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People with a chronic headaches are often not taking seriously especially women because they always use the headache for an excuse to get more rest. But headaches i mean the real logical disorder which can have many causes. Good shake next. Day promote health but seven b. C. Diabetes. Multinational Food Companies are conquering new markets bringing Convenience Food to poor countries. They are believed to be staying to school but people simply used probably the business of putting in forty five minutes on the dollar. With different languages we fight for Different Things thats fine but we all stick up for Freedom Freedom of speech and freedom of press. Giving freedom of Choice Global news that matters. W. Made for mines welcome to quadriga. But there is music are you ready for their political views visionary and she womens talk long w o smart women. Smart talk say that we broke the record. Mark stated making fancher the mokes in the next report youll find out just how this way of d. W. Made for mind. Welcome to in good shape heres whats coming up a question of posture conditions that can cause you to develop a hunchback. Energy what makes a Good Breakfast anyway. And throbbing pain the best ways to cope with a serious headache. And heres your host dr. People with a chronic headache are often not taken seriously especially women because they always use the headache for an excuse to get more rest so its sad but today we know that headaches are a new logically disabling does alter and this is what im going to talk about his doctor to here at the store in berlin welcome to the kitchen. It is exciting to treat headache pain. And there is a possibility to help the patients in their different forms of headaches experts distinguish between one hundred eighty varieties and patients tell us that something is like hammering some things drilling into the head. So it can be quite challenging to find the right expert. Three Million People in germany are plagued daily by stabbing pounding throbbing headache. But what are headaches exactly. Stress causes a kind of short circuit in the brain neuro transmitting chemicals are released the trigger an inflammatory reaction in the arteries of the brain lining or meningeal tissue. There are many types of headaches but migraines are the worst baba her linden suffered for decades from migraines they badly affected her life. And i felt like i was seriously ill and in trouble i felt desperate. Wife it a few years ago she started going to the pain center at the fiber do University Hospital headache therapy there begins with a search for causes that if you knew it was her when stress is one of the main clearly defined causes meaning a subjective feeling of overload with women it can also be changes in hormonal balance and sleeping eating patterns and off the whole and and elsewhere most. Many patients resort to medication but taking too many pills can also trigger headaches. Babycham made many attempts to get a grip on her migraines. Me to come and drugs homeopathy natural healing. Mindfulness training regular exercise. Magnesium i dont know i made a list of all the therapy ideas. And it covered an entire sheet of paper and so what to do a headache pill now and then or some Peppermint Oil may help with a mild headache but migraines are a completely different ballgame they require individual therapy which includes stress reduction and exercise and in the last few years doctors have been using botox to treat migraines. And its an important Building Block a pharmaceutical Building Block for treating this severe disease but the most important thing is to stop medications when theyve been overused or at least reduce them so hard to see and so minister its important for sufferers to compare notes hines post lab has helped found a Selfhelp Group him self as been pain free for a number of years. Ago is no its not really caused it is in principle i dont really care im not mourning my migraine. And now i feel fantastic blend. The tendency to have migraines seems to be hereditary hiness children and grandchildren all suffer from them. So lets hope that one day their children and their grandchildren will wake up to with out any headaches and why this could be possible is one of the things id like to discuss with dr roy to hear the surety in berlin and hes head of the headache clinic thanks for having me today welcome what weiss is possible that someone who had migraine for ages can wake up some suddenly and is pain free you know thats very common usually to with retirement when people are in their in their fiftys early sixtys my grand fades away and how big are the chances that this happens almost ninety nine percent ninety nine percent so this gives hope to many of the headaches patients of this absolutely everybody yeah so you manage one of the few headaches centers here in germany what kind of patients come to see you we mostly see patients with chronic migraine meaning more than fifteen headache days per month however we also see norman migraines lithium one migraine attack of months and what do you do differently than i would do as a g. P. For instance first of all weve got time we have time to get the patient history to do the clinical examination the physical examination and talk to the patient theres a migraine there tension headaches theres cluster headaches so do you treat each headache differently you have different types of medication you sometimes need psychologists sometimes you dont and sometimes you need other specialties so its not just giving any pills you do a complex thing then theres a lot of things to enquire there for the things the patient can change like lifestyle going to bed at a regular basis and stuff like that i guess and many patients with headaches dont see a doctor at all they just go into a pharmacy and say give me some painkillers could this be problematic of course that can be problematic the more often the patient takes medication. The more likely is is that that he that he or she develops medication overuse what problems does overuse cause kidney problems first avoid quick headache and i think in the void cut it affects other by the symptoms like the Live Audience the kidneys i take painkillers and i get headaches from them yes exactly but you only get it when you take headache medications regularly many when you take aspirin a pricey term or a more than fifteen days a month and when you take a trip to no more than ten days a month but how can i distinguish between my personal headache and the medications used hitting you almost cant what you have to do is you have to stop the medication over youth have a pulse of all the medications and thats the way how to figure out whether its medication overuse or whether its they had this or that itself right and as a patient how can i see if my my doctor is qualified enough for treating my day you dont the needs to ask at least six questions regarding your headache in order to find out whether its a primary had they thought this migraine or whether its another disorder and he also needs to do a physical and then the logical examination so six questions or dog. They have to they are related to the frequency to the intensity that the Family History to a station associated symptoms like noise and vomiting to forment photophobia in the medication youre taking they are more about children developing headache too and even migraine so this is true from your point of view that more much are going to getting this and how can you handle it you know the number of children with headaches i increased seeing thats most likely due to the stress in the modern world so you just