Transcripts For DW Business - News 20171004

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To rewrite. The story of the russian revolution. From the perspective of writers thinkers and home guard ists. What did it feel like to live in times of revolution and the people. And to the russian art revolutionaries. Nineteen seventeen the real october starting october twenty fifth on d w. At. The European Commission is getting tough on the u. S. Tech companies. Trust commission up. As islands to collect thirteen billion euros in back taxes from i phone maker apple and brussels is sending a big bill to amazon to. The commission has today adopted a decision that i must sons tax benefits if you go on that you stated beliefs. And while relations with the west deteriorate again the big wheels of business keep on rolling in iran there is an ambitious plan on the way to prove supply chains. Of business live from berlin im gatto. To trust commissioner margot. If a star has finally taken island to task referring its to the blocks highest court on wednesday for failing to collect a massive thirteen billion euros in back taxes from apple the commission had ordered to do that one year ago the u. Commission is also ordering amazon to pay two hundred fifty Million Euros in back taxes to luxembourg for starters said the small western european country had granted the Online Shopping giant an illegal tax break meaning almost three quarters of its profits have gone on taxed now the u. Commision seems to be getting impatient with the tax tricks of big multinationals but also with Member States that actors tax havens so lets bring in our brussels correspondent barbara vessel Barbara Ireland was ordered to collect this tax bill from apple more than a year ago by the commission what was the hold up island doesnt want to do that its as simple as that because the government in dublin said this is what our tax laws are and we protest and they went to the European Court of justice to sort of go against this first ruling last year however the point is that going to court in protesting against the ruling from brussels doesnt necessarily mean that there is a suspense of effect they have to collect this money and thirteen billion i mean even for apple thats money and nonprofit says were not going to wait any longer you go out and get the money and then the whole thing will be fought out in the court the court will eventually have to decide whether this is just irish tax law were talking about here or this is really illegal state aid thats the decision that has to be made and thats going to be made in luxemburg the money will have to be paid for the interim phase so thats the apple case the amazon case is similar but theres an important difference in that. Yeah there is a difference because i would like some did in those years and this conference the years between two thousand and six and two thousand and fourteen is create sort of separate checks rulings for big corporations who are domiciled and luxemburg giving them sort of creating loopholes for them and the way this function was that was on had an operating corporation in luxembourg and they had a holding now the holding was totally empty it was just not a nothing but a little box the Operation Corporation did the actual work and money was then shifted from one to the other so in the end there was not much of the profit left and only this little bit that was left was then text so thats why three quarters of the profit of amazon for European Business went on text so this is like legal semi legal loophole now in the meantime lacson because changed its rules and all those loopholes have been closed but this is about the past and two hundred fifty million they would probably have to be paid by amazon now all of the big tech giants the u. S. To take a draw and have gone to court against those rulings well see what happens there i mean however larkham remember there was talk about the you to harmonize their tax legislations when will they finally get around to doing that. And theyre really making a big push to the at the last summit and telling just last week well in paris madrid and rome the four big countries getting together and present the paper and said we have to have regulations that allows forces the big tech giants particularly the into internet based corporations to pay the taxes where they make the profit that is the very basic simple principle that should be applied hasnt been applied so far however we know that some countries in europe put big opposition up against this in particular island governments fighting all the way against this its going to take a while but the big countries are really willing now to force this issue probably next year well see results probably as the brussels thank you the European Union has also agreed upon new rules against excessively cheap chinese imports ending eighteen months of wrangling over trade ties with beijing the you will no longer trade china like any other w g o member but instead allow for tariffs reaction to alleged significant market distortions the block still disputes china status as a market economy china has long been criticized for subsidizing its industry to a point where goods can be sold abroad for dumping prices and dumping prizes on the cutting local markets. More evidence of a fundamental rethink in the Automotive Industry as ford says it is planning to reduce spending on internal combustion engines and by one third and invest in electrification instead that comes on top of four point five billion dollars investment in the electric car sector announced earlier the companys new c. E. O. Jim hackett says that ford is also completely retooling its production lines to slash material cost by ten billion dollars an engineering cost