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Im sumi so much going to thank you for joining us we have a Daniel Schweitzer as well here from the German Council on Foreign Relations because french president Manuel Mccall is set to deliver a key speech on his vision for the European Union in a few moments a crowd has been gathering at the Sorbonne University where he will soon speak he is expected to call for more cooperation on Money Matters and on terrorism and we will have a live coverage of that address by the french president were just waiting for him to take the podium there in there said this is a speech that has been long awaited because mental mccaughan campaigned on a promise to reform the e. U. But he has been waiting until after the german elections to unveil his proposals lets talk about what to expect with Daniela Schwarzer from the German Council on Foreign Relations as we said and we also have our correspondent. Catherine martin standing by for us in paris with some analysis that catherine if you can hear me and lets start with you a man of mccoys expected to a call for reform out what are people there anticipating in paris. What the french president is expected to lay out his vision for a stronger you pin union and the president ial understanding this means a more sober and European Union a stronger and more protective for European Union so he will pressure over ten priorities including more integrated euro zone a deepened tupin Defense Strategy and also a more reinforced european migration policy but the president is expected to put in the very heart of his proposals more integrated euro zone which means in his understanding as europol you meant a euro common budget and one European Finance minister for the euro zone so this is maybe really troubling among the european Member States because not every member of the European Union will be keen to see the birth of a two speed europe and nevertheless of the timing here is very important the french president is talking just two days after the german election and this might have some backlash as this is so unsure and has to be seen but it could be interpreted that the french president is keen to set part of the german political agenda as well coming up now with his proposal for the European Union all right catherine of looks like there are a lot of proposals on the table there and daniella you know asking you about that what do you make of what is expected from what these points that hes expected to make do you think its whats needed to get europe back on track i think the main topics will be in his speech that we need europe has to see. The prove its capacity to show citizens that it delivers and one of the big issues is of course growth and competitiveness the eurozone is a key topic and it has been. Sort of lingering around for four months now because first we waited for the french elections then we waited for the german elections and now theres this window of opportunity to actually move things forward the second topic that is that is particularly important to the french is that or everything related to security france has lived through a number of terrorist attacks and is also very much engaged in defense policy and Foreign Policy and my context this issue also to the european agenda and he wants a partner with germany so i think he will set the main issues but one thing we mustnt forget this is a speech which also goes to the french audience its not only a speech that is designed to convince the germans or other European Partners so he has to send various messages at the same time so essentially hell be calling for more europe but if you look at some of the elections that you mentioned the french elections also the german elections we just had we seen this right rise of a right wing populism of people perhaps rejecting the idea of more europe is that the right time for well i believe the message has to be its not the same old europe we are thinking about for the future but a europe that deliver us and many people who vote for far right parties they vote because they are afraid of something or they want to speak up against the elites but if you look at their fears its essentially that they have security concerns that they are afraid of their own social and Economic Future and the question today is whether actually the nation state would be able to provide all of this that they seek or whether in the world as it changes by the day we arent in a better place in europe to think about those things together and i think that will be one of the messages that michael will be sending that europe shouldnt give people the feeling that it endangers the existence but rather that is there to protect their interests not the same old europe that i catherine coming back to you with that question you know is there much support in brussels and in paris for these expected reforms. Well the speech of the french president is coming not only after the german election but also after the state of the Union Address of the European Commission president and we could already see that there is a common wish this is to have a morse integrated and a stronger European Union but its not. All the same way they want to go apparently so one difference for example is that. This has a stiff opposition regarding a two speed europe this is basically what the french president is proposing when he talks about a more integrated euro zone with only a euro common budget and so already that they have already. Seized two seeds of the European Parliament for example and they definitely dont know dont need a third one so there are common lines but there are still a lot of issues to be discussed between brussels and the french president or paris or in a reminder to our viewers that we are waiting for the french president of a call to take the stage he is expected to give a speech a very shortly at the Sorbonne University in paris calling for reforms to the European Union dont know while were waiting for him to take the podium how much do you think the german elections will play a role in a what. Was looking to do here well he made it very clear already in the campaign that hes very aware that he needs to message to the german public as well when he came to berlin on his campaign trail he basically delivered a speech which had two topics one was reforming europe and the other one was reforming province so he is conscious that france needs to build trust in germany and he needs germany as a key partner the elections obviously