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The so. Called tank of it welcome to come to exult thank you for your escalating rounds with the e. U. And other bodies you seem determined to take this to a major rift why. Weve used to work here ask a lady have used the roof which i dont think are appropriate here because. We see tendencies in the Decision Making procedures in the life of the European Union we dont like we name that thats been our politics policy making for the past seven years there are major bones of contention on that yes but the only way in our belief that our experience to sort out problems is to name that that and that is talk about them in a frank manner in a way that can assure that at the end of the discussion if you like a debate a fierce debate at times the solution is that it sounds very reasonable the way youre discussing it but actually its not getting any better is it in you yourself said the fight is just at the beginning the front of the debate is your opponent there are issues and topics in which youre going to be unrelenting so youre prepared for it if you have to find were going to go for it one lesson weve learned for the past seven years not necessarily in the field or in the by the topic of illegal migration which is in the focus for the past three years economic matters are on constitution it was worth taking the fight because at the end of the day turned out that we were right and we dont like to be vindicated thats not very wise if youre a politician or even if you run the country still thats a lesson we havent put a past seven years the e. U. Commission has launched an infringement proceedings against hunger it treatment of my grants were a few jews that didnt like your march twenty seven thousand the side of the law restrictions on Civil Society organizations legal reforms the dominance of as they put it of progovernment media these are serious issues out there and theyre not giving away yet. Weve seen so many topics so many charges rather against hungary for the past seven years that again this is nothing new so we go for them because you dont take them seriously we didnt i mean how can you how can you take it more serious than you to go for a legal debate because and at the end of the day its going to be sorted out legally and you went to the European Court of justice liturgy and they turned down a question on whether it was possible legally to make a decision like that back in two thousand and fifteen in face of decisions about a mandatory quote yes song for if you stopped in face of two previous decisions on behalf of the heads of state which clearly said no to that now we face a problem here we have knowledge the decision because apparently legally it was possible to do so but immediately we face a very serious political and yet again legal problem and you acknowledge the decision thats right your foreign minister actually is on record saying politics has raped european law and rate European Values this decision practically openly legitimizes the power of the e. U. Above the Member State Authority and then thats what were setting aside that inflammatory language what kind of e. U. Did you think you belong to well there we face a serious political issue which eventually becomes a legal issue and that is how decision is darn hard decisions are made in the European Union that this is not a new well you knew that the e. U. Member states have no legal right to resist those orders and thats a real problem because i get that again goes against the most important word idea philosophically if you like within the european that is consensus if its possible to do so and up to this members are required to accept the judgment of the e. U. As highly skilled it is possible to go around even legally rightly go around the political consensus in the European Union that doesnt make sense that it. And then its happened back in two thousand people in fleet of e. U. Law takes precedence over domestic law in the e. U. You e. U. Law is part of domestic law yet you have to you have to involve you are you in arcade it in to your law if you want to engage in a legal that we all know that even though its a particular law as it is being called its not International Law it is as if its right and lawful it is incorporated into the Member States legal system and thats where we face a problem because for the past seven years even more we face a tendency and that is the stealth mode of Decision Making and on the formulation and on the standing of legal possibilities in the European Unions Decision Making process that is tending to overwrite what is in the treaty but thats nothing new in the other states of experience that if you didnt read the small print they do when you join the e. U. If its nothing new for you its probably not for us it is because you know there are limits there are red lines weve drawn around suddenly decided what they are now we suddenly bump into some Serious Problems and that is our sovereignty who shall decide who will listen to the accident and thats right about but gratitude be a lesson actually to brussels bureaucracy because its its not of course its an outcome of problems regarding the relationship of brussels of his of the london but you went to the court to see if they would overturn the ruling the mandatory quotas they didnt so you accepted the jurisdiction of the court as i do that and the court turned you down now you dont accept the result and we have accepted the you have acknowledged the result even that is that region of accept it we have a changing and we have you have acknowledged that legally it was possible to make a temporary a decision on temporary measurement which we believe again politically is not right because that goes against the consensus on the higher political level we still believe that the highest political Decision Making body European Union is the council met your my point my point is. You are not going to accept those quotas are you we are not going to accept the court that thats despite the ruling of the court because you were locked up because you are bad losers that no no the question is not you went to the court court told you that you are a bad loser but a bad loser would be to sacrifice his lot of things in women but be a second finally lot of things for a reason and that is to