Double masking as coronavirus variants spread, where to find the right masks
Updated Feb 01, 2021;
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Double masking is a hot topic these days, with people looking for extra protection against coronavirus as new variants of the disease continue to take hold and spread across the United States and in Michigan.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, the top U.S. infectious disease expert, said in an interview on NBC News’ TODAY show recently that wearing two face masks at once very likely offers the wearer extra protection against contracting the COVID-19 and its variants.
Masks provide physical barriers and keep a person’s respiratory droplets from spreading to other people. Double-masking has a few different options. One is wearing a disposable paper or surgical mask, then layering a cloth mask over it. Or you can look for a multi-layered mask that offers more protection than a single-ply design. Some people even wear a lightweight paper mask over an N95 mask.