president obama just got 40% of the vote. got just 40% of the vote. here are two ads running now in louisiana. one by the national republican senatorial committee and the other by senator landrieu's campaign. take a look. >> there's danger lurking out there. many have warned that it's coming. and now it's on the hunt and headed for you. at least 80,000 people statewide will not be able to keep their current insurance because of the federal health care overhaul. louisianans are struggling because of obama care. but for some reason mary landrieu is running on obama care. and shereenly told reporters quote, i'm not concerned about anything. course she cast the deciding vote for obama care in the first place. it's the brave new world of government incompetence and we're going to live in. >> i'm mary landrieu and i approve this message. hundreds of thousands of people across the country losing their current coverage.