infamous now trump tower meeting that included his -- the president's son, the president's son-in-law, the president's campaign manager. again, that meeting was not about russian adoptions. it was about offering dirt on hillary clinton. we need to find out if all those things are true. >> was your entire focus of your portion of michael cohen only about the russia portion or did you also spend time in the trump organization and the various outside of russia parameters that you've been focused on? >> some of those facts came up. some of the tawdry and inappropriate behavior, some of the payoffs, but that was not something that we focused on. our investigation is the only bipartisan investigation that is still focused on counterintelligence. what happened in 2016, what level of collaboration, collusion, how do i make sure it doesn't happen again in the future? >> why do you believe michael cohen is suddenly telling you the truth when he lied last time? >> this guy does not have a lot of veracity. we need to get documents. we are receiving additional documents from him to prove or

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