sovereignty issue. Even in temporary decision we are not accepting any composite of decision who shall live together in a country we have never given up at that element of our summer and were never going to give it a bit give it up and be still whatever it takes however fire you have to push this is we are going to use all political and legal means actually to go against that thats right in march last year your Prime Minister spoke condescendingly of flocks of obsessed human rights defenders feeling the overwhelming urge to reprimand us and make allegations against us and thats been the case for the past couple of years thats where you you join the club you sign up to various commitments theyre going to review your progress thats thats the point of joining the club why complain about it. Im trying to every drawing terms on them and everybody comes on the period of about doing to move this discussion into some something reasonable its our vision of how sick human rights how the soft elements of a corporation in the European Union. Law constitutional issues are going a breeze the principle and if you dont like being held to account you know know it and then thats not the thats not the case the think is that the sense that human rights defenders you dont we want to we want to avoid thinking you get you want to avoid code review we want to avoid that something an interpretation is sticking over the right sense of the word we have agreed to and thats what is happening. The boy had a point about this is that you dont feel that the europe you joined is a valid europe any more you say your government now apparently sees itself as protector of European Values your Prime Minister said twenty seven years ago here in Central Europe we believe that europe was our future today we feel that we are the future so why do such as you what you suggested here this from a man who boasted in twenty fourteen i want to enter breaking with the dogmas and ideologies that have been adopted by all questions suggested something which is completely untrue. We are not breaking away from the European Values and the perception we had we stick to it and thats the difference others are trying to make is Something Different we have agreed to you believe that you are the future of europe we believe that that hundred thats quite a tall order for one goal jairzinho yes sure but hungary is not standing alone i mean if you take a look as for the past especially two years what are the bad boys in the European Union you can name that better lets lets talk serious the Central European country is eventually more than ten years after their accession to the European Union has come to their. Full fledged perception of how they believe the opinion should be working and i believe this is something new there are some european powers divest a Member States have to cope with and that is Central European countries for an obvious reason that is historical source of logical economic reasons a legacy we carry here have a say and different say about how we think about the opinion and you should better listen listen to it its not against europe its a different slightly different vision actually well. Listen to it yet while im in the west is turning down what you stand for your illiberal democracy in april even the center right grouping in the European Parliament the p. P. P. Which includes your party for this war knew that it would not accept any basic freedoms being restricted or the little rule of law being nobodys recent and if you dont that theyre not buying your explanation they are by weve weve been through that for a past couple of years and same economy very able to prove that we have to hang on in line with european regulations as a matter of fact speaking better or more to the regulatory lines or out lines that have been there and others we are able to refurbish our economy so there are lessons western europe should if not learn at least a fluke because they took a look at they dont like it it made it up. Aliment condemned what it called a serious deterioration of the rule of law like democracy in any fundamental rights and so this is the name of the game if its about cooperation and discussion the end of the day you have to reach consensus its impossible that the best in European Countries because states group of states enforces something on others what they dont like so thats not going to work and thats that if you ask about the potential you know that youre a member of a club and the club has rules and youre not accepting the rules but the rules should be based on consensus. Based on majority action again consensus here is very important palooka you trumpet your european law it goes unnoticed telling you were not buying political consensus goes beyond simple majority give a half start for the belgian Prime Minister not raise the rebellion so hes a great friend of hungary yes thats right yeah he said you signed up to the values of the union you have violated every single word. My question is. Is a great friend of hungary and being ironic here has been accusing us hes been throwing us various things which have nothing to do with reality but the thing is again hes not alone in that in europe is not alone in his criticism city his now but he belongs to one particular cell the lines really like you Human Rights Organization this although it was your own n. G. O. S criticize the socalled liberal mindset obviously doesnt like what happens here in hungary because we go against their dogma which is trying to. Ensure that all achievements in the European Union are being called liberal thats what we do not coming back to your liberal party you know theres a very nice sentence on behalf of the Prime Minister which are took us a couple of years to formulate very shortly but its very nice and this is liberalism is when its not the liberals when the elections and i believe this is what we talk about here political differences a different mindset is not supposed to all right what what and theyre the real nature of europe in Decision Making and how the future of europe and that is everything is based on consensus and consensus is more than a simple majority mistake of a ship why bother with if youre determined to break with it dogma and ideologies as you put it why bother or is it just the money the five point six billion new get