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That you talk now of course we had for better results album a special is a. Weekly that i promise our members of the voters think that we wont just go back to business as usual and this picture defeat needs thoroughgoing analysis of about the size we are saying i do not want to lose germany to an invasion of foreign people from foreign cultures and as simple as that it is doing for the good with the when you walk through this distance or and in ten or fifteen women come towards you fully veiled then people say thats ok this is not part of our culture we do one thing here boy and we want to change the direction of politics reach a turnaround of ice to his food supply that it stays was the next government test the follow a clear european compass on this compass has to point to old europe im not towards populism so i really should wish to police news i want to name anything now that i explain and i want to run the red lines. Also on the show the view from washington ill talk with a u. S. Congressman about the future of american german relations now that trump is in the white house and the far right is moving into the German Parliament thats coming up in about eight minutes. We begin the day with the day after it has been twenty four hours since the results of the german election began shocking and surprising some delighting and satisfying others of the takeaways are clear chancellor uncle americal will retain her position for an historic fourth term but her power has been diminished or conservatives along with the other Mainstream Party the social democrats together gave up almost two million votes to the new party in parliament the far right alternative for germany the a. F. D. And like a script from a Donald Trump Campaign speech candidates last night valved to quote take back the country and they promise to hunt down the german chancellor with an investigation into what the party claims are possible crimes in connection with her refugee policy but first the a. F. D. Will have to bring its own house in order to day the party leader and its best known member this woman petrie she resigned just a day after winning a seat in parliament she announced that the f. D. A. Has lost its way now if youre a pessimist this will not surprise you if youre an optimist this may be the best news of the entire election. Nothing in the German Parliament will stay as it was behind the scenes power plays and Party Leaders sounding each other out the first bombshell came from the f. T. As one of the leaders of the far right party walked out of its news conference. I had decided not to be part of the f. T. As Parliamentary Group but to sit as an individual member of parliament. Frank a petri is unlikely to be the last in the f. T. To distance themselves from the extreme right elements within their own party but chancellor Angela Merkel is facing bigger problems after the social democrats ruled out forming a grand coalition with her conservatives the three Way Partnership with the business friendly liberal democrats and the environmentalist greens seems the only possibility even if its all smiles in public their political outlooks remain worlds apart they are likely to demand a heavy price for making any compromises meanwhile the bavarian christian socialists the c. D. U. Sister party are also threatening to quit their alliance with merkels conservatives unless their demands are met. In my view its absolutely essential that we set out a clear commitment to stemming the influx of refugees in other words a cap on numbers. Thats what weve promised people. The f. T. P. And the greens are unlikely to go along with any cap on refugees it almost seems as if the chancellor is already missing her Old Coalition partners in the s. P. D. Here theyre not really thought of chris we will let you know having exploratory talks with the f. T. P. And the greens. But i would like to add also with the s. P. D. Because it is important that germany form a strong stable government you know in a. After their hammering at the polls the social democrats are looking to reinvent themselves their leader Martin Schultz is not counting on any invitation from the chancellor. She wants to call me she can i think that since the socalled elephant round of talks yesterday she has Better Things to do with her time thinking all others. The new Parliamentary Groups will come together for the first time on tuesday the power play is just getting underway. Im joined now here by our chief Political Correspondent melinda grain of the different world than it was twenty four hours ago it seems like both and indeed we ushered that big transition in the new well youre twelve quite a night so lets talk about the far right they look set now to have some ninety seats in the new parliament in the buddhas target i mean thats its significant number how much power with will they wield and do they have enough members or people who are qualified and competent to sit in Parliament Well Great Questions the fact is are they even going to be one bloc normally Parliamentary Groups have a certain amount of cohesion weve already seen a major a. F. D. Leader saying today she doesnt want to join the Parliamentary Group because essentially she thinks that the people in the party many of them are not serious enough about real policy making and that is the big question with this party many of its voters and many of those who put themselves on the list to be elected are essentially there at a protest they want to send a clear message to established politicians and parties saying they are not happy with germanys approach to migration they want a limit on migration they want to deport