of what she might say because she's already spoken pretty at length about her relationship with president trump. she talked about this was a month-long affair and she was the one who cut it off and the president even spoke to her about his wife. this idea that she's already been out there with her story. the bigger issue is what she might say about michael cohen and what she might say about the president's workings and how people keep secrets around the president. however y don't know and the sources that i talk to, the president has so many other issues, including the fact that there's robert mueller out there looking into an obstruction case that this might not be on the top of their list of things to be worried about because the president has so many other legal issues. >> meanwhile a long-time legal adviser to donald trump said he warned the president on friday not to trust his personal attorney michael cohen. "wall street journal" reports on friday that trump called jay goldberg who represented trump in the early '90s and 2000s seeking advice. he cautioned the president, michael will never stand up for

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