that it was its billion euros you get every year because it doesnt money thats another favorite point here which is being brought up if you take a look at how hunger is corporate in with european institutions and the european integration it would be amazed because hungary with campaigns like lets hope brussels and economic brussels in most issues i would rather say that ninety five percent of those issues actually we have consensus on and we Work Together hungary is fully cooperating as a man i think they are worth filing six billion euros a year when youre running campaigns directly against the organization that gives you this money you bring in here another topic which has nothing to do with human rights and the soft elements of corporation the opinion the cohesion funds and the support hungary and other European Countries mostly center on the Eastern European but also southern European Countries received from the budget not a gift. As a matter of fact they go back to the very foundations of the European Union and. Tend to gloss or rather than their goal that task is to close the gap between the Development Differences in the your opinion we have opened up our markets you know this is vantage position for the best in europe youve opened up your market your staging what your Prime Minister called a revolution against the alliance of the bureaucrats of brussels the liberal media and the insatiable finances if its all so rotten in brussels and the financiers a so insatiable why keep on taking their money have you have you ever being one of the in running a state of town or a larger Group Everybody you know that going against drug recy is a legitimate call. You paint brussels as rotten. Because in many in many respects to what the right to stay with it was thrown within again you put a kind of heavy three x. If you put the question which have never never been raised by the anger in government if you take a look at the governments positions behavior the hungary and populations support for the european. Idea and values its unquestionable so its a false argument that supports a narrative that is being used against us were not going to play that game when i travel but chancellor merkel has already suggested that you may have financial penalties to cope with that the a. T. M. Machine is going to be switched off doesnt she shes already said anyone who rejects this solidarity she means the side with the migrants must accept that this will not be without consequences including for negotiations of a future Financial Support yet again you cry out for that youre trying to suggest here something which i just simply not true again well coming you what you said i should have but what is coming from the western European Countries what is coming from the european budget to hungary and countries like it is not a gift it is to ensure that equal access to. Market competitiveness and other issues can be achieved and for that and for that reason as a matter of fact the cohesion francis them that is the money coming here and mostly going back to western europe is a mutually beneficial construction now take a look at mr thinkers words at some point maybe a year ago he was very clear about the benefit the beneficial nature of the creation that you let people in your put that money that money is going back to the rest of europe and there are people going on behind your back party who seem to want to head for the exit but a man called salt by probably didnt commit his name correctly he said in july and the local t. V. Station here if the e. U. Continues along its current path then we have to leave the union leave this whole scalding pigsty as he put it we need to get the hell out we have to close our borders and let the rest of them rot he said buyer is not a member of the government and only is a cofounder of your party sure but he doesnt have his im going to be those bad again hes probably loners if you try to put up here it completely and sleeving and force narrative. And you want to accept thats not of those quote i dont know what you want to stab that there are legitimate claims legitimate issues on which we have to talk differently especially in the light of what happened with the European Union for the past ten fifteen years and then youre seriously wrong because when we name problems when we call for issues which are not with the main stream in European Public opinion especially the liberal Public Opinion or liberal political opinion. We like that fight because we believe that thats the territory where the fight should be done you like a vital so you like a fight also about christian values dont you. You cant deny claim to be upholding christian values but you cannot deny the very foundations of european culture do but you ignore the popes call to exhibit those same christian values and open your doors to migrants that you. Well you know how they feel youre if i would agree with you also he said he is you also have to know that the religious commands and politics sometimes are in conflict because your first responsibility when its about taking care of those who are in need goes for your own people that sounds good but at the same time you know he is a leader of hundreds yet again when we talk about a religious leader of hundreds of millions of people and your state and Central Europe you think you know better about religious values and what christianity christian values are than he that you have a point that is an extraordinary position to be in isnt we dont talk about religion proper here we talk about those foundations on which europe itself the continent and the European Union is based on numerous on what basis do you lay claim to being the protectors of christian values in europe and that because apparently for expression for the past couple of years western europe is tending to forget what those values mean and who you to judge. In the judging we are trying to put religion we have were just trying to portray what is happening and this if you want your religious credentials if you dont name a problem if you dont name that we are shifting away from our own values and give you giving up your own well used doesnt mean the very anything good actually for the future of the european continent or especially for the European Union if you take a look at the their predecessors impounding fathers