now, it is kind of uncomfortable that they have to put an asterisk on a super bowl that was won. it took them less time to find photos of greg hardy's abuse victim than it did to issue a 245 page report on this. >> let's talk about the thoroughness of this report. i refer you to figure 16 from the report, on page 240. that's pressure as a function of time while a football is being vigorously rubbed. that's the term in there, vigorously rubbed. that's apparently what the curve looks like when you vigorously rub a football and how its psi increases. this was a pretty thorough undertaking, dave. >> it keeps reminding me of that line from charlie murphy from the chappelle show. bill belichick and the patriots are habitual line crossers. that's why so many nfl players. this is what's shocking. nfl players put the wall of silence worse than the cops. when this started to break, people like mark burnell crying.