you de-scribe yourself as a constitutional centrist? you tell me. >> a centrist. i was not a bomb-thrower. i was not of the gingrich group. i got things done because i worked with democrats. so comp myself is not a dirty word to me. i really think, and i'm so glad to hear the discussion here today, about the reasons why we should go forward on impeachment. and i don't need -- think you need to put out a big bulletin board and say, impeachment's beginning. have these hearings. mr. mueller has to come up. he has to have a complete testimony in public. he may not want to do it, he may not like doing it, but i do believe he owes it to the country and future generations to put a face on this report and answer questions from the members of congress. you know, it's 430 pages. and nobody's going to go through it, unless you're in congress or perhaps in the news media, all of it. but there's enough in there for