are very important because in germany we are now. Will be in for quite a long time of Coalition Building and Coalition Negotiations so the speech today which initially seems to have been intended to set the agenda for the german Coalition Negotiations risks not getting a political response from berlin for quite some time because the results we saw with sundays elections first of all questions as to the ability of mrs merkel to build a coalition quickly and then two parties will probably be part of the next government the greens and the liberals who on some of the issues that are of key importance to marco namely the eurozone have very different views so they will be in a german negotiations and then there will be franco germany go shares on those matters wouldnt have made more sense to hold a speech after the government came together. I suppose he was at the time that he planned the date he was expecting a result which could have led to a renewal of the grand coalition maybe or a stronger c. D. U. As a leader in the new coalition so i do believe that to some extent the political result of sunday may be may have been unexpected. To france with the complexity of having a far right party coming to parliament with quite a strong share of seats the out on a t. V. Production and so the political situation in germany now is more complicated than before the elections and this simply means that the land wont be as responsive but i do believe that this next government will continue to put the future of europe and in particular holding the e. U. Together very high on its own political agenda all right lets go back to catherine who is at the sorbonne catherine if you can hear me just were waiting for a minimum icon to take the stage and as soon as he does well be going to speech live but this comes at a time when a man on a cause actually facing a bit of head wind at home as well as any because of his planned labor reforms for france. Well actually before we entered here the building of the oldest paris. University. We could see that there was a gathering of mostly young people demonstrating against the french president for form it was quite a gathering which illustrates that its not. As easy as the movement of the french president thought that it would be and they really go to the streets and. Say loudly here in front of the building that they wont accept the reforms of the french president so indeed this is one of his motivations by the way this speech here today delivered. Regarding the European Union here one of the motivations of the french president is as well to show to his country and tell him i dont i dont only push for reforms in the at home but also at the european level so it tries to kind of. Stabilize a script of credibility and really to show im a reformer and i dont do this only at home i push also for this on a european level. You know what do you make of that you also closely followed the french elections was about to happen that mccall would see his popularity as a little bit after the elections well thats normal for french president s to see a decline in their support rates but but his was quick and strong so i think to some extent that was unexpected because he created this huge hype with his own movement he brought people back as voters who had voted in previous elections so there was a Strong Movement within the French Society which seemed very positive but i think one thing needs to be mentioned he passed this labor market reform just two weeks ago without major protests on the streets though i reckon that obviously today there are some protests and there have been over the past days what he managed to do is actually get the support of three of the five major unions. Behind his approach and i think that is really important for france because previous Prime Ministers and president s have actually either not been able to pauls laws on reforms or have not been able to push through by decree how he did it all or some even took reforms back because the process on the street was so big and i guess we need to see his efforts as a package he needs to deliver on reforms in france and then he can make french claims on the future of the European Union and the message we will probably be hearing from his speech is that theres something in his reform package for the french citizens so i think he will have to send a positive message home to say yes we are reforming but we are getting Something Back in return as well french president to monaco about to unveil his plan for a major reforms at the Sorbonne University in paris we are keeping our eye on that he still hasnt taken the stage but danielle will be coming back to you for a bit more analysis as soon as he does in the meantime though we have been talking about the fallout from the german elections as well and the newly elected parliamentary groups they are meeting for the first time today the far right alternative for germany that we mentioned already is facing a fresh turmoil foka picture of the cochair of the f. D. A. Has announced shes quitting the party yesterday fitly surprised her Party Colleagues by saying that she no longer wanted to be part of the f. T. C. Parliamentary group she felt the party was moving too far to the right alienating more mainstream conservative voters the f. T. Surged into the bundestag for the first time on sunday becoming its third strongest group. And idea of use Political Correspondent simon young is out the bundestag where those parliamentary groups have been holding their first meetings shes been tracking the latest developments for us assignment. Is that shes going and possibly taking her supporters with her we have to say this is the coleader of the party she is the internationally known face of the a. F. P. How badly does this hurt this party. So i mean i think. This will hurt the party inevitably because been such a high profile a member of the alternative for germany and indeed she may be hoping or banking on the idea that she can take some other. Elected members of the party with her. And she carries quite a lot of support among the a. F. D. Supporters hes been seen as a charismatic figure although that term should be treated with some caution in the case of the f. T. Since theres such a divisive phenomenon a new phenomenon on the german political scene but its certainly damaging of course a new party arrives in parliament and on the very first day one of their leading characters as it were departs the stage and undoubtedly she intended that to