we start the hour with a weather alert. hundreds of thousands are without power and those who have to travel or commute face treacherous conditions. let's look at that. this latest storm dumping a nasty mix of snow, sleet, freezing rain from the great lakes into the northeast. winter storm warnings are from the missouri valley to maine, covering 77 million americans. very good day to you. i'm richard lui. this storm is causing such a mess. two planes getting stuck on a taxiway in detroit, new york's governor cuomo and new york has shut down a major highway, interstate 84 between the pennsylvania and connecticut borders. plow drivers say people need to stay off the roads. >> in the main part of the storm, some people are smart enough to get home, but some go off the road into the snow bank, et cetera. we're not out of the woods yet. we have a lot of stuff coming.