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Living in the digital age. Today a virtual trip through time before like a tour guide. And the rocket man. But first caricature vs dictator freedom of the press and expression are under siege the world over notably in the arab world online satirists and cartoonists are now speaking up via the internet. To saudi arabia. Was drawn by this name by a originally from sudan the self described social media. By a has been publishing on social networks for the past. I exist on social media site is the the only. But i have so. For me its a bridge to reach people to do to do to start conversation in the age of snap chat and twitter messages have a very short life span. But are bio wants to leave a lasting visual impression for instance he placed two well known media images side by side to help shed new light on the hopeless plight of children in syria. His cartoons often go viral and also reverberate outside the arab world they tend to have a political message such as his depiction of attempts in france to ban burqini. Then tenets. Gave this way for us for a new way of publishing or when you way of reaching to people i tried when i first started i tried and i tried and i tried to work for traditional media i tried to work for a newspaper i got kicked out of an Editors Office i you know i sent my work i said i dont want money on this one might think published it was then that he decided to publish on social media at about the same time in late two thousand and ten protests against the tunisian government began to grow those localized demonstrations soon developed into what became known as the arab spring are biased cartoons were symbols of these protests with this work chief among them it deliberately targeted the dictatorships in tunisia algeria egypt and she down the image inspired activists in the entire region. Satire was always controlled and looked out and you know dangerous way in the region because you know a big part of our culture is respect and satire is considered disrespectful. Be it religion sex for questioning or forty ness activists were driving the debate in contrast to the state run media at the time to blues was slowly but surely being tested a group of young jordanian activists founded the online satirical. Magazine are hoodooed which means the limits in twenty thirty when they use their satire to test the boundaries of freedom of expression. Speaking of torture veliz Global Media Forum earlier this year ill do a good contributor is somewhat i cart talked about his work it takes a lot of effort to build the thing structurally so we can get as much of the point across and causing not enough. To get us in james so politically it becomes difficult to talk about lot of things yet we still do. He and his colleagues are often a source of irritation for the authorities their articles are often not recognized as satire and reprinted as real news by some of the major arab language websites one such piece of fake news was that the terrorist group by years had stopped praying following a defeat thats the problem the. Government news is a satirical as we or i would do has become a famous name across the arab world theres even a hash tag like who didnt which means i wish it were i would do to a lot of real yet perhaps surprising news stories are passed on using the hash tag Donald Trumps election to the white house for instance. But these satirists dont limit themselves to regional stories they produced a video in answer to trumps America First statements. In the middle east as a warble was delivered its true to really horrible we understand we do a few great things in gonna between us and youre going to love to hate the the south tyrants cartoons clearly resonate you dude and i lead ill buy i have inspired people to think about whats happening around them impossible without the internet. And were the generation of the internet its our connection to the world and i would have been sitting here right now it wasnt for. Social media. Shift says freedom of expression for everyone. And on todays shift ranking what do people use social media for the most. Number five unfriending friends in Australian Market Research Institute has analyzed the behavior of social media users of eight hundred people surveyed thirty nine percent say they are planning to say goodbye online turning friends into distant acquaintances by deleting them. In fourth spot posting pics of food once users learn to photograph the plate in front of them they just couldnt get enough advertising or not some forty percent of respondents cant help sharing their meals on line. Number three posting selfies be the pope or an oscar winner everybody posts photos of themselves from pet pics to balancing on the statue of christ the redeemer forty five percent of social media users love posting snaps of themselves. Never to. Sharing other peoples posts from apartment hunting to whatevers currently trending those omnipresent you can vids or b. B. On a roller coaster forty six percent of users love to pass on other peoples posts. And that number one watching videos. You may like life showing you how to have cycle. Or seeing your favorite youtube or blasting off. Sixty one percent love watching the antics of fellow users on social media. That was this weeks rankings and now. Virtual trips city tours full of Historical Information can be pretty dull but some startups want to change that using Virtual Reality theyre sending visitors back into the past. Young. Worlds that can only be seen with the v. O. R. Headset his latest project is a virtual journey back in time to cologne as it used to. Be with us for yeah in addition to reconstructing the cologne that was in other words architecturally and were also bring it to life. In his store we do that by first starting people wearing historical clothing through three hundred sixty degrees and then superimposing movement patterns. That happens in a motion capture studio the movements of the reflective spots are recorded by infrared cameras and then transferred one to one to a computer. Its a big project and a tourist attraction that makes historical cologne tangible. On the old market place for example. A vintage tram is being recreated. Thirty time for others will begin their trip to the past right here he does its everyone is up at the front of. The minute through cologne and experience a range of Different Things happening. But once i discovered i was on the what you cant do on the couch but you can hear is feel the experience actually sitting on the tram and can feel its movement via vibrations. Have got the wind in my face i can immerse myself and feel like im actually there. And the. Sight of it to be. There is another start up specializing in v. R. Time trips in berlin history is brought to life for twenty five euros and i. Use a stand at the places where the city was once divided with a headset they can see where the berlin wall stood during the cold war including watchtowers bob why. Fences and other obstacles its a hauntingly realistic experience. Whether in berlin cologne or elsewhere but sure reality is bringing history back to my. Ship says back to the future. And now short this week the ship snapshot. This is one busy pooch hes a really faithful companion who doesnt just go walkies with anyone but he does dog the steps of a three hundred sixty degree photographer who has wandered across the south korean island of judo. The south korean website down uses the pictures and its Online Map Service which is similar to google street view. The tiny island has been a minor attraction ever since it has some fantastic views which the dog wants to enjoy too of course he even follows the photographer up to look out our. Canine kind of photo. That was the snapshot. Do you want to find out more about the Digital World then check out our Facebook Page detail the new digital youll find all the latest news and trends as well as interesting apps exciting gadgets and even tutorials and of course all the shift reports are there to. Like us post your comments give us your opinions and d. W. Digital thanks and as always at the end of shift. Exit our internet find of the week this time a rocketeer takes off to name oh the famous american film. Youre deaf and graham loves extreme sports so we can never be asked twice before trying out a jet. Propelled by a device on his back using jets of steam he flies over the california scenery. On you tube the video of his aerial adventure took off big time to within a few months it picked up nearly half a million clicks theres nothing quite like flying high. And next week. In estonia passengers can catch a ride on private most buses but you wont get anywhere in a hurry for the time being the vehicles are moving around the capital of talent at a walking pace transportation of the future next week on shift. Its a wild week on v. W. There they didnt think they couldnt do the complete to kill everything revolves around our Animal Kingdom and a two legged fans. With small black spots on incomes of whites they always cut a handsome figure out how the deal make sure get its name we try to find out by connecting the dots. The roman. Thirty men on the top of. The bible he would know by remunerate never hear from they always think they can still read right up to the very last second of his. Meal song our lives it. Starting october fifteenth on g. W. And online. When the history books are brought to my. Maybe the stories theyre in will get a rewrite. Of the story of the russian revolution. From the perspective of writers thinkers and own a garden. What did it feel like to live in times of a revolution and the upheaval. A nonissue to the russian art revolutionary. Nineteen seventeen the real october starting october twenty fifth on d w o

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