hurt the party hurt her colleagues who shes fallen out with over the last few months and to a certain extent shell of achieve that although of course at the moment shes isolated shes the only the only member of the f. T. Who said you know shes had enough and she doesnt really believe in what they stand for. Simon if shes no longer the only member of this becomes a trend and the moderate wing starts to jump ship is this party going to then head further to the right. Well that is clearly a fear that many here in the bundestag certainly have expressed. Alexander garland who is one of the cochairs of the day has said that wont happen he says hes ready to work with anyone in his party who is ready to work with him and with his coat leader. Is so you know there is such a thing as a moderate wing within the f. T. Dont forget the Party Started out primarily as a euro skeptic. Organization and that its only latterly that the whole question of immigration and the critique of his law has come more to the fore so there are more moderate people still you know moving under the umbrella of the alternative for germany and you know possibly waiting for their moment to show how important theyre going to be within the Parliamentary Party as it forms as it is now forming itself for today and in the coming days and weeks. Simon young for us at the bundestag simon stay right there were going to come back to you for a little more analysis in just a moment to talk about Coalition Building because the angloamerican now faces a tough task in forming a new government shes most likely to link up with the probusiness after and the environmentalist screens there were to put those are two parties that are far apart on central issues in here in germany thats called the Jamaica Coalition well ask simon from some analysis in a moment first lets take a look at this report to find out how to make out or really the colors in its flag fit into german politics. They know to stay cool in jamaica black yellow and green are the colors of the flag in germany these colors represent the most likely Incoming Coalition conservative c. D. U. The greens and the pro market f. T. P. People here arent quite as cool as in the caribbean. But germany can be colorful to a floral bouquet for the chancellor despite the hammering the voters gave her c. D. U. Going to merkel is still in charge and its down to her to form a new coalition. Her first call is on the greens and the free democrats. But what about the f. T. P. In jamaica judging by the colors of the ties the party chiefs may be open to the idea. But they wont join forces with merkel without a revamp of education and business policies and the digital drive. We want to redirect politics reaching a new turning point and if thats not possible then place is in the opposition. Opposites you want. To make a wont happen without the greens they scored better in the election than they did for years and going into Coalition Talks they know what they want. Not about. We want a clear signal concerning climate protection we need to see a turnaround in this direction germany has set a clear goal to reduce c o two emissions. Jamaica in germany the cd years be variances to party the c s you will need to be on board they might be hard to persuade says Research Analyst nicko siegel but its not impossible of course it depends on how the c. S. U. Is included in the package could become a problem theres also the question of how many concessions the f. T. P. Is willing to make a lot as far as the voters are concerned there are no hurdles that cant be overcome. Jamaica after all its very likely but first the need to be some serious talks held with german thoroughness and that will probably take at least a few weeks. Coming back to simon young at the bundestag now assignment of forming a government this is going to be quite a balancing act for the chancellor isnt it. Its going to be a very tricky operation sumi this three Way Coalition something completely new in this constellation anyway at the National Level here in germany and the real problem is that its a four Way Coalition in a sense because of course Angela Merkels conservatives consist of her c. D. U. But also the bavarian sea asked you which has chosen to take a much tougher line than Angela Merkel herself for instance on the question of migration calling for an absolute cap on the number of people allowed to come to germany and that is something that in particular the green party i think would find it extremely difficult to sign up to thats going to be one major area of control we see in these negotiations there are also many issues where the f. D. P. The free democrats the party often described as close to business where they will disagree with the greens as well for instance on europe they are pro european certainly but theyre not in favor of turning the e. U. Into a sort of debt union and a transfer union is called and setting up per year at wide budgets and that kind of thing very much against that and there are various other things the free democrats want big tax cuts for business for instance im not sure the greens would play along with that so theres some really Big Questions where the three or four parties if you look at it that way are really going to have to sit down and knock some Heads Together and probably spend some pretty late nights people here are saying well be lucky if they manage to form this coalition by the end of this year yes i mean you know you mentioned the bavarian c. S. U. And also with the far right the opposition chancellor merkel is expected to have to push for a more conservative agenda for example in the question of immigration and asylum in particular what would that look like. Well as i mentioned the c. S. U. Have been saying for almost two years since the big number of people arrived here in germany and chancellor merkels policy of welcome theyve been saying that they want an absolute cap on the numbers arriving perhaps two hundred thousand has been mentioned or or even lower numbers now. At the moment they say theyre satisfied with how things have been playing out because the numbers arriving are around what they would like but they still say that whats needed in till such time as europe is able to get control of its borders its external borders these. Controls on germanys borders have to remain in place and the government has to take a tough line and in part of course this is a response to the success of the a f d a party thats set itself up as an anti Immigration Party