something that they've overlooked, i guess. >> after 21 days, you'll be moved next door to carson section. that's where you'll spend the remainder of your time in administrative segregation. but you'll have icc next [ bleep ] and i'm going to get you orientation packet to tell you all the rules and regulations of this unit. >> the segregated population is anything but welcoming to an inmate they assume has snitched to gain protection. >> there you go. >> that's the golden rule in the state penitentiary, don't ask me [ bleep ], i don't tell them. be a man, respect yourself. they're going to feed him to the wolves. he as a lamb chop. yeah. [ bleep ]. >> they're probably getting interviewed. your brother's going on tomorrow. >> without the nazi low rider code of honor to adhere to, speedy can work with isu. even as a dropout, he is