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Unhealthy sugar substitute guilt free indulgence and higher video what is it exactly and just how effective is this immune system of alternative medicine and heres your host dr carsten go tot. Hello and welcome to in good shape this is going to be a hot show today youre going to find out things about fat cats and peta and to that of so donna thrown in for good measure. No idea what that is all terms from and you feed. Some i think system of medicine. Isnt i have feeding christine there. We go into a more of this in one of the other terms from my talk to dr Christian Kessler here at the ma do you practice. I think are you very is a great part of Integrative Medicine and from my perspective particularly effective from everything related to sex and that exist. To nutrition and lifestyle related disorders and muscular skeletal. Remains if you feeling pain and you go and see your doctor he or she will give you a pill or if its severe and injection not so in a view to medicine it works differently there they were different multiple levels and healing is an active process patients are in charge of their own lifestyle changes. More ms sesame oil gentle touch meditative sounds thats are you have a tip for some its nothing more than hocus pocus from india but come in a vet says it saved her life the former Health Insurance Company Employee suffered from Rheumatoid Arthritis for three years pain and inflammation started in her hands and quickly spread to nearly every joint in her body. Is a huge you feel completely out of it youre full of pain and you cant really take part in life and you know. She tried nearly everything but nothing helped for long. Well you vedic t. Is her medicine of choice now. For you veda came to her unexpectedly. I was sitting in a cafe and in came this indian looking man who asked if he could sit down at my table and that was hari. Hardy har on new delhi our organizes for weeks stays in indian are you afraid of clinics for patients in Germany Companies them and serves as their interpreter. Pirate radio is five thousand years old so it must be doing something right otherwise it would be around that long. Then i went to a clinic in india and it was an initially surprised at the treatment simplicity even the food was simple double soup with rice for breakfast lunch and dinner she received daily treatments of antiinflammatory pastes steam baths and massages. You know my condition actually got worse in the first two weeks the mass songes caused me more pain than i had previously so they werent as pleasant as i was expecting. And. Theres one thing i repeat i cannot do act fast europeans always have to get back to work the next day but i ave to take some time. But i will sign the site week three animas. Not all this drainage lead to a release of all that pain so i could really enjoy the fourth week and i really noticed how old the toxins were flushed out of me since then the fifty five year old can once again look positively into the future. I also made a lot of changes in my life career changes im in the process of moving again and i put an end to an unhappy relationship so it wasnt just die of aids or alone i have a day involves making changes to your life as well as. The stress of her current move has caused some light pain to return but its nothing she says compared to before shes won back the courage to face life again with all of its challenges. Dr because there is a consultant physician at the manual hospital here in berlin at the department for complimentary target of medicine and she specialized in a very good medicine and what does a v. To me but i think its Something Like the way of life. Well from the indian sanskrit language to directly translate to knowledge of life which are more precise knowledge of life on the lifespan but and that sounds pretty big but what are you today is its traditional indian medicine just like our traditional european medicine traditional chinese medicine are you there is a large and sophisticated traditional system of medicine including various disciplines in various different therapeutic approaches that can be used. In order to tackle and to answer specific medical questions or Health Issues of our patients so for example nutritional therapy or lifestyle management and one aspect that are forgotten is body work so whats body work body words and comprises Different Number and different aspects of physical therapy so if massage treatment. Of. The use of medicated. First Pacific Health questions is who could have tried this myself yeah. So im working with that pinned to on your bag right now which is supporting the massage techniques and makes massage easier you can get more grip on the tissue and there are hurdles substances that theres a large variety of different oils for different indications or for different Health Issues so based on whatever Health Question somebody. Approaches me within my office. We will choose specific oils for our individual patients so what does it improve the application of warm oil has very beneficial effects because the attributes and the correct risk takes of treatment involving warm medicated oils will balance the correct touristic of your diseased body but some say its even detoxing so what does detox between western medicine we dont really believe in to talk so well here i mean are there detox tog so there for a little unnerving i would instead suggest that but i would using these kind of techniques were actually trying to support tissue metabolism and to support blood circulation and just improve the overall metabolism of your tissues in your cells even in medicine says that if a person is made of three fundamental elements of dossers its voter pigeon cover what are these principles are votes are which is. Best described as the kinetic principle the principle of principle of movement as the principle of transformation. And metabolism and lastly we have which is the structural anabolic principle for structure and matter yes very lets just hope that you can retreat diseases for the day like first skin disease when the skin disease is in the world thats right its one hundred twenty five Million People suffer from sources and this is a very severe disease that you can try to treat it with either me. Every morning sixty four year old barbara inspects the rushes on her skin she says her condition has improved since she began using an cream. My skin is softer and smoother and above all it no longer itches i almost have peachy smooth skin again. What happens when people get psoriasis human skin normally regenerate itself every four weeks when im rich. New skin cells