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A school which is helping grandmothers learn to read and write. In bali Young Professionals are living a dream instead of being cooped up in a conventional office. But first we accompany a syrian family as they travel to italy and by legal means and with no paralyse crossing. The Central Mediterranean route for many refugees thats the only option for reaching europe. This its an extremely dangerous one at least five thousand people lost their lives attempting the crossing in two thousand and sixteen more than any previous year. Many of those who do make it only survive thanks to good luck. And then theres the daunting prospect of gaining legal residency its l. A. For example rejects the hof of asylum applications. This is the Hilltop Village of riyadh and the southernmost part of italy. And g. D. And their four children are building a new life here their first step has been to start learning the language. The family originally came from syria but fled from there to lebanon where they lived for five years remembers what a shock it was to arrive in italy after travelling for thirty hours. When we got here my first thought was take me back to lebanon i was so tired but then bit by bit i calmed down the people here treated us well the italians are good people and the welcome was warm. Flashback they route the capital of lebanon syrias neighbor in the middle east about two and a half Million People live here. The six person family is paying two hundred dollars a month to live in this windowless hole without any bath. Its in a palestinian neighborhood where they dont feel safe. Rents are very high here everyone knows the palestinians take advantage of us even though theyre refugees themselves. Has found work as a baker but the children cant go to school they want to build a future in europe but not risk their lives crossing the mediterranean a Lebanese Initiative connects the muslim family with an ecumenical initiative run by the Catholic Community of santa g. T. O. And the federation of evangelical churches in italy they declare the family to be especially in need of asylum which opens the way for legal immigration. I want to go to italy and go to school there and learn something. The old j. A. T. s have left their syrian homeland behind. They dont even think they would be allowed to return there. To ensure a future for their children they feel they have to go to italy. I dont know anything about italy but i know that europeans live in dignity thats the most important thing. Our children would be safe every child can go to school there and lead a normal life. They dont know much they dont have much but they trust the italians to bring them wherever they need to go. The family sets out for a hospital where all refugees who are legally on their way to italy meet before departure. In the project run by the italian evangelical church. As a social worker in the wake of the lampedusa refugee disaster which cost almost four hundred lives the organization is trying to bring refugees to europe legally and safely to build a humanitarian corridor that politicians have failed to create. Its not like theyre doing nothing. But what theyre stupidly working on is building walls. Solve the problem and its a shame they support governments that dont respect human rights in that respect and they did it to money the religious organizations have managed to get the Italian Government to grant a thousand visas last year they brought about seven hundred migrants from lebanon to italy safely and without having to pay people smugglers large amounts for the dangerous crossing of the mediterranean sea. Its wonderful its like a dream come true. I hope the kids forget the bad things theyve lived through that they wont be sad anymore god willing. Given their. Reaction has been warmly welcoming migrants for almost twenty years the little town has been a safe haven for some five hundred people whose lives were in danger. Im just the mayor of a Small Community of fifteen hundred people but im very proud that weve been recognised the world over for the humanitarian work that we started. The families Living Conditions and every day are much better than in beirut but the family will really only settle then when the father finds a job and starts to earn his own living. And if you do not in fact we had more money in lebanon because we got support from the un. But the italians are much nicer than the lebanese they treat us with respect there they yelled a lot and i was reproached us when they gave us something you know. The idea of the humanitarian corridor is spreading france is planning to begin flying and refugees like the al j. D. S. And the polish bishops conference has also shown interest. Sitting in an office from nine to five can be frustrating. But Budget Airlines the internet and other new technologies has given rise to a new phenomenon and Digital Nomads a growing number of Young Professionals are making the most of having potential clients all over the planet these working globe truck shows work where they want when they want. Bali beach paradise and a welcome escape for people looking to relax rejuvenate and recover from the daily grind. Others however become permanent residents many of them dream of never again having to work at an office. Countless Digital Nomads who have come to bali from around the world they work more or less out of their backpacks their tools of the trade a computer and a mobile phone their adventurers visionaries and one Person Companies with not a suit in sight i think some people come out here with the hopes. Of trying something completely new if you want to destroy something new in berlin youre going to find out pretty quickly if you can afford to do it but when and if you bother using twenty five percent of the cost that you can you can spend a long time not succeeding and still having a great lifestyle bali has plenty going for it it has a pleasant climate not too hot and not too cold and its cheap for about a thousand euros a month you can get an apartment food Broadband Internet and a moped the tunnel is especially popular for the new residents but now that. Digital nomads are presenting us with a whole set of new challenges they arent tourists but they arent classic Business People either. Kind of visa should they be working on. We are very happy that they are here though they study fall longer than regular tourists and often find accommodation with locals and respect everyone when the. This is the who booed off as collective its billed as the first coworking space in bali youre going to read a desk by the hour need a photographer a Software Developer or a copywriter well you just might find one sitting nearby or perhaps in the cafe. Tricia hails from canada. Andrew is from australia theyve been working remotely