do together. have that family bond that families should have. >> so here we have three siblings who, although separated by units, were suddenly under the same roof. for the first time in a long time. and andrea was yearning for a relationship with her brother robert, so she started writing him letters. >> but after so many years apart, that family bond might not be so easily forged. especially given andrea's relationship with sheldon. during his time in prison, robert joined the white supremacist gang, the aryan brotherhood. >> i don't believe i'm racist. i believe it's just who i am. i don't sit here call the black dude "n" word. i just don't believe with a white woman messing with a black man, i don't believe in interraces. i believe we should all stick together as one kind. >> when robert learned of andrea's relationship he felt it could cause him wig problems with his gang when he returned to prison.