close question. but he has the inherent authority, more importantly the existing precedent to support his position. what's interesting about the decision on daca is that this was a republican appointee who simply sort of threw up his hands. and it's a familiar refrain where he said, look, you're not giving me what you need to give me to uphold this action. and that's really a damning statement because, as you know, joe, the administration has a great deal of deference in cases like chevron. you don't have to do much. but they're not doing it. it's sort of like the first travel ban order which was appalling. it was badly drafted, badly executed, badly defended. well this judge in daca said, look, it's not that hard to come up with a rational, but you need to give me one. >> jonathan turley kofing a lot of ground for us this morning. thanks so much as always, professor. >> thank you. >> drinking on the job, verbally