortality is the dream of a crazy. My investigations are pointless i cant nor should i be able to escape the great. So i decide to return to the tried and true methods of battling the process of aging. At the Fitness Studio i run into an old friend i havent seen for years but catching up on news is sobering he suffers from a degenerative nerve disease that limits his mobility was to me if i show a. Liquid. That people through he simply meaning i take a lot of medication made by the media i mean to him ok to die rather than the same because the disease and the doctors say no hope for a cure or so what are you. Seeing my old friend gets me to thinking trying to stop or slow the bodys degeneration is a matter of urgency even essential for some people the Scientific Research and technical aids may offer a great deal of hope for those with severe physical disabilities. I resolved to carry on with my research and pursue the third path to immortality that of the soul. Is seen the to me what hannity stories that promise we can live on in the body both have real problems while the soul bridges this gap this always says maybe youre not just this body that has to die maybe theres something more to you something that is by its nature indestructible by its nature immortal. So its still a very popular view and yet despite that were finding new ways of telling us how this story using the science and technology of that day. The concept of the soul can liberate itself from the bondage of the body is not new. But a version for our times can be found in the radical ideas of the transhumanist movement. To learn more about that ive come to budapest to meet julio prisco a physicist who worked for cern. Does once that you have a psychic pain self transhumanist believes it is possible and desirable to improve life with the aid of technology. In terms of immortality that doesnt mean living to the age of one hundred fifty rather than eighty. In mortality means living for a million years and his side order to live a million years youve got to leave biology behind and that move into a phase of existence that is within the realm of robotics or cybernetics that what you do is make a copy of your brain with all its thoughts your dispositions healings memories and fears and once all that data has been saved then i can leave this biological body and be transferred into a robot. So i could have a copy of my brain made violet in a computer and install it later in a new artificial body. But is it actually possible to replicate whats in my brain. Ive come back to San Francisco to meet randall combe a prominent specialist in this field. Emulated mine or brain even be a mind that is a living organism that has a sense of self and all of that i mean theres no good reason to think that there isnt that it isnt that its is it a continuation of me its a continuation of my life my existence i think if there are two ways of attacking that problem there is the philosophical question of what does identity even mean and what would it mean if there are if you suddenly split if you split into two persons two minds which one would be you and if you think it through far enough then mostly the solution most of the answer is both of you are you really you. So if i could copy myself onto an artificial platform then i could make other reproductions and bring them back to life on different devices like my cell phone or my tablet. Like we made the person whose mind has been digitally i filed it becomes part of that computer they dont want which would be able to run onto fishel intelligence so weve gone through our vigilance it. Calls it. Just point the brain and Artificial Intelligence will have melded so much that it becomes impossible to tell them up. Your me a man a machine they come watch. They did the jury or preschool so the more

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