if you like of european politicians the firmly believe that europe should be based on christianity if not religious proper religious terms but certainly culturally and if you refer to way shift away from that its going to cause very Serious Problems look looking around and looking at this is this look around the globe nobodys nobodys playing that game but theres a lot is there isnt that theres a disconnect you claiming to protect christian values that at the same time your authority is accused of illegal action including deny entry to arresting some really rejecting and returning refugees using disproportionate force of migrants and refugees as well as reportedly assaulting journalists and yet there you are standing up claiming as i said i see we do have here a serious linguistic problem as well because you stick to the word refugees and we stick to the reality that this is not a refugee right if you dont see the migrants there is a migrant Asylum Seekers who are part of a larger intercontinental mass migration wave and we stand here unprepared are all the tools and methods are not working and as a matter of fact we have defenseless in place of what is happening so for the first inherent differences in the face of twelve hundred people that the e. U. Wants an island defenseless in the face of two million who came in the past two years discovered one of the other big bones of contention between the hungry and the involves the Central European university which has been founded by. Hunger inborn philanthropist george soros operated here for the last twenty five years or even a graduate of it was right got a ph d. In history your Prime Ministers called the university a fraud and accused it of cheating did you go to a university that cheat. Well ive attended the university which has provided. Value educational support for many hungary and many Central Europeans but we are talking about now for the past year is not about that its about regulations just changed which to which Center European universities and twenty seven others were not coming up so when we change regulations and this is a rule of law thats what you claim that the hundred should be there can be no exceptions but the real issue is not the regulations is that the real issue is that it was founded by george soros against whom your Prime Minister has a personal vendetta personally this is this is a man whos talked about the soros plan indeed this is a very interesting action plan that describes exactly how disobedient nonimmigrant Central European countries should be transformed into immigrant countries and in this dishonest has got under your Prime Minister skin indeed this is a very interesting discussion because your questions and accusations seem to be reflecting reality which which is not is not the case with the sheriffs name himself as a political actor. Europe wide but also in the massively in hungary in the previous in a number of previous interviews as a matter of fact going back to two thousand and fifteen they claim to become a political actor in this country and if you wanted to become you know some news you know use but he hasnt got a democratic mandate for that its not a its not about technicalities the university its about him its not just only companies in your crack down on the Central European university is because its been you seriously believe that its a technicality that you need the democratic mandate to become a political act when you start your minister of human capacities let the cat out of the bag zoltan balog he said you know the existence of a strong or thomas an internationally recognised university is in hungarys interest but its not in our interest to have players in the background who can see. Spiraling against the democratically elected government so its all about sars doesnt it thats right thats what its all about size is not about the university or its regulations where its laws but any solution about him when an Institutional Network or elements of it are being used for political purposes without them democratic mandate we face a serious problem here is the sheriff has never been given a democratic mandate many of those who work in those frameworks and networks actually hes running his moneys running have never been given a democratic mandate to represent what they represent as a matter of fact they do not simply represent what they do they go for it they try to push this through that the idea that hes trying to push you to accept my goodness this is a man who wrote. The e. U. Cannot coerce Member States to accept refugees they do not want all refugees to go where they are not wanted he actually supports your opinion hes not trying to coerce you to become anything at all as you as well you know or didnt you read that article mr short has written many things as a matter of fact in most of his writings its a completely different picture what you see emerging and that is going back to two thousand and fifteen and that particular writing or lecture is Still Available this was september two thousand twenty six two light sector you know last year in an interview back in two thousand and fifteen september here suggested at the peak of the migration crisis completely Different Things as a matter of fact he has taken action talking to peters of the european using his influence through the framework. Of the shorrosh network also their European Unions institutional framework to make his ideas happen on the ground everybody this is a very serious very briefly because were running out of time were going to let this university function if we come up to the expectations yes of course to you didnt you hear us on look again you expect hungary work as a rule of law if there are rules everybody should come up to them and if other universities including the american universities are able to come up then its a question of willingness for other than capability so i dont call it good to have you in conflict so i thank you very much. From down the street. To. The border between the two johns. Its a nature of. The green. Question and the city. Street. This week. The top stories followed across social media share common and content. When im traveling to be comfortable. Up to date on the latest news and events. And make that part of traveling. 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