and visited their facilities, as well, to understand the care that they provide to the children once they're in their custody. >> homeland security secretary kersten kirstjen nielsen appearing before the committee the first time since the democrats took over. she faced tough questions from democrats over family separations. the president's national emergency declaration, the border wall and other aspects of the trump policy democrats don't like. republicans did do their best to try to make the case for the wall. while democrats came loaded with questions, the secretary at times didn't have many answers, or didn't want to give too much. time now for the lid. kimberly, matthew and howard are all back. so, child separations here, it's sort of gotten lost. we had this fight over the wall, but we've had, kimberly, this -- there is still this other debate. look, "the new york times" today on the front page -- everybody agrees what's happening at the border isn't working. >> right. >> we just -- we're so caught in

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