"washington post" normally you would see something out of the state department, a formalized response. we haven't seen that in this case. ad hoc comments from the president of the united states. play you one comment that comes from a "60 minutes" interview clip released early this morning. take a listen. >> was he murdered by the saudis and did the prince give the order to kill him? >> nobody knows yet, but we'll probably be able to find out. it's being investigated. it's being looked at very, very strongly. we would be very upset and angry if that were the case. as of this moment they deny it and deny it vehemently. could it be them? yes. we're going to get to the bottom of it and there will be severe punishment. >> the thing i heard that's familiar is they deny it, which is what donald trump typically says about vladimir putin when it comes to election rigging. what do you make of that response from the president? >> foreign policy is being run by a man who values close political and business ties over