into the locker room i think is despicable beyond measure. >> susan, does the fact that some teammates said they considered richie incognito a "quote honorary black man," does that suggest to you the world of professional sports has different standards, that it's existing outside the real world we all live in? >> it shows there no professionalism in professional football. it's one thing with the cafeteria tray. but what you ig con nit toe did is despicable. he's shown this behavior all along. this shouldn't come as a surprise. he's gotten into brawls in night clubs several times. he has the new charge he's harassed a female volunteer at a golf tournament. this is a despicable person. since he's been allowed to get away with it for so long, that's elevated a lot of the hazing that's gone on in these locker rooms. >> it's disturbing people are blaming jonathan martin for not being tougher or now the conforming >> right. >> disturbing