place, but the decision they made here at some point to stick together in all of this given what you know about them, their mind-sets mind-sets, the minds of criminals. is it surprising they stuck together and didn't turn on each other, didn't separate? >> you know the whole thing -- one of the problems we have when we're on the outside of any investigation is we just don't know enough about them nor do we know enough about the layout of the land there. so, we can't look through their eyes because we're not standing there going, you know gosh i guess they couldn't have grabbed a car right here because there isn't anything for ten miles, because we just don't know. usually when you do is you go back and look at history. i'm sure that the police and investigators did look at this their history, what kind of people were they how did they think, you know what was their relationship. we're talk being two psychopaths, so you know they can turn on each other in three seconds flat if they're not useful to each other any longer. i guess at that point, they decided they're useful to each other. again, the most likely things one would expect is they were split up early on because we were looking for two, go