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Makes you fat. And vaccinations and which ones are recommended and how safe are they. And heres your host dr carsten liquor chart. Hello and welcome to in good shape today were going to talk about vaccinations theyre more help people saying that vaccines are dangerous that they can harm you and even kill you what kind of people are those as a g. P. Ive got a clear opinion about this but what do experts say im going to speak about this this doctor or division one here at the white cock institute in berlin. Effective and safe and can prevent Life Threatening Diseases the term childrens disease sounds pretty harmless but take for instance the virus can affect the brain and lead to severe disability and even to death so is a g. P. Im thankful that we can vaccinate against it. By the mas on the problem with measles is that its especially dangerous for babies. They say you only need to vaccinate the kids you want to keep. The first signs of measles or fever headaches and coughing then a rash travels from head to toe. In germany suffers from repeated outbreaks of measles which can even be fatal. People can get pneumonia or middle ear infections or even incurable and suffer like this which can be fatal. After tom told a few. For effective protection two vaccinations are needed that double vaccination prevents the outbreak of the disease and provides lifelong protection the ninety nine percent of those vaccinated doctors say people should take advantage of the protection on offer in germany. Your bones are there for there are no breaks because the rest till many of the vaccine aged people out that like in berlin two years ago there was a huge outbreak this year we have many cases of measles as well. But not all parents support vaccination for their children many are left unsure and think vaccinations could be dangerous for their kids. I believe there are more problems than youd expect. And many Health Complications that manifest themselves later may leap back to the vaccination. Measles are especially dangerous and can lead to mental disability my brother had them because he wasnt vaccinated and it was very dramatic thats why im calling on all parents to vaccinate their children its important to the stick of German High Court ruled that when in doubt vaccinate one parent can even have the children vaccinated against the other as well the decision to vaccinate is an important one for the child but in germany its not mandatory and. There are other ways to get people to vaccinate because in the u. S. For example children arent allowed to go to kindergarten unless theyve been vaccinated that makes sense because theyre potential carriers. The measles vaccination is controversial critics say immunization shots or an assault on the body but experts advise getting that means auspex a nation and dismiss the notion that measles are just a childhood disease. Im here in the National Public Health Institute in the heart of berlin and im eating dr one thing. For having me. The World Health Organization had to go to eliminate measles by the year of two thousand and fifteen but they werent successful why not the shelling eliminating measles that this pathogen is very infectious that means that we need trust me ninety five percent of the total population to be vaccinated in order really to get rid of the virus and especially for germany where twenty thirty years ago we didnt have so much uptake of the vaccine we still have nowadays challenges and closing this immunization gaps particularly in young adults or adolescence but theres also a problem in very young ones so theyre not x. Nate on time thats all contributing to the challenges. Polio chicken pox hooping cough children diseases but patel dangerous well these are all rather dangerous pathogens i mean they use or they are called children seizures because they used to be before there was the big nation very frequent in Young Children but nowadays good luck we have less frequently these diseases due to the vaccinations for example measles this roughly one thousand are dying because of the disease once they acquire the disease so its essential definitely our viewer tanya pinta diaz writes that her child can be vaccinated against whooping cough before the age of three months so what happens before this age the problem in the first month. Of the young baby is not good enough to really respond to the vaccines and as we know that most of the infections are acquired from sources within the family in germany our recommendation is to vaccinate all the household members so parents also brothers sisters or if they are also living in the same household grandparents not only babies and children are getting vaccinated to what are the most essential. Nations are the most essential nation at least in adolescence is the vaccination against h. P. V. In young girls in germany we recommend this for nine to fourteen year old girls in this is the prevention of Cervical Cancer and there are other recommendations at least in germany where we recommend the flu vaccination in the elderly or vaccination against pneumococcal disease which is causing pneumonia. Especially in the older ones and this is recommended for all people who are sixty years and older so theres a basic explanation for many diseases and then there are a booster