try to relieve stress or you give medication as well you know its more to do first of all you try to relieve stress you you get you try to explain the children how to structure the day that they need horses that they need to go to bed on a regular pace at the same time every night and if that doesnt help then you need to give medications so its one thing to treat headaches and other things to try to prevent headaches at all and doctors are getting really good at doing this. With these two young women at driebergen University Hospital they instantly had something to talk about. Migraines. You notice a faint throbbing which gets stronger and stronger and you take a pill to try to suppress the symptoms but soon you get the feeling that someones hammering on your temple. I mean this is i mostly get a stabbing pain on one side. Is facing us now for most of what im if you like taking your head and beating against the little alice everything smells bad. Even things i normally like to smell seem bad to me. But i had to hang over the toilet and throw up for four or five hours because no painkillers help me anymore and i spit up the drugs right away again. Top in the hospital special headache clinic patients describe their symptoms in detail becoming. Like many other primary headache disorders migraine is essentially diagnosed from the information the patient is able to give us. The patients are thoroughly examined neurologically in order to rule out other diseases brain m. R. I. s are analyzed they fail to find anything seriously wrong with caroll of our. I have good news for you must be great. Migraine therapy depends on medication if conventional painkillers dont help trip times can be one alternative this is a class of drugs developed especially for migraines theyre available as nasal sprays or injections. Without infancy fishing in both specific and unspecific medications for treatment of acute migraines excessive use during the month must be avoided by biden one hundred and both forms of treatment theres a threat of medication overuse headache if you know about this and those are the many patients are unaware that the drug that is supposed to control their pain can rebound and cause a chronic persistent headache. And thats not to say to you several times a month. Suffered from such severe migraines that trip times no longer helped. With it so i found in those cases i used to go to the hospital and have them put me on a drip nothing else helped. Five years ago the doctors advised her to try a prophylactic therapy taking medication to prevent migraine attacks a step that shouldnt be taken lightly. Becoming hopeful access using medication manes otherwise healthy young people have to take pills a day late to reduce the frequency of migraine attacks. Thats a serious decision that has to be made together with the patient saito blockers on heart medication are among those used to prevent migraines as well as anti epilepsy drugs. But these medications block certain transmitters or ion channels on the brain area and affect brain activity that can be affective for epilepsy as well as migraines because both have to do with over activity of Neural Networks and thats the mechanism that we suspect lies behind it. And if. You do you elected to take high doses of anti epilepsy drugs twice a day. At the beginning she suffered badly from side effects. My hands felt i had pins and needles i lost a lot of weight thirteen kilos and in the first few weeks i felt extremely tired and. In her case we could clearly see that the frequency of her migraines was reduced to a bearable level under the protection of the profile access and send she established this positive new level it was possible to reduce the dosage of the medication and then later to end it entirely. Dekker has now been living for two years without the preventative medication she could now use trip turns to control her a maximum of two migraine attacks per month. And you claim that you also offer preventive treatment of migraine so this is. Whats your favorite method you need to use two methods one is medication prevention and the other one is really if they should therapy such as physical therapy such as sports yoga of something so the patients have to become active they definitely need to contribute to the therapy and besides all those pills a medication you give them assists Something Special you offer here in your clinic if we offer but united talks in treatment for chronic migraines many for patients with more than fifteen headache days per month so botox you know this from the aesthetic medicine when you get rid of your wrinkles and other signs of aging so how did you perform this mystery botox needs to be injected into your forehead into your temple and also into the back of your skull and need to inject thirty one times under fifty five units and this is a very effective for its effect that its much better than placebo but its not curing the disease many of the pills you prescribe for preventing migraine are from different specialties of medicine like we cure against hypertension or like the depression drugs so how do the patients react to this if you say you give them something and again do you have potential medicine patients dont like it because its not the medication its not designed specifically for their disease. Thankfully they have adverse events side effects such as. Being tired to sleep be drowsy in this weight gain depression so its not their favorite type of medication but theres something you have at the horizon this is a quite specific therapy against time and yes weve got thought of gordon for called the future and he believes the g. O. P. Is the most important transmitter in the brain if indicated here in green the antibodies are fine either to feed your people or to the feed your pee receptor thereby interrupting with the mechanism that cause of migraine and what about the effect side. Of the strike the thirty think theyre very different from current medications yeah in generally mild most of all they dont cause weight gain depression and other stuff and this is very effective this is effective so that is it is used by anyone just nowadays or is it just something that we can look at well its coming most likely to the market in the middle of next year many patients have so much headaches over the course of their life that they turn to surgeons who offered to have kept the nerves in the face to to give some leaves so what do you think it doesnt make any sense with my hearing is that he thought the cns of the of the brain and thirty three is not helpful so weve got many viewer questions weve got a question from argentina or mr kaufman wants to know hes got a severe headache when he coughs its like something that pops inside his brain does he have to worry no he doesnt have to worry this headache is called the nine cuff headache its a mild disease not dangerous for the patient and can be treated with a preventative just in one hour from cameroon wants to know what she can do to reduce the frequency or for migraine well she needs to straighten out her life meaning she should do with a facial therapy three times a week she should put to bed at the every day at the same time and she should eat entering enough during daytime ok resort of thanks so much for having me welcome thank you and if youve got any questions you like me to ask our experts be sure to write me an email. On one of our upcoming shows well be looking at wounds if theyre small you can often treat them yourself but you have to look out for certain things but if you have questions about that topic then send the man to be in good shape

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