to the u.s. it was on that flight where the president crafted this statement with a phony story that fell apart -- i don't think it even took days. it was within hours "the new york times" came up with e-mails and don jr. ended up in a jiujitsu e-mailing them himself that he'd already have proven to lie about the substance of the meetings. before the president got on air force one to leave germany, he had an unscheduled sidebar conversation with vladimir putin. his cover story was that they talked about russian adoption. so what are the chances these are all coincidences that donald trump told his advisers in the press that he and vladimir putin in an unscheduled sidebar conversation with only the russian translator present and then on a flight that he gets on hours later, he overrules some press staffers who thought transparency was a good approach so they weren't proven to be liars. he overrules them and dictates a