on the young man's body are there. the question is what abrasions if any do the police offices have to support the notion that there was the kind of struggle that would justify the use of deadly force. but unless you can offset the story of the police officers that he went for his gun, there was a struggle it is unlikely the district attorney's office will file charges against him. there doesn't mean there isn't a viable civil case that is there. it might be the only option that they have available unless there are witnesses who are out there. dy notice we saw in the mikechael brown case the district attorney's office will go at great lengths to discredit witnesses who are not in support of the police. so that could very well happy here, as well. >> and even in the case of eric garner garner. do you think we have a viable system in this country for dealing with officer-involved shootings of civilians when the district attorney who works with the police is involved? >> no i do not.

Related Keywords

Question ,Oman ,Gun ,Struggle ,Notion ,Police Officers ,Story ,Abrasions ,Force ,Kind ,Police Offices ,Body ,Use ,Office ,Mikechael Brown Case ,Witnesses ,There Doesnt Mean Isn Ta Viable ,District Attorney ,Charges ,Option ,Support ,Police ,We Saw ,Discredit Witnesses ,Lengths ,Country ,Officer ,Civilians ,System ,Case ,Shootings ,Dealing ,Eric Garner ,

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