way, mika oyang. let me put up what sort of things the president is declassifying. 21 pages of fisa warrant documents to surveilled carter page. we know that's been a big talking point among republicans. and almost this, another big talking point, text messages related to all of these individuals in the russia investigation, andrew mccabe, bruce ohr, lisa page, peter strzok and james comey, unredacted text messages. what is the intention here, ken? >> look, clearly the intention is political. it is an outrage, katie, because donald trump is the subject of this investigation and yet he has oversight authority and is able to order around the people investigating him. but there is some good news today, katie. as i have been reporting on this and talking to intelligence officials, intelligence officials are perceiving this order to allowing them to conduct a declassification review. even though the president has the ultimate declassification authority and he could make it public tomorrow, they are hoping at least that they will be