around the world for years now the couple do consulting for young entrepreneurs and develop brands all the way from web site to logo and all while on the road. Most people we see back in the real world dont understand what were going so when we go and visit family or friends we think were in coming yet a family guy is what hes doing when he came back to work like i am working and even they you can said mr beasley if this doesnt come out he doesnt give a minute. Warning patricia and andrew have a meeting and theyre Outdoor Office vs skype. Tracy also calls herself a Digital Nomad and does frequent business with andrew and patricia. Outside of working with people virtually the entire world. So i have this thread today whether its. Canada australia really. Pretty basic. Building is made completely out of bamboo its founder stephen rowe is a canadian who previously worked for a un landmine clearance operation in cambodia he started the company about five years ago and hes planning to relocate soon to bigger and better premises to accommodate the growing numbers coming here more and more people are being pushed out of long term relationships with their employers it gives people the flexibility to be able to do that and theyre really surrounded by a super dynamic exciting Side Community of people who are trying new things patricia and andrew are off to another unconventional workplace the jungle they just want to new contract a client wants to sell cooling boxes Online Marketing them successfully will also depend on the right presentation hence the photographer who has to hurry before the tropical sun melts the ice cream. You doing calling more work here than you do other work otherwise but youre enjoying it more and you feel like things on your own terms a lot more than other places you dont get stifled by the concrete jungle you just have a real jungle and. Is living and working out of a backpack really a permanent option continually planning new trips and booking flights dealing with departure times finding friends and more importantly customers at the end of the day the Digital Nomads want to make money to people fail. I think its not necessarily failing its more of learning when youre out here and but when you have the time to develop that proficiency and if you know where you want to go i think its a great spot if youre trying to find it its probably going to be really wonderful vacation living on an idyllic Tropical Island and being your own boss sounds tempting but budding digital no mans might want to talk to some of those who are not able to realize the dream and of course theyre nowhere to be seen in. Their back home cursing the weather and the nine to five. Now in todays Global Snacking we save us some of the worlds freshest sea fades. The Pacific Waters off mexico are home to a delicious specialty oysters. Here theyre harvested after one year of gross. The village of boca de come each in the western mexican state of not getting it is renowned for its always stores and other places theyre expensive here theyre just a quick snack. A table some water and lots and lots of oysters thats all jose kind a lot of you know needs for his street stand. When i set up here with the customers are. Well sometimes lots of people come sometimes only a few some days i closed down early and other days im here until quite late and we. Let you know. Joses preparations are quite simple. Really i clean the oysters for my customers. But. Then he has to shock them that is open the shells loosen the flesh and the range them nicely thats a. Kilo of oysters cost thirty pesos thats about one and a half euro has lots of protein very few calories and fresh out of the ocean the customers love them. And when its there. You put hot sauce on them and then a bit of lime. But. You know this is the best thing here that you can eat. You wont find better oysters in all of mexico and. You know. Thats super delicious. And went on. And now its on the label ideas series where we make people committed to preserving our planets climate feel right and for now. A Spanish Island off africa wants to be the first in the wilds to make do without fossil fuels. Thats what the residents of and yet oh one of the Canary Islands have been promised at least. All reports. Went to see how much progress is actually being made. Its early in the. Morning and. The trade winds are blowing the clouds over the volcanic mountains this Spanish Island off the west coast of africa is almost always windy so why not make use of it. The smallest of the Canary Islands is trying to realize big plans to supply all about surround seven thousand inhabitants with Sustainable Energy through a unique combination of wind and hydro power the energy shift has cost eighty three Million Euros and ran twenty million over budget critics say thats far too much even of half was covered by e. U. Subsidies but the project still hasnt those yeah stick supporters. What i mean. I think its very positive that as yet it was able to actually implement this project. At the beginning a lot of people doubted it could be done but today its a project that works one that creates jobs and brings in money. In the next few years it will turn a profit. But if you see the Wind Turbines produce more than enough energy to meet the islands own needs the extra electricity is used to pump water seven hundred meters up to a reservoir basin its one hundred fifty thousand cubic meters are a kind of natural insurance against when list days if the wind power drops off the water flows back downhill through a hydro power turbine bridging the sort fall. This one of a kind combination of energy from wind and water is aimed at reaching an elusive goal providing a steady unbroken stream of power even when nature doesnt play along but things havent worked out quite as planned because the region is earthquake prone the basins had to be built smaller than originally designed providing the entire island with green energy was always an ambitious goal and it still hasnt been reached last year the new facility only generate at forty percent of the power consumed on. The original calculations were higher but structural problems meant those plans couldnt be realized. What really threw them out of kilter with the low water basin which we couldnt build to the size that we wanted. Thats now proving a hindrance to producing them not Sustainable Energy we want. Thats disappointed many of the islands residents they had hoped electricity bills would fall instead just like in the rest of the country costs for power have actually gone up thats because prices for energy are regulated centrally in spain lots of people now say the project was all wind and no substance. So. They announced that our island would be provided with one hundred percent Sustainable Energy and that hasnt happened we ask why not