they have to change and adjust to conditions. our values can never change. our values can never be put in a position of having to be compromised. the values guide our policy. but if we put our values in front of our policies and say, this is our policy, we have no room to adapt to changing circumstances to achieve our ultimate objective. if we are successful in achieving our ultimate diplomatic and national security objectives, we will create the condition for advancement and freedom of countries all over the world. >> secretary tillerson, i know you're busy and have this big trip head of you. thank you for spending time with us. >> thanks, chuvenl thanks, chuc. i want to say happy mother's day to all the mothers of the world, my own mother and wife and two daughter laws, mothers of my grandchildren. >> thank you, sir. secretary tillerson indicated in our interview that any decision to move the u.s. embassy to jerusalem would not

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