appear on the deepest layers and then gradually wander towards the surface as they mature with psoriasis white blood cells and aggressive neurotransmitters into the skin cells which become inflamed as a result. As the skin more quickly and mature skin cells rise to the surface and become scaly. Barber has suffered since she was eight years old. The father died unexpectedly when she was young and bobby was sent to a boarding school the stress slightly triggered the skin disease. It was like being thrown out of the cosy feather bed into a pit and it came as a real shock as well the boarding school was in switzerland when nobody spoke german they spoke italian at school and french at home so youre really on your own. Even if there is a genetic component to the illness i think it only comes out if you experience some kind of emotional shock and i had a really bad case like a scaly little fish. The worst thing was the prejudice and the things people say shes not ok just look at her skin the emotional stress its really difficult to deal with its a nonstop struggle. Next to the physical discomfort being like a social outcast is a big problem for some patients and doctors confirm that genetic causes are not the sole reason for an outbreak of the disease. And there are many contributing factors Emotional Distress for example but it can also come after an infection or you can go twenty thirty forty or even fifty years without psoriasis and suddenly its there. But im pretty disposition does have to be there. It was a visit to sri lanka that brought in contact with. She met physician. Who introduced her to the five thousand year old system of natural healing. Just. In case the saying goes and understandable the human beings. In the person and we are doing the. Mental and so that is the special we are training for the parts of one physical mental and so there is the difference. Meanwhile barbara had lost faith in the ability of conventional medicine to treat her illness. Immersed herself in the world of wild herbs and natural remedies. She was also impressed by the people she met in sri lanka. After returning home to germany bobber searched tirelessly until she came across an cream that contained only natural ingredients. And i believe in i have ada it may be just a belief of mine but if the body soul and spirit are in harmony that improves your mental state and everything else. I found a totally simple cream thats not at all expensive and thats what i use all the time it smells good feels good and since i started using it i have minimal symptoms. And thats given a huge boost to her selfesteem unthinkable not too long ago now shell find hitting the streets of berlin in a pair of shorts. And a need a Musical Instrument and i just wonder how could this help against surprise so i ask you this question. Well this can be one element of a complex miles in one trip when approach in case of. Are to new diseases or diseases that have a skin involvement not necessarily has to be one but it can be one particularly in those patients who have. A stress or psychosomatic or morbidity going along with their main. Health issues for example psoriasis are going to try to relax a bit. Its quite wonderful i mean this is nothing like if you were where some headphones is more like if you would just lay down right inside the music if the sounds can pass through you and its very nice if you sing those fears and what does the words mean well i was reciting sanskrit verses from indian tradition and also from our you get a tradition basically efrem ations for for good health and for a healthy life. For happiness and wholeness and we just saw the woman in the report and she was under a lot of stress and she had some therapy and then she changed her whole life she quit her job and she was getting a divorce so is this the usual result of a very good medicine to change your life you know the are you very menacing and it is not to send people into divorce. And i think there is not a big difference between between are you veda and conventional medicine in that sense but it very specific focus of traditional indian medicine are you veda is to. Is to involve our patients into their own therapy so basically to empower them to become their own therapists and to some extent. Via nutrition by our lives down management by our mind body medicine meditation what role does nutrition play in your view to matters Healthy Nutrition in the sense of very vague or means to find out which specific form of nutrition which and which selection of. Of foods and of dietary habits and of ways to prepare your meals is healthy for you and that might be quite different in your case than in my case there electra said what i learned here is that a very good medicine is a very personal medicine that the body is whole consisting of body mind and soul so if youve got any questions or like me to ask our experts you can drop me an email but i will take some time to answer it because right now im going to enjoy therapy. Coming up in good shape people who slowly lose their memory and at some point themselves to outsiders disease what happens in the brain what effect does it have and how promising is the research send your questions to in good shape at d w dot com with the subject alzheimers disease we look forward to hearing from you. Did you know that some females can eat up to one hundred thirty five times the own body weight in one meal im not talking about humans of course im talking about ticks female takes a different and male ticks theyve got a good claws and researchers are finding out more and more disturbing things about these got suckers. What pathogens are carried by takes thats what researchers at the whole black cock institution berlin want to find out. That analyzing the genetic material of various types of takes looking for the genetic code of the pathogens. Diseases ticks transmit here in germany to bone and signal like a sore tb and lyme disease. But they carry other pathogens as well and its always possible that they can pick up new ones which they could pass on to us humans. And. Until a few years ago only one species of take lived in germany the castor bean tick. That recently a second largest species has spread across the country the on eight to celtic also known as the. On a dog tick meadow take and march take and now a third species has turned up in germany the rodent take page one hundred on has so far only spotted specimens in hanover and frankfurt on the odor if this type also spreads it could be dangerous. The problem is that this species usually lives in asia and is a vector for very serious viral diseases that. We dont yet know if we could do the