said i could have helped her but i didn't. >> reporter: now, that's completely different from what he told police. >> right. >> reporter: chilling as that sounded, tina feared it still wasn't the whole story. she was determined to get the rest. but like a career in show biz, you have to be careful what you wish for. >> coming up -- >> i don't trust you. i'm afraid of you. >> nobody yells anything but you. >> from model and actress to undercover agent. secret operation to learn the truth. >> this is where it gets really scary. hi, i need a thriller for my wife. political or psychological? psychological. small town or big city? small town. methodists...or mules? mules. how's this? signed?! no way. nobody knows thrill seekers like we do... barnes & noble they work together doing important stuff. the hitch? like you, your cells get hungry.