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One of the worst deals the u. S. Has ever entered into that is how the u. S. President is describing the year wrong deal donald trump announced today he would not certify the twenty fifteen nuclear deal and he kept the ball to congress which was now the side whether to reimpose sanctions im sorry harmon in berlin and this the day. The iran deal was one of the worst and most one sided transactions the United States has ever entered into the nuclear deal through irans dictatorship a political and economic lifeline providing urgently needed relief from the intense still mess to pressure the sanctions had created in the event we are not able to reach a solution working with congress and our allies in the agreement will be terminated and our participation can be cancelled by me as president at any time. Or you heard the man donald trump says he is prepared to cancel the Iran Nuclear Deal at any time now that deal was negotiated back in two thousand and fifteen by the us britain france and germany along with russia and china it is crippling economic sanctions against iran and exchange for strict controls on its Nuclear Program now trump is threatening to make good on a long running promise to unravel the accord has a bit more of what he had to say. In just a few years as key restrictions disappear iran can sprint towards a rapid Nuclear Weapons breakout in other words we we can spec sions in exchange for no more than a purely short term and temporary delay in irans path to Nuclear Weapons what is the purpose of a deal that at best only delays Irans Nuclear capability for a short period of time this as president of the United States is unacceptable but based on the factual record i have put forward i am announcing today that we cannot and will not make this certification of them on this im joined now by dr henning from the German Council on Foreign Relations erica thanks for being with us today on the day this is a deal that germany helped hammer out with britain with france china russia where is europe on this are they on trumps side. Not really because the europeans think that this is. A possible way out of the blockade that year long sanctions policy against iran had they didnt really produce. A nuclear free. Iran so they want to stick to the agreement because they dont want to be on the side of those who who are refusing to drop out and i think they understand that there is inside the framework of the agreement enough room to negotiate but the trump he doesnt believe first that the agreement works and he has a lot of other issues that dont really fit into the green line but he somehow mingles them into the into the criticism earlier we heard the e. U. Foreign policy chief i dont recall mongering reacting to tromp statements lets take a listen to what she had to say because this is a u. N. Security Council Resolution this is a plan of action that sets things to be done commitments Nuclear Related only Nuclear Related commitments and that its been implemented so present the United States as many powers not this one. Many powers not this bunch even did a little while there at the end but how much leverage does europe really have to force the us to stay in this deal not a lot because the americans are of course the strongest power they can force other countries other companies actually to forgo trade and cooperation with iran because they can sanctions companies doing that and they can sanctions and they do sing johns entities like banks in the in the iran to to finance business and so if the us at sanctions if they put on pressure on the on the deal its done and the president has a bit of leverage here the europeans federica maurine that she referred to the legal aspect of it that not one country can simply say the agreement is vain because six parties have signed it seven with iran but. Its clear that the European Union has an interest to keep it up because its the example that the European Union can actually succeed in Foreign Policy the e. U. Brokered the deal and she for the week a movie was chairing the meetings and so there is a lot to lose for the europeans here its not just the deal though its also a lucrative Business Opportunity around opening up German Companies are going there to lucrative opportunity that would go away if american into American Companies i should say would like to do the same absolutely and thats an opportunity that would disappear the second the u. S. As were going to sanction companies who build here who invest here so there is something to lose for everyone it sounds like why is trump doing this i think first the conservatives the republicans they always hated the green because it has a built in lifetime so to speak in ten fifteen years some of the provisions will run out and then iran can start again if it was if it wanted to to build Nuclear Weapons and the. What the agreement did not produce some people have hoped especially in europe was that iran is changing its behavior becoming more responsible for growing support for shia groups in conflicts or calling back to. The revolutionary guards from these conflicts and stepping down from its plans to build a missile capacity so all of that didnt happen iran used the money that was flowing back and to actually build up the regional weight that it had and this is frustrating for the americans because they especially the from pistis and the conservatives think. Now this deal has actually enabled iran to grow and stead of. Limiting and powers and whats your view are they wrong they are not wrong but its i think its very important to stick to the agreement because it shows to those forces in iran who want to open up who want to who have no interest in Nuclear Weapons who want to to invite trade those forces need to be strengthened thats one thing and the other is if you drop out of this deal you undermine the legitimacy the credibility of western diplomacy to forge such agreements and that is important for other aspiring Nuclear Weapon states for instance north korea so. The best is to actually cling to the agreement and negotiate within the framework of the agreement if youre not happy with with irans behavior are you optimistic that there can be renegotiation within that framework i am not optimistic actually i think the americans have the leverage to to push through to a decision with the conservative leaders take. To take control over the issue and drop out but i think iran will not actually become a Nuclear Weapon state so easily and they they might actually. Simply applied to the rules in the agreement and. Go on developing on a low level a civilian Nuclear Energy program and repeated that they have no interest in weapons and this is what they have done for years but this one will not appease the americans especially when it comes to supporting the shiites in the region this is nothing the iranians would negotiate away because this is this is their network their power base actually in the region all right theres a lot at stake thats dr henning reka from the German