the sunshine along with just a nice breeze. now, there is still some problems to be had with this storm. we're focusing more now on the jersey shore, long island, connecticut, rhode island and also eastern massachusetts. we have a cold front that's stalled out to the north. that's that little rain band you see south of albany and north of new york city. we have a lot of heavy rain to the south that's being sucked to the north. it is going to be a soggy fourth of july in that region. let me take you through it a little bit. there's areas of long island, already some squally weather coming onshore in the southern portions of long island. the jersey shore south of long island, south of long branch, south of beechwood, we have some heavier rain. further to the south we're looking at heavy rains existing virginia beach. that's news for you. that could be the end of your rainy morning. maybe your fourth of july plans for the afternoon will be okay after all. ocean city, maryland, through the coastal areas of delaware still dealing with squalls yourself so give it until about