migrants who are here but is that enough to carry them through in parliament that is going to be the big question and there are enormous divisions within this party yeah i mean it makes you wonder too if theyre just there to protest will the party fall apart whence it gets down to having to do business in legislator says leigh merkel the chancellor she has to build a new coalition to build build a new government and shes got some unlikely bedfellows to deal with pro business f. T. P. And the green shes facing lots of divisions herself also starting with of her own party were seeing a lot of pressure now from the more conservative the varian sister party for her to go in a certain direction that would surely not be aligned for example with only one of those prospective Coalition Partners the greens and the greens quite liberal on a number. Matters including migration if the chancellor was under pressure to move further to the right could make it hard to find agreement these three potential partners are going to be taking out their programs and seeing where there are possible areas of compromise and where there are pretty deep divisions and one of those divisions there a critical will be for example on approaches to European Union integration the miss friendly free democrats have made a lot of noise about wanting a much less integration friendly policy than either the chancellor or the greens lean to that for example could torpedo good cooperation with the new president of france manual mac aw the chancellor was looking to work with him that may be very difficult with that kind of a coalition if she can even get there i mean theres so much horse trading going on right now will we even have a new government come christmas and if not dare i mention the words new elections very problematic she was asked last night could we can we get there by christmas she expressed optimism but it is a very open question and there truly are very deep differences between these parties now some of that may have been tactics during the Election Campaign its possible that the free democrats may roll back on some of their more difficult statements nonetheless if they cant hammer out a Coalition New elections is normally what happens in a parliamentary system the thing is no established party wants to see that happen because if they look incompetent that could drive even more voters into the arms of the far right a f t so a lot of pressure on everybody it seems to be clarifying minds to some degree but its very early days this is going to be a long tough process linda green her chief Political Correspondent another long day the insights the human. Well members of the German Government have been reluctant to say much about the Election Results today as the shock continues to set in but germanys defense minister ursula from the lion did speak with us earlier this is what she had to say about her party the cd use poor results. Well i think this is not a good result and we certainly have done mistakes but if we would have known about the mistakes earlier we would have gotten rid of them so we need a thorough analysis right now but one thing is clear we do have a mandate and we will take care of this mandate does that mandate points quite clearly well it does quite clearly point towards the socalled the mike a coalition that would include the free democrats we heard its leader and talk candid coast youngling now during this Election Campaign basically to declare crimea pretty much of a territory that is beyond reprieve for ukraine how are you going to find a common line with a party like that there are many many topics where we do have a common line as far as i understood the debate around christian does remarks he pulled back immediately and for us its very clear that International Laws and international right is important for us and annexation of crimea is inacceptable. And we have a very clear position on that but there are many topics of course we will have to debate with the greens with the liberals at the moment being the social democrats refused to talk but the door will be open because i think its a good democratic tradition first of all to talk with everybody to speak with everybody because we need a stable government and at first it is the concern for the country and after that you can have a concern for the party now what did your party gets wrong in respect of reaching those voters that have now moved over to the ill turn to for germany the rightwing a. F. D. Party lost a million voters to two remarks on that yes we lost a million voters to the a. F. D. But the extreme left and the social democrats together lost also a million voters and if you look. The motives of those voters of a of the vast majority did not vote for the f. T. Because of their context positions but because they wanted to teach us the other partys a lessons and the second remark is we should not underestimate a second point yes we lost the last one million to the f. T. The far right but we also lost one point three million so more voters to the liberals and thats where our competence is and thats the topics we have to focus on these are the hard working families these are people who care about topics like digitalization or education and thats where we have to focus on do you expect that under this in these new conditions of forming a coalition that the relationship of germany to the United States for instance could change. Well i am convinced that america will be the chancellor for the fourth term and you know her shes very reliable and therefore we all know that we have a deep founded friendship to the United States this is so will it foundation of zillions of relationship between our