shots where you have to refresh your vaccination what happens if you neglect to get the booster shot or the always talking about like h. P. V. Or flu these are not really who says there are some vaccines like tetanus or diphtheria or pertussis they require us of all the problems of course if you dont fix it you are exposed to the disease and this is unnecessary because we have got vaccines they are effective and safe and. So its important to remember to see the doctor in a regular basis than. People who are not vaccinated dont only endanger themselves from getting the disease but but also putting other people around them in danger once thats correct and thats one of the beautiful things ill fix a nation because by vaccinating a sufficient number of people in the population you would use the circulation of the pathogen which is transmitted from person to person and once their coverage is so high like ninety or ninety five percent than even those who arent vaccinated for sound because theyre too young babies or because theyre caught underlying disease that prevents them to be vaccinated you also indirectly protect these Vulnerable People so getting back to that is really important and many Infectious Diseases are preventable through vaccines but many are not and researchers are still doing a lot. To get into those diseases and to produce and to develop vaccines like. Five hundred Million People worldwide affected by malaria which is transmitted by mosquitoes. And awfully is mosquitoes spread malaria deadly parasites thrive in their saliva. Its mostly children who fall prey to malaria theyre the most vulnerable. A new vaccine is being developed in germany and its giving people hope it uses live malaria parasites. Like our studies have shown and vaccinating with malaria parasites once a month for a total of three months can completely prevent the end factional cried. Victory. Theres no malaria in germany but some mosquitoes arrive here as stowaways. Climate change is also contributing to mosquitoes migrating north. In the High Security Lab at hamburgs Tropical Institute scientists are testing which pathogens can be transmitted by german mosquitoes malaria parasites are not among them they need an awful ease mosquitoes and a much higher temperatures. These mosquitoes can only transmit the malaria parasites as they drink a victims blood. Malaria pathogens attack the liver cells first they mature them and then spread to the circulatory system. One drop of blood is enough to determine if someone is infected with malaria. Under the microscope the malaria pathogens are dried and died. Ok. You can diagnose malaria within half an hour there is no grey area its like a pregnancy test yes or no. The symptoms of malaria are very hard to identify theyre rather like those of a normal flu. Generally storages with slight fever and a headache maybe nazia and diarrhea which gets worse from day to day. After a week or ten days those symptoms can become so severe that it can kill you. In africa one child dies of malaria every minute or roughly five hundred thousand per year all attempts to develop an effective vaccination have so far been unsuccessful so researchers are trying something new theyre injecting live malaria pathogens directly into the bloodstream and treating the infection immediately. Weaken them so much that the parasites cant do any damage even though they do migrate to the liver where they can multiply. But they cant give you malaria. But this causes the immune system to react. In todays test participants who have already been vaccinated are going to be re infected with malaria to see how well the vaccination works. Here a test subject is having the living parasites injected directly into her bloodstream. Its because theyve been looking every day to see if anythings happening if anything can be seen as soon as they see that the sickness could take over they would treat me immediately mansion behind me. Weve shown in small studies that we were able to protect nine out of nine participants. That means one hundred percent protection the groups are small but the concept is working concept. Still its more difficult in practice to pathogens first have to be removed from the saliva or a glance of infected mosquitoes. Wed have to vaccinate millions of people to see any effect in these countries so you can guess how many parasites youd need to reproduce taking them from the salivary glands of infected mosquitoes in order to have any kind of success. And its still not clear how long the vaccination works the research is only have data for ten weeks so far it will still be a long time until we have a vaccination to protect the world from malaria but now at least theres hope. Theres some people who are absolute vaccine haters they say that a lot of side effects that vaccination can kill people and that it doesnt save lives so what a sign saying. Its important to understand that he usually makes things before their license. Development program so there are several studies to look into the safety and effectiveness of these vaccines then theres the licensure process and independently looking at the data from this licensure trials and then also after being on the market there are systems that continuously monitor or if there are any very rare side effects and overall license vaccines more safe than they