remains safe. this ex-gang member is currently in ad seg for threatening a cellmate, but he wants to be returned to sny. >> there was a battery that was in 2005, the current charge, though, is of threatening another inmate. >> he doesn't want to be housed with inmates who have sex-related offenses, whether it be against women or children or such. even though he's kind of in the same boats because now he's also requesting protective custody, he has to be safeguarded from the rest of the general population. realistically, whether he is a gang dropout or has sex crimes, as far as the general population goes, it doesn't really matter. but he still wants to have that mentality that he is actually a little bit better than a particular inmate in the prison setting. >> did you have a problem going back out to that particular housing unit? >> you know what -- >> refusing a celly? >> i mean, just -- like i said, i was out there. never got in any trouble while i was out there. me personally, right, it's like