it. and that is what we're doing. and we're talking about something as specific and as life necessary as health care. that is, i think, where democrats are going to be very focussed on holding the president and republicans accountable. not just right now during this debate about when or if this policy passes, but right through the midterms and the presidential election. this will become not surprise dpli another defining political issue. >> all right, chris, matthew, thanks to both of you for joining us. appreciate it. >> thank you. all right again, there is a lot going on in washington right now. all of capitol hill is absorbing this report. again, republicans are trying to push through congress their health care replacement plan. how will these numbers from cbo affect that effort? we have just heard from the house speaker paul ryan. he's trying to get it through his chamber. more reaction from him, from other leaders on capitol hill. it's all coming in right now. we're going to take a quick break, share it with you on the other side, stay with us. with help from our advisor, we made it through many market swings.