theyve been successful not only in east germany but also in bavaria where the c. S. U. Are at home so the c. S. U. Are very worried about that and they feel that they need to find an electoral response theyre saying theyre not happy with angle americas response yesterday when she more or less seemed to say well were going to carry on regardless with the policies of the last four years so theyre pushing us to the right and that is creating as i say even more of a crunch when it comes to these Coalition Talks yes that now what about angle merkels our Coalition Partners up until now the social democrats they said they want to be in the opposition and call them anyways what is their strategy going forward. Well thats hard to know the social Democrat Parliamentary Group are meeting in the rooms behind me right now weve just seen a smiling Martin Schultz the leader arrive here hes the man who of course just moments after the election result was announced on sunday night said. That there would be no continuation of that grand coalition of the two largest parties. And he would go into opposition and he would try to sort of re launch in re found his party with its social democrat roots there now that thats done essentially is their strategy but of course they do still face the possibility that if this socalled Jamaica Coalition cant be put together they will be arsed in the interests of the nation essentially to reconsider the possibility of joining Angela Merkel in a grand coalition the part the upside of that for them would presumably be that they might be able to make some demands that in more normal circumstances they wouldnt be able to make but from where we are right now theyre certainly not saying that at every opportunity most insurance has said we are ready to go into opposition and we dont see any reason to to do anything else mari to sounds like a lot of wrangling for the months to come and the interview simon young at the bundestag for us thank you very much simon. Now to some other stories making news around the World European Council president donald tusk says sufficient progress has not been made on break the talks to move ahead to the next stage of negotiations the comments came during his visit with british Prime Minister theresa may in london may says a solution can be found to benefit both sides police in israel say a palestinian gunman has killed three Israeli Security officers at a jewish settlement straddling israel in the occupied west bank one other israeli was critically injured by the gunman who was shot dead at the scene Kenyan Police have used tear gas and baton sted disperse opposition protesters in the capital nairobi the protesters are calling for Election Officials to be sacked before the rerun of a contested president ial vote in october. And a fast moving fire in Southern California has forced hundreds of families to evacuate their homes the blaze is reported to have spread over two thousand acres local schools have closed due to out evacuations road closures and poor air quality. Turning now to whats known as the alternative nobel prize so each year the right livelihood award honors those who defend human rights and the environment the names of the two thousand corrupt practices she was sentenced to seven years in prison but was released after eighteen months. And were very happy to talk to my lawyer she joins us from baku thank you very much for being on our Program First of all congratulations what does this honor mean to you. Thank you so much and i. Accept it as an acknowledgment of not only my work but also work of the jordan to lose who are risking their lives in azerbaijan and elsewhere in the old and i as much as i was happy when you were a newspaper was the recipient last year and i i accepted it and i was sharing the joy with june last year. Because its an acknowledgment of these sacrifices that are being by jordan at least all of the old and this year that i accept it. As an acknowledgment of all of my colleagues and this is a great chance to show Younger Generation of jordan of this that our war is not just the buyout harassment blackmail. Be beaten its also about the reward and thank you for helping me to in court each Younger Generation of journalists to step on the path could it or lets talk about some of the issues that you have face or you were put behind bars yourself in two thousand and fourteen for your reporting you have been consistently under pressure why do you continue to do the work that you do. Well because its important because its the right thing to do and there is not you know its him and that its its normal human being should do normal human being this could cause the he wants to know human being wants to know the truth and have to be able to speak out the issues so thats what ive been doing which is normal in most of the countries but unfortunately not and theres the. Tell us more about your country on the arrest actually had to do with an investigation that you were leading into the first family and its assets what did you find there what kind of levels of corruption are we talking about while whenever wherever we were weve been digging. We found traces leading to the first family they are one novelized most sectors economists sectors in the country its communication its all mining its oil national rate. Its airline nurser road and the other businesses its backing its construction its everything its Food Processing everywhere trace this leads to the first family and when i found in two thousand and eleven a platinum mine in cold when he says that president s door to door or no self then i then it revealed huge facts of corruption because those company had been used to hide their interest and then it lead to gold mining story it led to the Construction Business is a had had Communication Company which by the way Swedish Company have the scenarios involved right cody to ismail over one of the recipients of of this years write a livelihood award so i thank you very much for joining us on your program and congratulations again. Now iraqs kurdish minority has voted in an independence referendum the outcome will likely be yes when the official results are revealed that is despite heavy International Pressure both the u. N. And the u. S. Oppose the poll. Iraqs kurds celebrate the holding of their independence referendum. On monday today we voted for the independence of kurdistan and its a session from iraq. We want to change our iraqi i

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