actually. Are vaccinations commendable for everyone or any restriction. Well theyre not really restrictions but what we have in germany is Standing Committee on nations so this committee of independent experts who look at the. Effectiveness safety and also at the disease. Which people are affected by this disease and so based on this information this committee develops recommendation who in particular benefits from this vaccinations so for somebody like measles its clear everybody benefits from this vaccine for others were targeting more specific risk woops who are at particular risk of developing severe disease lets take a look at some arguments against tax evasion some people say that diseases belong to a child is not a way of developing and that children needs to get sick to get a healthy immune system so there are truths about this. Definitely not i would say you need to understand that we have vaccinating around. Against around twelve diseases which are very dangerous actually to the Childs Health and by vaccinating were actually. Inducing some immune response so theres a training of the immune system of the children on the other side also children are exposed to hundreds of pathogens every day almost so theres a continuous training of the immune system and by preventing the disease from these twelve very dangerous pathogens you prevent the disease and you prevent death so we dont overburden the the body with all those vaccines definitely not ok and thats the argument that many diseases have diminished because of better medicine or better hygenic standards another what works in nations its without any doubt that world safe water clean water and better medicine contributed to that several of the Infectious Diseases not so frequent any longer. But they definitely also contributed to this development you see this in areas where they are because of civil wars or other reasons when the Vaccination Program is being harmed so that the nation coverage is dropping you see again an increase in these cases of preventable diseases and also death. What about dangers come to me nations of the vaccines or chemicals and impurities and theres also the claim that explanation could lead to alzheimers disease well there are no dangerous chemicals in there as i explained earlier theres a process in the development and also licensure they look into this exactly any chemicals that are harmful for chemicals inside they would not be not be licensed some products inside that contributes for example to better immune response but thats extreme what we what we want to have and want to see and theres really no good study that proves that for example alzheimers is associated with with vaccination so whats whats your take on compulsory pixelation some countries already have them like italy france or strain well in germany we are still a bit reluctant in introducing compulsory vaccination simply because we know where we have got the problems and i would say the major problems in not high enough Vaccination Coverage is an older children or under lessons or at us so when we introduce a compulsory vaccination at school entry this will not solve this problem and also we fear a bit of well maybe some negative impact on vaccines which are not mandatory so that maybe people believe that why is it not mandatory so then i dont get the other vaccine which is voluntary so we learned today is that theyre not too many valid arguments against examination and that vaccination can really save lives thanks for having me today and if youve got any question. Like me to ask our experts to write me an email. The next episode of in good shape is about people who lose their memory at some point themselves to alzheimers disease what happens in the brain what effect does it have and how promising is the research send your questions to in good shape that come with the subject alzheimers disease we look forward to hearing from you. Borderline thats the term for a severe personality disorder sufferer experience intense emotions and mood swings that can lead to an extreme inattention people effected say that its bearable they feel torn on the inside and suffer from message and side about being alone one young woman made it out of the dangerous spiral of this disease by writing a book about it. For lao her its an incredible feeling to see a book she wrote and the shops. She published the story of her life last year when she was just twenty four she tells of her ups and downs and her struggle to find a way. In writing it all down was so helpful that it just poured out of me. And now when im not having a good day i remind myself that i managed to write a five hundred ten page book if i could do that so i can surely cope with all the rest so that i was going to. Spend time in psychiatric wards and then in a Therapeutic Community her emotions were intense and all over the place she traces many of her problems back to having been raped at the age of thirteen then came a decade of depression and self harm. Cutting myself was a way to feel something or release tension. I either felt like i have no feelings as if i were dead or i observe myself from the outside its not really me down. It was like either i feel something right now or ill just explode there was so much tension so much hatred and anger in me. Now has regained some balance and selfconfidence she