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Correspondent about what we can expect also coming up chinas president xi jinping makes his power move communist Party Members vote to make his vision for the country part of the constitution will she though lead china to become a global superpower. After the deadliest bomb attack in somalias history a generation thats grown up with civil wars saying enough is enough there were going izing to demand peace. And christiane although adds another trophy to his collection the portuguese star has been named divas footballer of the year after a trophy laden season. Im brian thomas a very warm welcome to the show it has been a month now since germany. Voted in a new parliament and today the new lawmakers will come together for the very first session were still waiting for a new German Government Coalition Talks just started to bring that together last week here in berlin so what can we expect in the Parliament Today well first of all were talking about the biggest parliament ever in germany the number of lawmakers has risen to seven hundred nine s. Because of the countrys alecto system now that makes it more than ten percent they are than the last parliament the other major difference is the number of parliamentary groups last time there were just for this time around theres six parliamentary groups and thats because the free democrats are shown here in yellow they are back after failing to make the last parliament and the far right if be the alternative for germany over here in blue well theyre in the bundestag for the very first time and they are now the nations third Biggest Party for more lets bring in our Political Correspondent Thomas Sparrow and thomas this is the first time in in postwar history that were seeing a far right party of this size in the parliament what can we expect is it going to get acrimonious. Yeah i think so brian it it does seem that that will be the case will have a divided parliament and we will have many of the debates shifted to the right thats something that most analysts agree on its interesting to see how the f. T. Will present its proposals how it will perform in the German Parliament but it will also be interesting to see how the other parties react to those proposals they have a big dilemma because on the one hand they cant simply ignore what the f. T. Says after all that the third Biggest Party in parliament under twelve point six percent of the german electorate voted for the a. V. So other parties can just simply ignore them on the other hand they cant react to every single provocation because that could boost the profile of the a if they arent precisely shift these debates to the right and thats something that most of the other parties want to avoid so when we look at what the next few years will be like it will be certainly interesting to see on the one hand how the a if he performs it on the other hand how the other parties also react to those proposals by the f. T. Ok this new type of debate is going to be taking place in a parliament thats ten percent bigger the last time around its the biggest of any western democracy is this going to be a Dysfunctional Parliament considering simply the size well thats one possible view or divided parliament or rather Dysfunctional Parliament on the other hand there are those who say that the Previous Parliament where we only had the four parliamentary groups the two big groups that formed the grand coalition under two parties in opposition well the debates there were rather dull because the grand coalition had a clear majority so there there are some people here who are. Actually saying well now we will have real debates in Parliament Real debates that will represent the different views in society so you have the two sides of the coin there and we will just have to wait and see how things develop because there are a lot of new elements in this German Parliament ok and theres also an agenda out for today for the first day what can we expect to see in parliament as as it gets underway this will be the framework today if you will of the new parliament the new president of the parliament will be elected most probably will be involved on choice for the current finance minister they will also elect his Vice President s an interesting enough it will be to see today whether the conduct proposed by the f. T. Will be elected thats something that the other parties have criticised ok Thomas Sparrow following for this for this forest of lights remind our viewers we have this live today at noon Central European time the opening of the new session of the German Parliament thanks thomas now for a look at some of the other stories making the news the u. S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson has paid a surprise visit to iraq where he met Prime Minister hyder a body that you discussed reconstruction projects of the removal of socalled Islamic State from major urban areas they also discussed the Kurdish Independence Movement in the countrys north earlier phyllis and visited afghanistan to discuss washingtons new strategy for that country in malaysia the two women accused of killing kim jong il hes the half brother of north Korean Leader kim jong un have visited the crime scene with ortiz brought them to the airport as part of a reenactment of the fatal attack along with prosecutors lawyers and the trial judge and the two women have pled not guilty. Kongs democracy protest leaders nathan law and joshua wong had been released from prison on bail but you were jailed in august for their roles in the anti china protests of twenty fourteen zero is the umbrella revolution that is the last thing to supporters and said he and long were due to appear back in court nov seventh well the Chinese Communist party has officially boosted the status of president xi jinping by adding his name to the countrys constitution the announcement came on the closing day of the partys twice a decade National Conference the move make she one of the most powerful chinese leaders in history placing him on a par with mao and dang g. Is expected to use his new status to influence Foreign Policy and push for further military