could be over gun control. he's expected to unveil new executive actions aimed at tightening the nation's gun laws this week. 20 minutes from now, he'll be meeting with attorney general loretta lynch and other top law enforcement officials in the oval office and that is to finalize these intended actions. colin godard is a survivor of the 2007 mass shooting at virginia tech. colin, nice to see you. happy new year. >> thank you for having me. >> absolutely. let's look at what the president could be putting forth here for the executive action, increased background checks by requiring informal gun dealers to be licensed, improve reporting of lost and stolen weapons, beef up inspections of licensed dealers and target criminals who attempt to buy illegal guns. do you think the president is overreaching or is this something that could work? >> absolutely not. the president is certainly within his power to make these small improvements to current

Related Keywords

Actions ,Meeting ,Loretta Lynch ,Fight ,Law Enforcement Officials ,Nation ,Gun Laws ,Gun Reform ,20 ,2016 ,Office ,Survivor ,Mass Shooting ,Colin Godard ,Virginia Tech ,Colin ,2007 ,Bill Clinton ,Executive Action ,Reporting ,Criminals ,Background ,Dealers ,Weapons ,Inspections ,Gun Dealers ,Target ,Something ,Guns ,Power ,Improvements ,

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