Never want to return to daily 9-5 regime? Use psychology to baffle higher-ups
Paul Kunert
Mon 26 Apr 2021 // 10:00 UTC
With some company bosses hellbent on forcing staff to return to the office once the pandemic is over, research has arrived that warns of the productivity pitfalls of expecting minions to re-embrace the daily commute.
Whether it be fighting through traffic in a car, risking your life on British roads from the saddle of a bike or enduring the grind of train delays and breakdowns, very few sane humans will have missed the thrill of travelling to work.
Now a paper accepted for publication in the Journal of Applied Psychology may be riding to the rescue of travel-shy people everywhere. Sure, it states the bleeding obvious, but it might provide an opportunity to blind your dullard boss with science.

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Germany ,California ,United States ,Japan ,Ireland ,Dublin ,Texas ,Wladislaw Rivkin ,Aneel Bhusri ,Dana Unger ,El Reg ,Fabiola Gerpott ,University Of East Anglia ,Fujitsu ,Trinity Business School ,Lotto Beisheim School Of Management ,Oracle ,Applied Psychology ,Otto Beisheim School ,Volunteer Vaccinated Cohorts ,ஜெர்மனி ,கலிஃபோர்னியா ,ஒன்றுபட்டது மாநிலங்களில் ,ஜப்பான் ,ஐயர்ல்யாஂட் ,டப்ளின் ,டெக்சாஸ் ,டானா அஂகர் ,எல் ரெக் ,பல்கலைக்கழகம் ஆஃப் கிழக்கு ஆங்கிலியா ,ஃப்யூஜிட்ஸு ,திரித்துவம் வணிக பள்ளி ,ஆரக்கிள் ,பயன்படுத்தப்பட்டது உளவியல் ,

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