Taylor McKinnon, Center for Biological Diversity, (801) 300-2414, tmckinnon@biologicaldiversity.org
Courtney Bourgoin, Sierra Club, (248) 214-6682, courtney.bourgoin@sierraclub.org
Liam Kelly, National Parks Conservation Association, (213) 814-8666, lkelly@npca.org
Jeremy Nichols, WildEarth Guardians, (303) 437-7663, jnichols@wildearthguardians.org
Justin Wasser, Earthworks, (202) 753-7016, jwasser@earthworks.org
Cheyenne, WY â
Farmers and ranchers, conservation, recreation, and tribal groups filed motions to intervene today to defend the Biden administrationâs pause on federal oil and gas leasing pending the Department of Interiorâs comprehensive review of the program. With this action, the groups seek to defend the leasing pause against two lawsuits filed by Wyoming and the Western Energy Alliance. The coalition argues this is the legal and necessary first step to a long-overdue review of the federal oil and gas leasing and permitting program.Â