there. you can see it from here. you can walk over to it. michelle, you talked about your family's experiences. there is the godwin's law. when you make the analogy to the 1930s germany, you go too far, but there are a lot of people who talk about it didn't begin with the violence with the jewish people, it started with the rhetoric. that rhetoric is pretty consistent. >> yes. >> that is one of the things that i think is destabilizing and frightening a lot of people. >> they follow the exact pattern that hitler has, i hate to say it, with the propaganda, even down to the red cross went into auschwitz, they cleaned it up for two days. it looked fine. they went back. everything seems to look fine. >> fascist playbook. >> same thing when maielania di that ridiculous trip and went down there. >> yeah, i don't care -- rob, what do you make of the fact of home and family.