expansion while will he be a success in those efforts to talk about that were joined now by bernard barge Asian Affairs expert of the barrels month Foundation Thanks so much for being with us this morning lets start off with looking at she having the same title in the constitution as my now just how powerful is he right now. Well he is definitely as powerful as he could wish to be in a system where his pretty says his ruling as first among equals him ping is not first among equals he is first ok no hes also signaled a new push to make china first to make china a superpower do you think hes going to succeed does he have the backing to do that i think he has the backing at home but claiming superpower status and actually gaining superpower status the two very different things. Chinas neighbors are very very very suspicious of chinas intentions of course china is trying to push back u. S. Influence in its neighborhood i would guess that its going to have some successes the in the next coming in the next couple of years but its far from gaining a global superpower status ok she has been working very closely with america spratly South China Sea conflict has been toned down there is cooperation on north korea will china be cooperating with america moving forward or will it be more of a contender. I think china is a contender but china doesnt want any big conflict right now china won stability because he didnt things main battles other battles that he fights at home its the economy its consolidating his power at home so he doesnt want any external conflicts and i think thats what hes doing in the north korea. Affair he wants to to contain this this crisis and thats how far he is going to work with the u. S. Ok now at home hes been fighting corruption thats been his banner cause has been hes been effective there as he reigned then chinas endemic corruption well hes definitely been very successful at using this Anticorruption Campaign as a means to consolidate his own power and push out all his his rivals what the Anticorruption Campaign has not done is to promote the rule of law and build a more transparent system that actually weve seen a lot of. Return to to previous much more authoritarian heiress ok so you have concerns about transparency in china right now definitely ok bernard barge Asian Affairs expert isabels main Foundation Thanks very much for that thank you well its to the United States now where hollywoods culture of Sexual Harassment and its cover up is reverberating and finding an echo in european politics you Swedish Foreign minister margot falls from was one of the first to speak out telling these paper that she was groped by an unnamed top level European Union official. Swedens equality minister has made similar allegations and female staff at the European Parliament have also reported being sexually harassed by lawmakers the parliament is due to discuss the issue in a special session. Well following all this for us is our correspondent in brussels Charlotte Charles and bill charlotte can you give us more details about the allegations where were hearing about right now. Hi brian first the Swedish Foreign minister making those allegations as we had and now weve had twelve young junior female stuff is coming forward in a newspaper article by the sunday times they documents a range of allegations leveled a number of any piece some of them senior from a cross party spectrum some of the allegations fairly shocking they range from Inappropriate Text Messages to physical harassment of the women themselves theyve not chosen to identify themselves theyve said that theyre still novice about coming forward they fear repercussions involving their job prospects and most of the men involved also havent yet been identified only one so far thats a seventy one year old former french environment minister current m. E. P. A young woman in that case is accused him of chiding her in a text message for not going to dinner with him she said she felt scandalized by the message that he wrote her another example that weve seen a twenty four year old assistant she said that she was quote storks by a german m. E. P. She said and ill quote her here in this article that he stretched out his hands to block her away as she was leaving a Conference Room touching her chest so were seeing a number of fairly shocking allegations coming out at the moment and of course as the days and weeks go on we could see more names and most henris coming forward to ok all these shocking allegations out there right now what are we hearing from the what have brussels officials been saying about all this. European Parliament President has given a statement on this he said that he was shocked and he will investigate this to his with within all his power in fact his quote was that theyll be the harshest punishment possible for anybody found to have broken the use rules he pointed out that theres already an Advisory Committee in place within the e. U. Parliament designed to investigate harassment although not specifically Sexual Harassment he said that so far no allegations have been formally registered with that committee he has said that it will be debated tomorrow and they will try and put out a resolution on that in an attempt to to crack down on any such behavior that is found to be taking place within the parliament shallots else until fall and story force looking into that debate at the European Parliament set for tomorrow thanks very much. Well the place where women are most likely to be harassed and we just heard from charlotte theres the workplace and monika you have some disturbing statistics i have some of this distinct about i have an even bigger question brian im sure im not the only woman in europe i mean how is it possible that some men still see women as pray as the big question we know that in business there is a gender related pay gap we know that there is the famous Glass Ceiling that hinders women from entering boardrooms and on top of that there is Sexual Harassment and according to one poll by germanys federal anti Discrimination Agency in twenty fifteen nearly one in two women was exposed to Sexual Harassment as defined by law more