she's telling a different story today. what did she say? >> she turned it back to the prosecution. first of all, she did say, yes, the governor said he was fine with the traffic study when she says she told him a month before it went down. it was david wildstein's idea, and he admitted to that. she said it was all his direction, as a matter of fact. then on that time for traffic problems e-mail that she sent to wildstein, saying, let's go with the project, well, she says she was parodying his words, words he used all the time. traffic problems. words he said would happen, that she said he did say there would be traffic problems during what he described as a legitimate traffic problem. those are the initial bombshells we heard from her. there was a lot more. how much time do you have for the rest of the story? >> tell us a little bit more. chris christie has denied any knowledge at any point trial to, what, january 2014, about any of