by nearly half that in a bid to get leaner and prepare for more upheaval in the Global Automotive market. Looks like all those electric cars could eventually be running on Sustainable Energy because green energy grew at a record rate last year the International Energy agency says almost two thirds of newly built Power Generation capacity in twenty sixteen utilizes renewable sources almost half of that new electricity was generated by solar cells for the first time solar grew faster than any other form of energy even coal thanks to a strong push in china the i. A. E. A. Says lower costs and helpful legislation made this rapid growth possible and it says he expects the trend to continue for the foreseeable future now after a brief thaw in relations between the west and iran have once again deteriorated but this hasnt dampened the appetite of Foreign Investors to put their money into local businesses and the countrys ailing infrastructure a Swiss Company is currently building the biggest rail loading facility in the country. The trucks wait in long queues at a logistics terminal near terror in iran the overwhelming bulk of freight is transported by road traffic jams are normal especially around the iranian capital the eighteen million residents in the tehran metropolitan region and the Automobile Industry which is based here have a huge appetite for Raw Materials but rizza shakuri head of the state run railway for the tehran region says theres an alternative he talks about the eleven thousand kilometers of railway routes that cross to iran and about the same distance again is under construction. Our goal is to be moving thirty percent of all freight by rail were still a long way from that at the moment just over ten percent is travelling by rail if were going to raise that we have to improve all aspects of our rail infrastructure. In a prison just south of tehran the two most important Railway Lines in the middle east cross each other one runs from the port of bandar bass on the persian gulf in the south to azerbaijan in the north the other runs east west from afghanistan to iraq the swiss trans invest Logistics Group wants to invest ferdie million u. S. Dollars in the next two and a half years to build the countrys most modern freight hub covering an area the size of eighty football fields. We are planning to will dry port youre. Like a country. Whats up. Now we are planning. If you meant white green from the especially from the. Train because its more economy and its. More there. To get Long Distance freight moving faster at lower cost rizza security see israel as the only practical solution but he says iran needs european logistical experience to make this happen that experience is being brought in by private investors. This kind of foreign private investment is a massive help we welcome it and would like to see more of it and were trying to remove hurdles so that things can be done more quickly up till now a princes traffic of between six hundred and twelve hundred good wagons a day when the new freight terminal is completed check your e is counting on many times that number in argentina Small Farmers are fed up with the big supermarket chains they say theyre being paid too little for their produce not even enough to live on. This protest in berlin osiris is also an unofficial market farmers are selling their fruit and vegetables here its advantageous to everyone because the prices theyre asking here are well below those demanded by the supermarket chains but the farmers are still making a profit here theyre earning a lot more than from the supermarkets which put pressure on the producers to take lower prices at the same time supermarkets inflate their Retail Prices forcing consumers to pay more the difference goes straight to their profit margins. Ive just retired and really i dont always have the money to pay for these wonderful fresh vegetables for the prices that they demand in the supermarkets. Its about showing what we do on a daily basis and more to show how much the large retail outlets buy our projects for and how much they sell it for a totally excessive price that the consumer has to bear no matter whether its lettuce tomatoes meat or cheese many supermarkets sell produce for eight nine or even ten times what they pay the Farmers Primary producers are now demanding that the government steps in and takes measures to ensure minimum farm gate prices theyre also demanding low interest government loans so that they can buy more land. And thats all for me update for you in the next hour thanks for watching. Tell me again the man whose house painted the ledo its all talk about time and. Im looking forward to the fun rights and party tent and of course i want to draw a typical october first beer jannie into the festivals history. And see what its like to welcome on the mat to. Ask. Those muskie those but also not dont put a face ill stick. With me both im going to whistle. You know sort of a city. Thats not going to get the hot n. P. s and i see in the photos compounds the dog wasnt all. Me in germany in sixty minutes. Its all happening with me. During. Linked news from africa and the world your link to exceptional stories and discussions anyone will come to the debut suffocating program tonight from funny to me for more news of easy time while website deputed cold snap africa join us on facebook at w africa. Nationalists are on the rise with Morning Light to make your contract great again that is their slogan their focus put your nation first i am taking you on a most trip to highlights different shades of nationalism and to find out what this nation mean to you. To share your story join the conversation here on to double your concerts up on the facebook

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