you are going to get a retirement paycheck every month, just like you got a paycheck at your job. now what happens with 401(k)s and others vehicles that the worker controls, is that the worker has to save as much as they possibly can, and then they have to make investment decisions that are going to result in them having enough money to support themselves in retirement. we know for millions of americans, that's not what's happening. what this proposal will do is cause americans to save less so they will have less in retirement, and the country will be worse off. >> all right. there is a difference in the way that the proposal is going to treat the $2,400 than it would have treated the $18,000. the $18,000 is tax-deferred. the idea is when you dre tiretiu pay tax on the money but you pay it at the lower level because you're not earning as much. they're planning to treat the $2,400 differently so it wouldn't be taxed. more like a roth ira. but the bottom line is, the net