than how few of them were harassed at work amongst others through unwelcome salacious comments contact or sexually suggestive emails business parties also seem to be the ideal playground for some men who see these gatherings as an invitation to make inappropriate advances but not only parties can be tricky at least one in three women feel harassed by men in corydoras and elevators now heres the story now of one young woman dealing with harassment in germanys corporate world. Communications graduate catalonia dormer was overjoyed when she landed a top job right after college her colleague seemed nice as did her boss but soon enough his behavior changed shes asked not to be shown on camera. He began complimenting me. Hed say things like you look really grace who are you dressing like that for is it for your boyfriend or your husband are you married they were really personal questions. Her boss would call her into his office several times a day often for no apparent reason hed always close the door she felt increasingly uncomfortable and wondered if she herself was to blame. Last year germany introduced tougher a Sexual Assault laws antidiscrimination rules aimed to protect women from Sexual Harassment in the workplace trade unions have welcomed such moves many Large Companies now employ womens representatives but theres still a long way to go guardian client will get Smaller Companies and individual branches are an issue hasnt really caught on yes the area relatively little has been done since of course its harder to implement things when there are no works of handles pushing for it thats definitely a problem when it comes to handling this issue on top of most many women including cuts in the dorm or are too afraid to report inappropriate behavior. He used to try and get me to sit beside him after some time he started touching me first my arm then my knee. The crazy thing was that he had photographs of his wife and kids all over his office. Erica schreiber has represented many women whove been sexually harassed at work. She understands why many of them choose not to speak guy. Naturally many are afraid that theyll be bullied that theyll be accused of lying. Some women feel ashamed of what happened or also as they feel helpless a chance that plays a big role. And some of them fear theyll be let go. Of new photo ops to the presence of. Cars jenny do my took a leave of absence after confiding in her doctor and a friend then she quit her job she hasnt returned to the office since she still waiting to get her employment certificate her boss wants her to pick it up in person. Getting around to busy Central London has already testing but now for drivers of all the polluting vehicles it just got more expensive as well in a bid to tackle c o two emissions the british capital has joined the ranks of european cities making it harder for polluting vehicles to take to the roads unveiling a new tax on them. Drivers in Central London are used to paying extra to be on these roads now another fee may be added for some to teach hardship or toxic charge would be an additional eleven euros on top of the ten year old congestion levy they already pay. And the idea is to encourage those who are the most pollution vehicles to stop driving into the whole show of london and if they do drive into home london theyve got to pay an additional t. Charge with these the cost of driving into london the whole of that is twenty one pounds fifty but not everyone will come to the new levy some Business Leaders feel that it could affect Small Businesses especially those in london and near the british capital its a big impact on business in the southeast that effectively by extension the rest of the country so everyones affected by this whether the new fee will indeed reduce traffic remains to be seen but what is clear is that london like many other cities is taking steps to lower vehicle emissions. Well a deadly bombing is changing how people in somalia especially young people especially young people monica thats right well it was the deadliest bombing in small is history and this drone footage were going to show you now shows the scale of of the destruction and devastation the blast in mogadishu left about three hundred fifty people dead hundreds more were wounded this gives you some idea of the type of devastation the countrys capital experience and also was a watershed moment for a generation of somalis who grown up with civil war they say its a wake up call for people everywhere in the country to work for peace. Help your brothers thats the message printed on these red headbands. The red symbolizes blood we demand an end to somalian bloodshed it hurts us so much. These young somalis now live in the kenyan capital nairobi but they still feel close ties to their homeland their parents left to escape the civil war thats been raging for almost three decades. The young people here are collecting money for the victims of the massive truck attack over the years theyve grown far too familiar with tactics. But their actions make people flee theyre destroying their own country and theyre making it ungovernable thats our problem. The attack in mogadishu on october fourteenth was the deadliest yet in somalia alshabaab is widely believed to be behind it the terrorist group has been active for ten years most of their attacks are directed at Security Forces or the government so far has not claimed this attack. And this is a must see been president a number of people who have died i think it would be foolish to comment on the claimed responsibility for these a tug knowing well that almost one hundred percent of the casualties was civilian. And again theres huge huge. On the somali street the groups name translates to the youth but now somalia is real youth are channeling their anger into public protests in defiance of government orders. These young somalis are volunteering to coordinate care for people wounded by the bombing they also counsel victims relatives and continue the search for those still missing. Were not all terrorists were not the ones who kill people were not indoctrinated. Some take hope from the fact that so many are helping and protesting. I hope