same in germany. And come on. In northern climes lyme disease is the most common disorder transmitted by takes but certainly not the only one the guilty takes weight on leaps patiently up to three years and climb on to a host as he or she brushes past not all takes a carry as of lyme disease. Estimates range between ten and forty percent in germany. When an infected take bites a human piss is the skin it takes several hours for it to transmit the bacteria the berlioz has bacteria and is the bloodstream and spreads throughout the body. From there they can infiltrate the joints heart and nervous system causing great pain. To present numb. Headaches joint or neck pain or a stiff neck. Often accompanied by crippling effect such as facial palsy and exists. Theres a good chance of recovering from a diagnosis of boreal loss with a two week antibiotic treatment and you can get. But theres no treatment for take born and suffer light of this spiral disease can lead to serious brain inflammation up to now. Ticks infected with this pathogen confined to southern germany but that territory is growing. One possible protection is the tb event seen. One. Its not clear how many types of takes there are in germany or what pathogens they carry so its important to prevent take bites wearing long clothing and talking your childs legs into your socks can help as can take spray. And to feel they can remove the tick as soon as possible. Thank you for more information about takes his visit our facebook page. And now its time for a break and a drink. And lots of should be in it and sure that makes me fed a lot of empty calories and i dont eat that. This one here contains artificial sweeteners thats better or is it research has a trying to figure out why even with the increased use of artificial sweeteners people again weight gain. Zero v involved from berlin keeps himself in shape. And that includes a healthy diet he deliberately tries to avoid like products with artificial sweetener in the. Them and the most beautiful if you look on the product it says sugar or with sweetness its not on the front end look on the box. Artificial sweeteners come under various names like aspartame saccharin sodium cyclometer and a nine fifty four design of the gun as a nutrition expert at berlins shara to University Hospital she doesnt have a high opinion of artificial sweeteners that replace sugar in soft drinks to reduce calories. This is implicit i didnt suggest that i can continue to consume sweet drinks and still have a healthy diet but thats not how it works human beings preference for sweet things leads us to eat an unhealthy diet. If i continually stimulate the sweetness receptors in the Central Region of the brain i wont eat healthfully in the long run. Vegetables will taste different than if i consume few a sweetened products or a diet with less sugar. In it at twenty fourteen study of students it was shown that soft drinks with artificial sweeteners increase the appetite. Use muscle weakness increases a desire for most weakness there is good data even in human studies most of the studies were done with students these experiments showed soft drinks with facial sweetness increased the appetite more than soft drinks sweetened with sugar theres a simple explanation when we take Something Sweet our body expects to receive a quick energy boost the brain may think that but the stomach doesnt get any sugar so theres a discrepancy an imbalance that results in an increasing craving that. It a new study another effect has been observed sweeteners can have an effect on metabolism at least in Animal Studies the production of insulin in mice was influenced by the consumption of sweeteners. To food to become the animals that received sweetened feed develop the equivalent of metabolic syndrome stages of diabetes and impaired metabolic function. Just like we see in humans who consume extreme contis of sweetness and there are some studies that show that these effects are detectable thus its all my mentions are here fact in our hospitals and at the moment the findings of these studies are controversial so what can we do. For the simplest recommendation is to consume as little processed food as possible avoid sweetness by cooking for yourself and use the least possible amount of ready made meals there are also. Other additives hes affects on metabolism we just dont know yet on that. Is sticking with sugar soft drinks and staying active. In medicine hes supposed to drink lots of water and especially wall water dr because why is that because its a very effective. And also cheap way to support your digestion and to enhance metabolism and by the way this is not a specific are you very good thing to do Drinking Water is quite universal and very healthy and would be a good idea to just drink less soft drinks and drink more water instead and plain water review is good against you thirst thanks so much for having me today. And next week and until then lets all try to stay in good shape. Quadriga International Talk show for journalists discuss the topic of the week germanys recent National Election has triggered a huge debate about divisions between east and west so how divided is germany and for that matter your up find out on quadriga. Quadriga in the thirty minutes on d w. The sling and the w. Because i speak your language does not have a mask. For content in dari pashto and order prospects for returning our web special to the net the refugee journeys of life germany and the prospects for those returning home. Join the discussion on d w dot com and on facebook. Prospects for returning news d. W. Maybe for my. Physics. Medicine. Chemistry. Literature. Economics sign says. Thanks. Welterweights the twenty seventeen nobel prizes. Who will follow in the footsteps of the greatest minds off our time. The nobel prize is twenty seventeen. This week bundled up a nice. Wide family. From a jedi oh somebody. The best in the world and international brand. A shared passion. F. C. Byron munich to truly understand all the unique history words. Meows some young. Yes yes some you can see kind of you cant touch us were buying them by an. Exclusive journey into the sun of bio munich. Heres a new its a kind of culture war we are we are not suppose for what we are were a family unbelievable. To me a sun media phenomenon starting october fifteenth on d w phony. Lists. This is the daily news live from berlin point of no return spain plunges deeper into its biggest political crisis in decades the countrys top Court Suspends a catalan parliamentary session to block separatists from unilaterally declaring in the pendants also

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