and dont get any answers somebody needs to explain to us why its not working. But uppers once promised to shut down the old diesel driven power plant but no one talks about that anymore a fuel tanker still makes regular trips to the island and the old plant smokestacks still blow lots of Carbon Dioxide into the atmosphere as the brand new wind turbine spin on the heights above. The operators. Press spokeswoman defends the expensive investment she says that despite speed bumps al Heroes Energy mix is now much more environmentally friendly but it was in the past. In the first year of operations in twenty sixteen we saved nearly seven thousand tonnes of diesel that means we admitted fourteen thousand tons less of c o two and other islands will profit from the pioneering work weve done what did we get right what wrong its in the nature of things that pioneering projects are experimental and that they also serve to help optimize future facilities. The engineers are certain they can improve efficiency in their Sustainable Energy mix but theyve grown much more careful about what they promise a series of advances plan to reignite enthusiasm for the project among residents and encourage other islands to follow in their footsteps you nasco Biosphere Reserve is doing its best to continue to be a leader in Environmental Protection el euro used to be viewed by european sailors as the end of the world but when it comes to shifting completely to or knew about energy at least its now made progress toward a new beginning. Not being able to read and write is extremely disadvantageous in todays seven hundred fifty eight million adults worldwide are illiterate two thirds of them women. India unknown is home to two hundred eighty seven Million People who have never learned to read and write to women a disproportionately affected but some at proving that its never too late to learn. Who said by kate our needs help from her daughter to get her school back on she is able to manage the walk to school on her own however in the western indian city a funny guy. Shes there every day at two pm on the dot for her classes. Her fellow students also trickle and while waiting they play games just like regular school girls except the youngest people here is a sprightly sixty five. Stop it im getting dizzy says whos a by. Over a third of women in india are illiterate. None of these elderly ladies ever learn to read or write. But now theyre being given the chance to make up for that at this grandmother school. And the students are always here before their teacher arrives. They have two hours of classes every day except thursday starting school was a big step for most of them when i dont have any. It makes me proud to be able to write my name instead of signing with my thumb print i used to get my granddaughter to read books to me but i want to do that myself and reading the holy scriptures is very important to me. She taught moray teachers here on a voluntary basis the teaching materials and the pink school saris are funded by a Charity Organization the aim is for the women to become more independent of their families. If. The woman standing in the village improves if they can read and write in Rural Communities women are still supposed to stay in the kitchen but education also means they enjoy respect. But the class comes with its challenges. By has poor hearing and its hard for her to keep up. But she still benefits the women are like my own mother so i could never bad mouth them. Its important for them to each learn at their own pace. Some are faster than others but thats just how it is. I was born in front dani and has spent her entire life here she was married at fifteen and raised three children and she still helps them today with the cooking and other household chores. Shes not exactly sure when she was born although or daughter reckons shes around eighty. One. Well i have been around for some time all i know is that it will soon be time for me to enter gods house. But before that she has one last wish to learn how to write her granddaughter primality helps out with homework the old woman needs guidance when tackling the letters of the mahratti alphabet. The granddaughter finds its simply unbelievable but there was a time not so long ago when girls did not have to attend school. In fact we werent allowed to go to school while the boys were getting their lessons the only thing we learned was how to pray apart from that we had to help our parents in the fields. Fun gunny population three hundred is a three hour drive from mumbai and a world apart. Traditional gender roles are largely maintained but there have been changes since the school opened a nationally hostile who own son now finds the idea a positive one. Women who can read and write do not pose a threat to us man. We will see more educated women marrying into our village that would be great for us. The school for grandmothers charges no fees but in return the women sit down with their teacher in the morning to help her make bread. She finds a lot of things have improved for women in recent years but despite the efforts being made India Remains a long way from gender equality. When that choice i would have been born a man many women are still unable to marry the one they want to just go out with someone men have a far easier time. The school is a small scale local project but she tom morris commitment has changed the lives of. And her fellow students something that nobody can now take away from them. Thats all for today but do drop us a nine check out our facebook page. Global society email us at global three thousand d w dot com see an x. Time. Visitors. Isnt silly this is not your boys in the house night is. Kim and vegas house of music stores up close personal and unplugged. Groups starting november third on d w. They make a commitment. They find solutions. Speier. Africa all the. Stories about people making a difference. Nation. And their continent africa on the move stories about motivational change makers taking their destinies into their own hands. His new multimedia series. Called africa. This is a fifteen year old girl. Being gang raped. His teacher is beating a boy for talking back in class. By the rest of the class watches. And here is toddlers being hit by his mother breaking at last. His child sleeps in the streets because her family through iran. Hear. Online bullying. Pushes a teenager over the edge. Just because you can see violence against children doesnt mean it isnt there make the invisible visible of us might violence against children disappear. This is the deadly news live from bali and germanys new parliament opens with a new president both gun shy that is likely to have a see some stormy debates in the new assembly for the right wing nationalist party joining for

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