this tragedy will finally unite us. But somalia is far from united and peace seems a distant dream its a failed state where clans and warlords hold much of the power African Union troops are supposed to guarantee security but thats hardly the case recently elected president Mohamed Mohamed is largely powerless its still unclear if he can bring peace to a country thats riven by corruption and tribal conflicts. Well the United Nations Donor Conference has raised about three hundred forty Million Dollars for muslim row henge are refugees but that conference fell far short of the some aid agencies say is so desperately needed for them the u. N. Has warned as well that the number of a hinge of fleeing a new wave of violence and men mark could soon exceed one million every day more refugees stream across the border into bangladesh and the government there is struggling to cope. These refugees are biting their time on the border and so they can cross into bangladesh is overcrowded refugee camps the ranges are Muslim Minority known persecuted in buddhist me and this mother of three says we travelled for six days to get here they tortured us and set our houses alight we werent allowed to harvest our rice. Fields. There is great suffering in the camps around six hundred thousand rangers have fled into bangladesh since the end of august despite the aid coming in food is scarce there arent enough sanitary and medical supplies and the aid organizations fear the situation will get. We all need to provide food to a Million People in the next few months this is we need money for this. Thats why u. N. Aid agencies organized a conference in geneva to call for more donations around three hundred forty Million Dollars have now been pledged to deal with the crisis but about ninety million more is still needed germany hasnt promised any more money its already contributed around five Million Euros in the summer. Meanwhile the uns relief agencies are calling for increased political pressure on me and martyrs solve the refugee crisis the solution is the voluntary safe and dignified return of these refugees to myanmar but in order for that to happen some important processes need to be carried out in particular the real tribute of citizenship both humanitarian and political aid in needed to end the plight of the rangers. Player parties in the british capital last night footballs world governing body fever has held this annual awards ceremony in london and the portuguese star rinaldo was named player of the year after winning the Spanish League Champions League and the Club World Cup what we are madrid does for the liga martens we see the womens player of the year after leading holland to victory at euro twenty seventeen real madrids indians and dan was chosen as best coach and you venters legend john luigi befall picked up best goalkeeper. For more on those fifo words were here with Carl Mckinnon from the sports desk morning morning i can you explain for us the difference to begin with between the thief a player of the year and the ball indoor. I dont want to be cynical but theres money involved here ballon dor has been around since one thousand nine hundred six im going to be cynical actually has been around as well for quite a while offering its own awards but in two thousand and ten they went together in two thousand and sixteen started creating this spectacle and you can see its a spectacle this time in london and they put on their own award show they wine and dine the players and its now on par maybe just a little less than the ballon dor as far as its significance but the players love it the fans love it because they have a vote up the least a little bit about or nothing about this award is eleanors just media and so who cares about the media right now and you have twenty five percent of the fans voting and what about ronaldo winning the prize again we think that id love to make fun of him as a guy who loves to love himself but but. You love your work right a lot of your words too and hes got that pensive look in his face but hes a team player as well hes a great individual but he brays brings the level of his his cold players of the players on his team up and thats very significant theyve won two Champions League trophies in a row now the light love the Champions League thing twice in a row is unheard of initial ok what about the best womens player leader mark martins a spectacular player on her own thirty twenty four years old as opposed to thirty two years old for rinaldo a great player for another when she raised to the level of her colleagues as well and help them to win the euro twenty seventeen as you suggested and is a great player for barcelona football from as well ok thanks very much for growth as of today on those words there this is the day of the news a live from berlin we have more coming up at the top of the hour thank you as well for being with us and dont forget theres always plenty more on these and other stories on our website e. W. Dot com also stand by for newness Central European time will be live at the Parliament Building where the new session of the German Parliament the bundestag will be taking off well a full coverage of that for now though again thanks. The buddhist guidelines. They were causing turning things around coming from what rashness back. On the tom de france flock. Closer to frankfurt. The dream of legal and safe passage to europe. And being welcomed with open arms. A dream that has come true for some Syrian Refugees in italy. Church groups have set up a humanitarian corridor using a thousand special visas. Initiatives that may also inspire other countries. Three thousand and sixty minutes. On d w. C famous stars and now. The cayman v. Gods house of music. And plug. Three groups starting november third on d w. Its reformation day on d w. I have programs round the clock marking its five hundredth anniversary were going live to the commemoration ceremony didnt back theyll be documentaries from magazines and talk shows focusing on luther and the groundbreaking events he helped set in motion reformation day october thirty first v. W. Trucks going

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