Council on Foreign Relations thanks for being with thank you for having us. Well turning out of syria where civilians are trying to flee the tell me as a u. S. Led offensive ramps up efforts to drive out the remaining Islamic State fighters now hundreds of them are holed up in what was once the groups defacto capital u. S. Airstrikes have pounded their positions and witnesses say theyve caused new worse civilian casualties but Syrian Rebels on the ground dispute those claims. They cant see the enemy fighters for the rebel group the Syrian Democratic forces start shooting at random hoping to lure i as snipers from their hideouts. A few hundred militants from the socalled Islamic State are believed to be hiding out in the ruins controlling a small part of rocca the destruction is partly a result of u. S. Led Coalition Airstrikes on a is that reportedly killed more than eight hundred sixty civilians since june thats according to the organization air wars which tracks casualties by interviewing eyewitnesses but this commander disputes that claim. No thats not true sometimes civilians are killed in the fighting but that rarely hit by asteroids when people try to flee the combat zone that shot by us snipers. Well they step on i os mines. Many have died that way. The Syrian Democratic forces will win the battle for rocca but its not over yet this is making a last desperate stand here the remains of a company and i guess attempt to stop Coalition Forces advancing. The u. S. Led Coalition Says it wont accept the surrender of ai as militants so the remaining jihadists probably wont get out of rocca alive. Well still to come on the day super girls to the rescue and get ready to meet the cartoon characters who are on a mission to change the attitudes towards women and girls and. Wildfires in the u. S. State of california have killed thirty one people making of the deadliest fires in the States History hundreds are still missing and the just toll is expected to rise dry conditions and fierce winds are hampering efforts to bring the fires under control the blazes in wine country north of San Francisco have been burning since sunday and conditions are only expected to get worse over the weekend napa valley was the heart of californias Wine Industry but now napa and it surrounds the scene an unprecedented disaster. These men are among a thousand firefighters who spent the last few days trying to bring the prices under control. Some houses down the street knows theres no better feeling now you know its just there because theyre everywhere you know theres Little Pockets theres theres. Theres parts that we just cant get to dozens of fires have been burning in and around napa valley since last sunday they causes are uncertain but fanned by hot dry winds theyve scorched an area the size of new york city and filled the air with acrid smoke. Were in the mass because. I live here. Started to really affect my room. Theres no let up expected in the coming hours and already these fires of ten much of napa valley from a Tourist Destination to a place where little more than scorched earth remains. Australia is Holding Elections on sunday an opinion poll showing the next government is set to take a hard turn to the right heres a quick overview now of the main candidates and their policies well first theres all story and chance are Christian Karen and the social democrats their center left and they want deeper in you integration right now theyre the Biggest Party in parliament but karens Approval Ratings have fallen dramatically after a scandal or he was accused of financing fake news against his main rivals that rival is foreign minister sebastian courts of the Austrian Peoples Party its a deeply conservative party and supports an anti refugee course but it also backs continued european integration kurtz is currently the front runner to replace karen as chancellor now the third Biggest Party is the Freedom Party and thats led by heinz christian. Theyre far right their nationalist their euro skeptic and their anti immigration and they have a good shot at joining the Peoples Party in government but lets go back to sebastian courts for a second just thirty one years old he looks set to lead austrias next government and he transformed his own party to make it happen. His fans call him boss the. Foreign minister Sebastian Kurtz is known across austria for being poisoned and cool. The food on the leader of the center right Austrian Peoples Party is the front runner for the chancellery in this years election hes demanded more power than any head of his party before him but hes also remade it in his image. Ya yes we want to open up yes we want to be more and yes we want to be a Real Movement anyone who wants to take part can take part. Kurtz has brought one hundred fifty thousand new supporters into the Peoples Party. Their whole look has suddenly turned from the traditional black to turquoise. In terms of policy kurtzs managed one big thing a clear swing to the right. We wanted to change something we were determined it was this steadfastness that we had above all when half of europe was beating up on us thats what matters. Since the beginning of europes refugee crisis in two thousand and fifteen curts has maintained one clear message the borders must be sealed and the young hard liner prevailed the socalled balkan route that many refugees fleeing into europe were using was sealed off. In closing the west balkan route we have succeeded in reducing the number of migrants by ninety eight percent using that. Sense then critz has become the darling of right wing parties both in austria and ill spare during the campaign kurtz has been leaning hard on his success closing the balkan route thats one reason why former Peoples Party leader and vice chancellor. Feels uneasy. He keeps harping on this one point because he can prove he accomplished something how it was actually accomplished is another question but we can see the result i would say this talking point and the fact that he keeps using it is meant to come across as a substantial success but i would say there is no substance there are. Kurds as hardline refugees stance looks remarkably like someone elses hines questions to lead candidate of the far right austrian Freedom Party in this t. V. Debate in early october shako pulled out an internal memo that says courts should act like struck during the campaign this may pleases me of course and i feel very honored it says in the paper masters this perfectly copycat or not kurtz a strategy seems to be working hes managed to woo swarms of right wing voters to the party. What we can see from the preelection data kurds is driving over Freedom Party voters in massive numbers the kurds effect appears to be six to nine percent. With corrupt as chancellor austria would move to the right he backs a further tightening of the refugee policy and he said if he must he will once again fight half of europe to get it done. For more on that im joined now by kerry skywriting in vienna kerry thanks for being with us i want to ask you first of all why is australian