engine, slows the plane down. did all of that go well? if there was a problem with braking or problem with the thrust reversers, it's possible the plane could do a fishtail. in fact what happens to have happened the plane did fishtail hang a left and into the embankment. thankfully that was there. >> that's what investigators are trying to find out answer to these series of questions you raised? >> that's right. they'll recover both the flight data recorder and cockpit recorder, and that will give them that much information, we presume. how much of an icing condition. two previous pilots lit really four to five minutes before this plane landed said they had good braking conditions. in fact the runway had been plowed about 20 30 minutes prior to this incident. however this went down they were incredibly lucky. as you know it was about 23 years ago there was a fatal plane crash, a plane taking off in a snowstorm at laguardia, and