>> you are an idea engine. what to do is come up with ideas. you have to be careful. if you lose focus, you'll start to create wear and tear on organization. listen to ideas and pivot and move with it. come up with another idea. that becomes an old idea. drive people crazy. create gates for it. if you get to first gate, then go to second gate or third gate. if you don't get to right gate. cut the idea off. be ruthless in how you look at ideas and how you judge them. in that way you can keep organization focussed and committed and be consistent in the messages you give to your people. >> we now have the top two tips you need to know to help your kbroing business. lauren is the founder and ceo of lmb group. strategic marketing and advisory firm. and founder and ceo of retro t fitness. thank you for the elevator advice. now opening the floor to you anything you think can help a