politics winning so decisively to the right whats driving this well of the election will come whether it has been the may just swing to the right i think there is some doubt about how far that swing is going and any way to do indicate that the tougher line on immigration closing the borders by the Peoples Party has brought a surge in popularity for that party so what were seeing is a fallout from the migrant crisis of two thousand and fifteen hundreds of thousands many refugees based on documented came across the. Eastern borders of austria having travelled up the balkan route the people spotted the Freedom Party have both blamed the social democrats for allowing what they called uncontrolled immigration at that time and at least part of the electorate was disturbed by what happened two years ago and seems to be prepared to vote for this tougher line taken by sebastian could Peoples Party the full answer there i think is a bit more complicated because the center left has been in power for so long in austria for most of the postwar period that people calling for change and if theyre going to have change the main choices being offered from the center right or right wing populist probably selective in party are going to the far right Freedom Party does become the governments junior partners what kind of policies are they going to be pushing for in australia well first of all they will be asking for and this is something they can hand upon. Return of failed Asylum Seekers or an increase in the rate of return of failed Asylum Seekers and Illegal Immigrants will be calling for a sort of a tightening of Border Security even though it is already quite tight these points that will want to make they will want to break down and weaken some of the austrian institutions which are associated with the two parties with rules to so long with. The people and the social democrats of those institutions like the chamber of labor and the chamber of commerce dont want to weaken the influence of actually calling full membership of those to be voting for iraq the compulsory will be calling toll restrictions on those from other European Union countries coming into austria especially those to the east and southeast light workers from hungary so poland Austrian Companies are pleased to have these workers here the freedom but he claims but theyre pushing up unemployment and they want to limit some of them the Second Coming that is a sound like a policy thats going to be very much welcomed in the European Union whats that going to to do. Austrias european relations. I dont think its going to be as bad as it was in two thousand when the freedom to. Enter the Coalition Government at that point we had the European Union imposing diplomatic sanctions on austria because in European Union countries right wing populist parties are entering government i think they will be concerns raised in brussels but i dont think youll see any particular action but they will be more disputes i would predict between vienna and brussels particularly over such matters as freedom of movement of labor and the european and the freedom parties record the. Restrictions against minorities and so forth so yes there will be more issues arising between vienna and brussels without the right thats scary scarring joining us from vienna thank you. Ethiopia access to education for girls is limited and the girls who are able to go to school are often forced to drop out early in order to earn money for their families others are pressuring her child marriages never return to school one Ethiopian Television producer is working to change that and to inspire girls and their families to make education a priority. Captivation on their face says the school and. Its showing pupils the First Episode of. Means wisdom and herrick in the series three heroines fight for the equality of girls and women. One out of. Before age fifteen and most of them will never go back to school. They are. To succeed in life. Wants to change this its important to the programs creators that children can identify with the show so they organize screenings of the pilot episode at local schools to see if people like a. Different question. So there. Is something to their hearts something they know who they can connect with. After watching the show the children write down what they liked or didnt like and which story lines they want to see continue. I thought it was great because it was about. Ive never seen anything like it. Is the brainchild of. The trained nurse or she could no longer ignore the plight of young women in ethiopia. So i see and how can he saw this huge problem on his neck and in beauty and kindergarten everywhere so i start thinking how can a reach millions of children in my country was less course there was quality education. Dr weitz has already produced three successful t. V. And radio series which educate children across ethiopia in a fun way. She hopes to bad girls will become a success and help challenge taboos were starting from hard core sound tech make it stop only married. The thing is you know that is why the part of animation is very interesting because it is animation it is fictional so people can pick a distance and. Comfortable to talk about it and thats what we want the first step is talking about it. But its not always easy. Sometimes i get close treated you know shouldnt pick me piers to be to this point and you know i should reach more kids than by now you know and all east africa its so slow because of so many broke bureaucratic. Procedures or not support or. Just the d. Today by years. Distributing the programs is difficult and resources are scarce social entrepreneurship is not yet common in ethiopia their policies dont selfwill us because were still look as a business person so weve been passed past the same way where the meetings would go and we are fluent in the readers we are in smaller resorts we have to do a lot. But the team behind to back girls is strong and motivated and they wont give up in the face of these obstacles that still negotiating with t. V. Broadcasters. Well the day is nearly done but our conversation continues online youll find us on twitter at w news or tweet it me at sarah harman five three and dont forget to use our hash tag the day thats going to do it for us here on the day but since its friday well leave you with a little treat the whole pack of baby pandas from well long nature reserve in china ill see you next week have a great weekend. Day after day jungle talking puffs and punch said weight loss can. Hold that fact must go. Like most of the young people here he comes from a wealthy family. In china only the well off send their children to these fitness camps and yet its parents and especially grandparents who are a large part of the obesity problem. We. Are dealing. With a second. Tour linked to news from africa and the world or link to exceptional stories and discussion from the news of easy town while website d w dot com smart because joining us on facebook that g. W. Africa

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