both countries and i have no doubt that this friendship will go on. And that was germanys defense minister ursula from the lion speaking with us earlier today. Well germans cannot elect their chancellor directly but if they could we know that until america would have won by a landslide last night in fact card carrying members of every party say they would vote for mrs mayor even if they would not vote for her conservative c. D. U. Party all that strong support translates across National Borders as well polls across Europe Africa asia and north america have shown that america is a remarkably popular political figure that adoration was evident in the global reactions to the Election Results take a look european news stands carry the mixed results of a diminished merkel and the results rightwing in germany on the streets of paris and london relief mixes with on satin say. Well i think shes amazing. I think this is the only person with any sense in the world today because i think the far rights breakthrough is damaging to all the people of europe. Really feels ok so history might be repeating itself not everyone is anxious french is far right of the alternative for Germany Party Marine Le Pen among them. His own presence is beneficial and well continue to work on building the europe that we want to have that is a europe as nations a europe of liberties and thats not a europe blocked by the demands of the European Union. And the. French president manuel mccrone is at the center of the european project he said hed phone to congratulate merkel and look forward to further cooperation. In israel the e. F. T. Sudden arrival in the bin distract forced the government to speak out that can say that they hold that the german people wont go fully the history of germany. And remember the holocaust and all the i will say reason that led to this tragedy in the story in all schools corridors of power leading politicians told d. W. News that german voters were punishing the chancellor for tough stance on russia the. Reason i want to point out in the results of the german election shows that German Society has entrusted in restoring normal relations with russia i hope the signal will be heard by the federal government including by the new foreign minister. The minister and if you look at henri as a stupid man the would organise just who that will be and whether an easing of sanctions against russia will follow as to be the subject of Intense Coalition negotiations that may last months well im joined tonight from the United States by congressman ted deutch he hails from the state of florida he is cochair of the Congressional Study group on germany which arranges exchanges between the u. S. Congress and the German Parliament the bond is tossed congressman boyd joins me tonight from his office in washington d. C. Good evening to you congressman deutsch welcome to the day i have to ask you have you had a chance to talk or email with members of the German Parliament since yesterdays election. Ive not had an opportunity to have those those conversations im. Out of out of deference to them im sure theyre quite busy responding at home but over the next day or so im sure that i will have those conversations about what happened in the election and. The top line the Important News coming out of this election which is a good friend and very reliable ally of the United States won her fourth term and thats thats a really Important Message coming out of the german elections what do you think about the outcome of yesterdays elections here in germany it is true americans will be taking on her fourth term as chancellor and that is history in the making but what about the other results what struck you. Well certainly we need and he those of us in the United States who care about the u. S. Germany relationship were heartened to see the chancellor win another term. We need strong leadership in europe we need strong leadership particularly in a post break that europe the transatlantic relationship is vital and so the so again the chance of leadership is really important here but when we look at the results of the election its impossible not to be concerned about the outcome as it relates to a if t and the fact that there is going to be a far right Party Represented in the buddhist dog for the first time in six decades thats very concerning wheat ive read much about the elections outcome and some who have suggested that this is some sort of protest vote but what it actually means Going Forward is is very important to the United States and to all of us who care about liberal democracies congressman george last night one of the main candidates said that his party will now and im quoting hunt down chancellor merkel he also said that and im quoting again we want our country back which u. S. Politician comes to mind when you hear that kind of rhetoric. Well listen ive read stories i think weve all seen stories about about a. F. D. Politicians whove said that theyve modeled their campaign after the Trump Campaign and the candidate im sure the american politician im sure youre referring to the language that weve heard from from a f t some that you just quoted the way that theyve talked about the role that they will play visa v chancellor merkel is really concerning and its at a time like this when friends of the u. S. Germany relationship members of congress where there is broad bipartisan support for germany where we have the opportunity and and i might add for nato where we have the opportunity to to work with our friends in the boom and and to help reus just as just as were satisfied and looking forward to continuing to work with chancellor merkel so too there needs to be an understanding