certain kind of reporter who hated the media. there are antimedia views here but a lot of people happy to be on camera. >> they want to use us. >> up next, the great will leech performs karaoke about the campaign songs of 2016. we will be right back with that. when a wildfire raged through elkhorn ranch, the sudden loss of pasture became a serious problem for a family business. faced with horses that needed feeding and a texas drought that sent hay prices soaring, the owners had to act fast. thankfully, mary miller banks with chase for business. and with greater financial clarity and a relationship built for the unexpected, she could control her cash flow, and keep the ranch running. chase for business. so you can own it. full of guestsusiness. on the waye and a cold with sinus pressure, you need fast relief. alka-seltzer plus severe sinus congestion and cough liquid gels rush relief to your tough symptoms. to put you back in control. [doorbell]