doesnt try to conceal her troubles shes learned to live with her condition. She gives readings and talks about life with borderline personality disorder. The main reason i decided to get a grip on my life is that everybody was telling me i would never achieve anything so i was like ill show them. Thats what drove me if somebody calls me a loser that riles me so much i just want to show them. And if they want to see you show them you can fly. Low has been busy writing three books and all so far. And she occasionally puts out her own magazine. Im. Writing gives me so much i just love writing. And with my stories i conjure up my own world. When i write i can express things i cant put into words when i talk its great. Isnt expecting any cure shes come to see her condition is something positive a resource she can harness to make a difference for me when i first read about the terrible effects of drinking i quit reading. Yeah theres so many jokes about alcohol i think theres so abundant just guilty conscience but i think drinking a little bit and dont overdo it is perfectly ok but did you know that one cocktail has roughly about the same calories. Like a sausage. Many germans drink alcohol every day its just part of life. A bit to unwind with in the evening wine with a meal bubbly at a birthday party. People are evidently not too worried about all the calories theyre consuming. Because alcohol is just loaded. With. Half a liter of beer contains two hundred ten calories. A point two liter glass of red wine one hundred seventy the glass of white just one hundred fifty with. A small glass of bubbly has eighty calories. A shot of spirits a mere thirty six but then the glass is tiny. For a truly huge dose of calories drink a cocktail a copy renia clocks in at three hundred. And cocktails made with cream will set you back five hundred or more. The German Institute for Human Nutrition in potsdam has been researching the effect of Alcohol Consumption on the body test participants reveal that drinking habits. Studies almost all show that alcohol makes you fat. And people who drink a lot of alcohol a factor. Especially around the belly findings and. Its not just the calories alcohol also affects metabolic processes. It leads to the release of endorphins in the brain that makes you feel relaxed and decreases inhibitions it irritates the lining of the stomach that can make you feel hungry the pancreas reacts to alcohol by producing more insulin that too makes you feel hungry peanuts chips and chocolate become irresistible. I would vote for the fix to help the alcoholism metabolized mainly but not only end the liver and it causes a lot of oxidative stress free radicals are produced processes and the cells are damaged cell functions are seriously compromised that holds especially true for the liver but for many many other organs as well. Its the liver has jumped to detoxify alcohol if its overwhelmed by large amounts the liver can malfunction which leads to the buildup of fatty deposits in the liver itself and also around the belly. Its not surprising that if people drink too much alcohol they put on weight. In germany overall contributes more to the fattening of the population than does wine. It has fewer calories per liter but germans drink a lot more of it. For the body it doesnt matter if alcohol comes from wine or beer the process of metabolizing it is the same. Alcohol is especially bad for the overweight and obese and for people who are sick with the amount of alcohol that healthy and slender people can handle may tip them over the edge. The key is moderation even the healthiest people should never drink too much. Alcohol is supposed to make you stupid and indifferent ive no idea what that means and anyway so. Then lets all try to stay in good shape. Was in the german resistance. She helped prisoners of war and was an agitator against the nazis. For this she was executed at the age of twenty two. And the short life of an extraordinary woman. Certain death. Resistance. In fifteen. Shes long been a symbol of hope in syria. People. To she stand for change for the false facade of her husbands rule of charlie. She believes by projection that they are. Leaving syria. The beautiful face of the dictatorship starting october first on d w. Welcome to quadriga. And the i. D. F. Going to have a look at that there is music are you ready for this political humor visionary and she womens talk long t w a smart women. Smart talks like that we broke the record. Smart station fancher the most in the next report youll find out just how this what. D. W. Made for mines. Mile wide family. From a journey of somebody. To pass on the love and international brand. A shared passion. F c byron munich to truly understand all news these three words. Fail me as some young. Yet tell me i dont see kind of you can touch us live via the phone by an. Exclusive journey into the sun of bio munich. Yes i mean its a kind of culture to walk we are who we are and accept us for what we are were a family unbelievable. To be a sun media phenomenon starting october fifteenth on d w. This is d. W. News live from berlin confrontation in catalonia on the eve of the independence referendum thousands gather in barcelona and in madrid for rallies to oppose sundays disputed vote of the catalonian

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