that that parties on the fringe though they may occupy though if they may occupy some seats in the boon to stock that their relationship is still one between United States and germany is still one thats based on on shared values and strengthening the transatlantic relationship regardless of the kind of rhetoric that you hear coming out of any politicians the i dont know if you heard this story it was a big story before the election here the a. F. D. Hired the Media Company that was used by donald trump to run its social media campaign. If you were talking to german voters tonight how worried should they be of of the or concerned about the trump train rolling into their country and changing the political system much as trump has done to the political system of the United States. Well i would i would remind first of all i would remind german viewers that in the United States we continue to have three coequal branches of government and the United States congress has a really Important Role to play particularly in Foreign Policy and the Foreign Affairs committee that i serve on the Congressional Study group on germany that i cochair. To to push back when we hear things coming out of the white house that we disagree with likewise i would tell the german viewers that that everything that ive seen about this election shows that that the chancellor is widely supported even by people who voted for other parties in the election my hope is that shell be able to form a government relatively quickly and that the views of the far right though they will now be represented in the buddhist og will continue to be views on the fringe i heard what the pan had to say the way that she celebrated this outcome i think that there are there are more people the vast majority of people who continue to see far right wing views as views on the fringe and we need to continue to Work Together to strengthen the relationship and in germanys case for the chancellor to put together a strong government that will be able to move forward strengthen the transatlantic relationship and stand up in europe right now at this at this moment when liberal democracies are being challenged in in some parts of europe congressman youre known there in congress and across the u. S. For your stand on protecting the climate fighting Global Warming the a. F. D. Is a party with members who are now going to be members of the parliament who are Climate Change deniers now they will feel right at home if they get to meet the u. S. President wont they. Well listen the president when it comes to to Climate Change and the environment of the many things that President Trump has done that ive expressed my objection to withdrawing American Leadership from the paris accords is one of the worst certainly as it relates relates to our environment so yes are there those in the Administration Like the head of the e. P. A. The Viral Protection agency that some in this who will be serving in the moon a stag now will feel comfortable talking to about Climate Change and their refusal to acknowledge the science that proves that american that that that human beings contribute to Global Warming sure but does that mean that that the rest of germany the rest of the United States or frankly virtually all of the countries in the world who signed on in the paris accords does that mean that theyre going to those usually welcome in conversations with us of course not the president pulled out of paris weve seen local governments mayors weve seen governors weve seen Business Leaders step up their commitment to meet the requirements in paris and so i suppose some of those climate deniers may find some friendly people to talk to in the Trump Administration but its not going to help them advance policy not when the scientists are so clearly are so clearly definitive about what we have to do congress and weve got about one minute left to me ask you when the new German Government is in place and its time for another exchange with members of parliament will members of the a. F. D. Also be invited to visit the u. S. Congress and what happens this. Well thats thats a really interesting question look i dont i dont know we have to see what the what the buddhist ogg looks like and and frankly the kinds of things that are are being said when when i visited dresden relatively recently and we had conversations about they have to do that was a stronghold i know for them right now and and and much of what i heard is very concerning so i think that working have to wait to see how this plays out ok and how extreme the views are but i have i have real concerns Going Forward no doubt congressman ted deutch from florida joining us tonight from his office in washington d. C. Congressman thank you very much we appreciate you taking the time to be on the day thank you or the day is nearly done the conversation continues online your find us on twitter either at g. W. News or right straight to me at brant off t. V. And remember the matter what happens between now and that tomorrow is another day well see that everybody. Not many get these angles on the powers that be. Not many can get as close to them as don youll discover. Hes been photographing political figures for years now. His images are works of art and chronicles of contemporary history rolled into one. Euro max next on d w. What does a football loving country need to reach its goals. Well tell you how german soccer made it back to the top. In our web special w dot com football made in germany. Welcome to new week on the show it was an interesting weekend here in both them at the marathon and the elections going on and i look at the end

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