ivanka or stephen miller. >> john vandehei, always a pleasure. we'll be reading axios newsletter and you can get it at signup.axios.com. >> that does it for now. i'm yasmin vossoughian with ayman mohyeldin. "morning joe" starts now. the 66-year-old was found semiconscious with marks on his neck in his cell at the metropolitan correctional center in manhattan. some time in the last two days according to two sources he's now on suicide watch. >> why wouldn't he be on suicide watch before that? >> yeah. >> that was our reaction nearly three weeks ago. the last time jeffrey epstein was found with marks on his neck while behind bars. yet, over the weekend, he still wasn't being properly monitored and apparently he took his own life. will his victims ever get the justice they deserve? good morning. welcome to "morning joe." monday, august 12. mika has the morning off but with us we have msnbc